Medimapa Argentina التطبيقات

Medimapa Argentina
Medimapa Argentina
MEDIMAPA is the first application to searchforhealth care providers, pharmacies and doctors of Argentina.You can locate all nearby providers at your location usingyourGPS, filtering by category, by distance or by rating.You can send your comments and your rating to each oftheproviders and add them to a list of favorites to locate themeasilyin the future.You can directly call each provider, get driving directionsbyfoot or vehicle, visit their website, if available and muchmorewith a single click.MEDIMAPA Argentina does not guarantee the validity oftheinformation, nor that such information has not been alteredafterinsertion into the application. If the User feels wronged orharmedby such information, the User must direct its action onlyagainstthe supplier of such information. In that case on userrequest allthat information will be available to the user, to makeareclaim.MEDIMAPA Argentina is not responsible for: the sanctity ofdatatransmission, transmitted through the publictelecommunicationsnetworks or by any electronic means, or the Usermessages exchangedwith other users.