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Animal Quiz Game
Playing this app provide you entertainment aswell knowledge of Animal world, The most popular species arecovered in this app. it is whole family quiz game.Animals are divided in six levels, level one is very easy levelmost of the kids already know the names.wrong answer will delete one chance, there are three chances toachieve your target score otherwise your score will becomezero.In this App you will find the following animals, check yourself howmany you know:Alligator,Ape ,Bear, Butter Fly,Cheetah, Cobra, Eel, Elephant,Fish, Flamingo, Frog, Giraffe, Goats, Gorilla, Hippo, Horse,Kangaroo, Kiwi, Leopard, Lynx, Monkey, Panda, Parrot, Polar Bear,Python, Star Fish, Tiger, Turtle, Wolf, Zebra""Anaconda, andean, Antelope, Aquoti, Bat, Bee, Beetle, Blad Eagle,Bop, Camel, Chamleon, Chimp, Jaguar, King Snake, Lady Bug, Lion,Lizard, Lobster, Octupus, Ostrich, Otter, Owl, Scorpions, Shirmp,Snake, Sting Ray, Stork, Toucan, whale, Wild Cattle""Bower Bird, Caracal, Cassowary, Cat Small, Clown Fish, Cockatoo,Slender-Snouted Crocodile, Dung Beetle, Echidna, Fulmar, Gannet,Golen Eagle, Harpy Eagle, Iguana, Jacana, Koala, Kookaburra, MarineAngel Fish, Millipede, Mountain Lion, Oryx, Painted Dog, PanamanianGolden Frog,Pangolin, Pelican, Penquin, Porcupine, Sea Lion,Stellers, Stick Insect, Swine, Tasmanian, Toad Fish, TortoiseDesert, Tuatara, Turtle""Angle Fish, Anteater, Armadillo, Boa, Bonobo, Caecilian, Coati,Condor, Dhole, Flying Fish, Fox Bat, Goliath Frog, Guenon,Hedgehog, Humming Bird, Humback Angle Fish, Hyena Spotted, Jacana,Lorikeet, Macaw, Orangutan, Oyster, Polar, Prairie Dog, PygmyMarmoset, Salamander, Somali Wild Ass, Spider, Spiral HornedAntelope, Squid, Tamandua, Tapir, Thick Billed Parrot, Vulture,Weaver, Wombat""Archre Fish, Cardinal Fish, Crane, Crowned Eagle, Cuttle Fish,Dragonfly, Fishing Cat, Fossa, Frigat Bird, Hamadrayas, Honeybadger, Hyrax, King Fisher, Kinkajou, Komodo, Lemur, Mandrill,Mngeby, Nile Lechwe, Ocelot, Ocra, Poison, Pronghorn, Rattlesnake,Rhino, Rintail, Rock Fish, Sea Cucumber, Sea Lion, Serval, Siamang,Singing Dog, Takin, Tarantula, Urchin, Walrus""Andean, Auk, Bali Mynah, Binturong, Capybara, Chimaera, Clam,Conch, Electric Ray, emu, Galapogos, Gila, Gouldian, Guam, Guanaco,Hornbill, Hyena Striped, Ibis, Leaf Cutter, Lumur Sifaka, Mantellafrog, Marsupial, Meerkat, Mole Rat, Okapi, Red Panda, Red tailedHawk, Reindeer, Seal, Sloth Bear, Sloth, Snow Leopard, spinyLobster, Sun Bear, Surinam, Warthog"Play and have fun.You may feel free to ask more for next version.
Memory Check 1.7
This is the awesome addictive game, fun for everyone. Makecompetitions with your friends and find out who can find all tilesin minimum time. There are various tiles to choose e.g. Candy,Animals, ABC, Color,Car Logo, select as you like and improve yourmemory. There are different difficulty levels with sound effectsand music.
Nature Sound - Fun with color 1.2
This App helps to get relax, All Nature soundssuch as forest, water fall, birds, sea breeze.Color changes as desired, any specific color can be freeze.Color changing speed and bubbles speed can be adjustedSome nature sounds help us fall into sleep easily. It is good forthose having sleeping disorder.
