Micro86ma التطبيقات

Daily News 1.1
NY Daily NewsNY Daily News is the #1 android news app, it gives you thepossibility to stay in touch with the latest new yorrk daily news,concerning sports, polytics, celebrities ...Etc . do not hesitateto try out our NY Daily news app
USA TODAY NEWSUSA TODAY is accessible 24/7 on your Android device. you can stayinformed easily with USA Today
Nagios 1.0
Nagios app, gives you an idea about nagiosmonitoring tool , this nagios app makes you browse the open sourcenagios site : http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/quickstart.html.nagiosapp is filled with with all installation methods for all linuxdistribtions.there's a youtube nagios videos section too ,
Food network 1.4
Food networkFood network is an android app that lets you know more about foodnetwork.--------------do you know the paleo recipe books?---------------------------Fast Diet Paleo : well this is your chance to have a tour atpaleo's products, this apps offers you all in one , pelo recipe'sblog ,paleo recipes fast diet bonus , paleo recipe's facebook pagethat contains a lot of fast diet advices ,youtube review videos andtwitter that are going to help you reach secrets and tips for fastdiet. and also , it provides you the possibility to buy fast dietrecipes book from our blog http://paleorecipe0book.blogspot.com/with a very good prices or hard training
Butt workout 1.1
Butt workoutButt workout is an android app that makes you have a perfectfitness Plan to loose wight in less than 4 weeks. Android #1 Buttworkout app. it contains 3 levels Training Professional videos, byrespecting this workout plan , you will get Hard Buttlock musclesin less than 4 weeks. just try it, i hope you like it
Funny Videos 1.2
The best Selection Of funny videos. NonstopLaughing sessions. i hope you enjoy it.
Quick Paleo Diet 1.0
Quick Paleo diet is #1 android App thathelpsyou to cook Light and healthy snacks and diet recipes. It'sthemost efficient diet to achieve weight loss, unlike dukan Dietordetox methods .... Paleo diet still the the most followedDietmethod .
Chest workout 1.2
Chest workoutChest workout is an android app that makes you have aperfectfitness Plan to loose wight in less than 4 weeks. Android #1Chestworkout app. it contains 3 levels Training Professionalvideos, byrespecting this workout plan , you will get Hard Chestlock musclesin less than 4 weeks. just try it, i hope you likeit
Dogs 1.1
DogsDogs are our favourite Pets, it's an ancient human companionanimal.not like cats but nearer to human loyalty than other pets.Android#1 Dogs app
Procrastination 1.0
ProcrastinationProcrastination #1 android app. procrastination definition isthepractice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference tomoreurgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place oflesspleasurable ones. this application has an effectiveProcrastinationprogram juust to Show you how to stopprocrastinating.
SNMP 1.2
SNMP (simple network management protocol) isanapp that lets you know more about the famous snmp networkprotocol.snmp app has a video section about snmp simpleintrodution
Dragon 1.2
DragonA dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentineorreptilian traits, that features in the myths of manycultures.There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: theEuropeandragon and the Chinese dragon, i hope you like itBeyond all other species : Cats,Dogs,lions ...Etc ipreferdragons the most, Since my childhood i always was a big fanof thedragon concept, and that's why i developped this wonderfullapp, toassemble all dragon informations in 1 simple android app,you cansee here all the informations about dragons:-types of dragon.-mythologies of dragon-images of dragon-videos of dragon.-and a dragon wiki page containing a lot of informations.
All Recipes 1.2
All recipesyou are hungry ? but you still want to loose weight ? tired ofdietmethods ? want a fast diet recipe ? the Healthy snacksrecipeoffers you fast diet recipes that can help you to looseweighteasily without hard ab workouts--------------do you know the paleo recipebooks?---------------------------Fast Diet Paleo : well this is your chance to have a tour atpaleo'sproducts, this apps offers you all in one , pelo recipe'sblog,paleo recipes fast diet bonus , paleo recipe's facebook pagethatcontains a lot of fast diet advices ,youtube review videosandtwitter that are going to help you reach secrets and tips forfastdiet. and also , it provides you the possibility to buy fastdietrecipes book from our bloghttp://paleorecipe0book.blogspot.com/with a very good prices orhard training
ADHD 1.4
ADHD (Attention deficithyperactivitydisorder)What is ADHD : Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) isapsychiatric disorder of the neurodevelopmental type in whichthereare significant problems of attention, hyperactivity, oractingimpulsively that are not appropriate for a person's age.ADHDAPP isan android app that links you with some efficientnetworksspecialised in ADHD Treatement. unlike Procrastination orDrugAddiction , ADHD has a lot of kind of treatements to cure it .withthis application you'll have a clear view about ADHD Symptoms,ADHDMedication,, ADHD diagnosis, and ADHD treatement. i hope youlikeit
Cats 1.1
CatsCats are our favourite Pets, it's an ancient human companionanimal.not like Dogs but Softer than any other kind of pets.Android #1Cats app