MAXANDEV التطبيقات

個股查詢 1.1.3
可查詢台股上市上櫃及興櫃股票的即時資訊。 功能: 1. 顯示上市上櫃即時大盤資訊 2.輸入上市上櫃或興櫃股票代號查詢個股股票即時行情資訊 3. 最近查詢列表 4. 可設定3組股票群組 5. 股票代碼輸入提示 6.即時新聞跑馬燈 7. 漲跌幅排行
One Billion Applause 0.0.3
Slots machine game about Teresa Teng.Collect more applause to see more performance fromTeresaTeng.The goal is to collect 1000000000 applause.
Multiplication Chart 1.1.1
With simple dynamic icons, this App will help to understand theconcept of multiplication. The numbers read with human voice alsoreinforce learning.
國中英文基本單字 1.0.1
國民中學基本英文單字, 每個單字都有真人發音, 還有音標、動詞三態及複數形式, 對於不熟悉的單字可以作記歸類加強練習。另有不定時更新的課外補充單字、還有可自行挑選加強的單字。
股東會紀念品 1.8.2
2020年台灣股市股東會紀念品來了! 將台股股東會開會日期、地點、紀念品項、及最後買進日等訊息一次列出。進入個股詳細頁面可檢視部分紀念品照片, 設定年度最愛個股,檢視各股歷年紀念品, 還有股務代理機構聯絡資訊有助處理股務事宜。可透過股票代碼搜尋各股股東會紀念品資訊, 點擊各個資料欄位名稱,即可依欄位資料來排序, 方便您管理及規劃股東會紀念品的領取。有贈送紀念品的個股可列出一周內召開股東會個股, 以及一周內最後過戶日將到期個股, 還有電子投票中的個股。目前提供2016年度以後的股東會紀念品資料。
China Calendar 1.7.1
Showing the date of the Lunar Year, and weather temperatureinformation of today and current week as well. Monthly viewprovides quick and easy look of the holidays and festivals everymonth. The daily fortune results and the direction of red and actand other information are for reference only. Please don't be toosuperstitious. Motto is hoping to inspire your every day life .
賓果遊戲 0.0.1
由75個號碼中隨機選取25個號碼,並分散在5X5的方格當中。接著開始叫號,如果5X5的方格中任何一個數字與叫號一樣,玩家便可在該號碼方格中點選以做記。只要限制時間之前出現任何直向、橫向或是對角線中的所有5個號碼皆被抽選出來則達成一次賓果。取得所有賓果球後,可進入自由模式,與朋友一起同樂。From 75 numbersrandomlyselected 25 numbers and dispersed them in 5X5 square.Then started calling number, if any of a 5X5 grid numbersandcalled the same number, the player can tap to make note ofthenumber in the box.As long as there is any vertical, horizontal or diagonal allfivenumbers are being decimated before the time limit is reachedonceout bingo.Get all bingo ball, can enter free mode, fun with friends.
高中英文基本單字 1.2.0
收錄了高級中學基本英文單字, 內容包含單字音標、詞性、動詞變化、複數型等資訊, 操作瀏覽介面簡易直覺。不熟悉的單字可加入加強單字反覆練習,還有不定時更新補充的熱門單字。
TW Typhoon Info 1.7.0
Present to you the Taiwan's typhoon real time information.Including the position of typhoons, wind speed, air pressure andrelated typhoon warning information. Show the school and workcalled off information on the Administrative area figure. Justsimply clicks to get the Taiwan typhoon information you want.
經典華容道 1.1.0
古老中國益智遊戲, 目的是將最大的方塊, 從最頂端移至最下方 聽起來很簡單,但是你玩玩看就知道不是那麼容易
Course Schedule 1.1.1
This Course Schedule app is very easy to use. Just tap any editableblock to Add, Delete or Edit. You can also set the coursebackground to any color you like.
Draw Lucky 1.1.2
Draw Lucky is the quickest and easiest way to draw. You can chooseto use the number range or directly enter the drawer list to decideto participate in the lucky drawer, And also set the title of luckydraw, and whether to repeat the winning and other options.
TW Earthquake 1.2.1
Provide you with the latest Taiwan earthquake information,Includingtime, earthquake scale, earthquake magnitude, location,depth andother information, The relative geographical location oftheearthquake will be shown in the map. List of recent earthquakesandhistorical database are also provided.
Dresize 1.0.0
Clothing sizes and shoes sizes are different according tothecountry or area of the world. You can compare differentsizenumbers of the world with this reference. Clothes type andgenderswitching is very easy as well as size changing. Users cansavetheir size records for later clothes buying reference.
Jfood code 1.2.0
You can select the name of the manufacturer, or fill in theuniquecode of the product to find out where the food is made of. Ifyouuse the method of selecting the manufacturer's name to query,itwill list all the registered unique codes of the manufacturer.Ifyou query by filling in a unique code, a list of vendorscontainingthe unique code will be listed.
Talculator 1.0.0
This calculator will speak out the numbers or operations withhumanvoice when you input during calculation, let you find theerrorimmediately to prevent from the human error duringcalculation. Thecalculation process will be recorded so that youcan see if all theprocesses are correct. You can concentrate on thepaper and letthis calculator read all the calculations for you. Youcan adjustthe voice speed and choose a different languagepronunciation.
元宵燈謎 1.0.5
Best Xrate 1.1.0
Query the latest exchange rates of more than 100 currenciesandrapidly two-way currency conversion with the latest exchangerates.Taiwan local bank exchange rate lists the latest currencyexchangerate of the source currency and the NTD exchanging.Exchange ratescan be sorted to find the best exchange rate of allbanks, theconverted amount of money with any exchange rate can becalculatedquickly as well.