Flag Quiz 2.1
This App plays many roles: * Entertainment * Learning * ImproveMemory Power Sure, you know your own country’s flag and fiveneighboring countries flags. But do you know Asian countries flags?if you are living in Europe. Do you know African countries flag, ifliving in America. Flag design, colors and text carries country'sbackground, culture, political and religious affiliation. Everyonesays; World is global village but how many us know about thisvillage. View all countries flags before play the quiz. If youranswer is incorrect, app tell you right answer, it will ask youagain until you give the right answer. There are six levels fromeasy to difficult gradually. But in order to move next level youmust have to pass the current level. You can view all flags andcountry map to memorize all flags before playing. Give yourcomments once you complete all the levels. Go ahead and have funwith learning of these countries Flags: Afghanistan, Australia,Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel,Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, UnitedArab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America Argentina,Bangladesh, Brazil, Indonesia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia,Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania,Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Yemen Austria,Bahrain, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark,Eritrea, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Jordon, Liberia, Libya, Maldives,Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Palestine, Portugal,Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikstan,Tunisia Algeria, Angola, Begium, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegonina,Botswana, Cambodia, Chad, Comoros, Croatia, East Timor, Ethiopia,Haiti, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Kosovo, Lithuania, Luxembourg,Macedonia, Mali, Malta, Mautitania, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria,Norway, Panama, Papua, Somalia, Somailand, South Africa,Swazilands, Ukraine, Uruguay Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia,Burundi, Central African Republic, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica,Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominica, Ecuador, Estonia, Fiji, Gabon,Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Iceland,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyztan, Latvia, Liechtenste, Mauritius, Moldova,Nagorno Karabakh, Namibia, Niger, Palau, Paraguay, Peru,Seychelles, Slovenia, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Uganda, Uzbekistan,Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe Abkhazia, Andorra, Antiqua andBarbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Cape Verde,Cote d' Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, DominicanRepublic, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Federated States ofMicronesia, Grenada, Guinea, Honduras, Kiribati, Laos, Lesotho,Madagascar, Malawi, Marshall, Monaco, Montenegro, Mozambique,Nauru, Niue, Rwanda, Sahrawi, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia,Saint Vincent and Grenadine, Somoa, San Marino, Sao Tome andPrincipe, Sengal, Serbia, Slovakia, South Ossetia, Suriname, CookIsland, Transnistria State, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkish Republicof Northern Cyprus, Turmenistan, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vatican City
Improve your English language with easy quiz game where you learngrammar.
Imran vs Nawaz - Power Game 2.4
Background:Following massive allegations of rigging in the Pakistan2013general election, former cricketer-turned-politician ImranKhan'spolitical party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) hesitantlyacceptedthe election results demanding a probe into electoralrigging in 4constituencies as a litmus test for the rest of theelectionprocess. Government inaction in this regard led the PTI toorganiseseveral jalsas (lit. protest demonstrations) throughoutPunjab,which is prime minister Nawaz Sharif's politicalstronghold.This game will reflects your views. You will chooseyourFavorited politician and tap/ click on your undesiredpoliticianand this action will change the image to yourFavoritedpolitician.When all images will be converted in your Favorited politician,youwill listen your favorite slogan/mantra/chant, GO NAWAZ GO orROIMRAN RO and points will be awarded.There are fourlevels(Faisalabad, Karachi, Lahore, Pakistan) from easy todifficult.HAVE FUN and SHARE FUN(Note: you can send more suggestion make this free gamemoreinteresting)
Nursing Quiz 3.6
Productive Quiz app for nurses, nursing students and medicalexperts.
Car Logo Quiz 3.7
Discover Car Logo you may not be aware of
HVAC Quiz 5.3
Test your HVAC knowledge with our fun and informative quiz app -HVAC Quiz!
My Tasbih 2.7
App involves the repetitious declaration of short sentencesglorifying Allah.
Human Anatomy - Quiz Game 1.7
Know more your body, Good for nursing students & medicalprofessionals exams.
Car Driving - Quiz Game 1.9
Car Driving is a skill,Learn to save your life and other's life.