Mobipath Erenet Yazilim ltd. التطبيقات

Konum Paylaş 1.5
Bilmediğiniz bir yerdesiniz ve adresinizi mimerak ettiniz?Etrafta bilen birisini aramanıza gerek yok. Konum Paylaşuygulamasını açın, tek tıkla adresinizi öğrenin. Dilerseniz adresbilginizi arkadaşlarınıza mesaj olarak iletin.
MobiTrack Family GPS 3.6
Using MobiTrack Family, you can track thelocations of your family members instantly!** You can use this useful application for older people orchildren, to enasure that they are always safe!** Very useful for older people with alzheimer disease!** This application can save life in case of an earthquake or othercatastrophes!Some of the key features are:** Under emergency conditions, an alarm message is sent to bothyour contacts and the tracking center (,** You may track instant locations on the map (normal or satellitemap choices exist),** Adjustable location update period,** In case of emergency, police stations and hospitals aroud youcould be shown,** You may start navigation to the location of one of your friendsor to the nearest police station or hospital,** Yu may see the last XX locations (10,100...2000) of yourcontacts from your mobile,** You can poll the location of your contacts via SMS,** Battery optimized GPS,** The system is able to work as background service,** The system is able to save your location data when you areoffline (When you are online all the accumulated positions are sentto the tracking center),** And many more spectacular features...
AuditF Franchise Audit 2.5
Protect the Value of Your BrandDo not spend your time with preparing audit forms or reports. Focuson improving the quality of the audit business. Leave us theoperational tasks.With AuditF technology, instantly get informed about importantissues that could affect your brand image.Get Informed About Audit Results InstantlyImprove the productivity of your audit business.Get informed about the critical issues on the field, that mayaffect your brand image.Keep track of the productivity of your audit teams. See their auditcounts, average auidit times and locations.Follow your dealer performance easily. For example, based onyour check list, you can easily see which dealers are performinggood and which ones are doing bad.Don not spend your time to report audit results on Excel or anyother platform. With AuditF, report audit results instantly withone click. Do not spend your valuable time with operational tasks,we can handle them for you.
MobiTrack Ekip Takip 1.3
Şirketinize ait personeli veyaaraçlarıücretsiz olarak izleyin.- Sosyal medya ile giriş imkanı,- Sistem email veya cep telefon bilgisi ile kullanılabilir,- Personel veya araçlar departmanlara göregruplandırılabilir(çevreler)- Kişiler için bölge tanımlanabilir (geofence)- Geçmiş konumlar haritada oynatılabilir,- Acil durum butonu ile şirketteki diğer kişilereSMS/Emailatılabilir,- Adres defterinden yeni kişi eklenebilir,- Geçmiş konumlar aynı zamanda 'dandaizlenebilir,- Kişiler SMS gönderilerek sorgulanabilir,Artık araç veya personel takibi için ücret ödemeye SON!.MobiTrack Ekip Takip sistemini belli sayıda personel/araçiçinücretsiz kullanabilirsiniz.Follow the staff ofyourcompany or car for free.- Access to the social media,- System information is available by email or phone,- Personnel or vehicles can be grouped according todepartment(circles)- Defined region for People (geofence)- Past positions can be played on the map,- Emergency button SMS to other people in the company /Emaildisposable,- You can add new contacts from the address book,- Previous positions at the same time I fromthetraceable,- People can be queried by sending SMSNow to pay for tracking vehicles or personnel LAST !.mobitrack Team Tracking system a certain number of staff / toolsyoucan use for free.
Nearest Mosques 4.1
Nearest Mosque is a free service to findthenearest mosques around you!If you are travelling frequently, it is always a need for youtofind the nearest mosques.With this nice app, you can find the mosques around you withjustone click.You can:* Find the address of a selected mosque,* Start navigaton to a selected mosque,* Share its location (or yours) with your friends.
Sesten Yazıya 1.5
Sesten Yazıya, sizi mesaj yazmazahmetindenkurtarır!Konuşmalarınızı tek tıkla paylaşılabilir bir metnedönüştürün.Sonrasında dilerseniz kısa mesaj dilerseniz de mailolarakarkadaşlarınızla paylaşın.Sesten Yazıya is a practical speech to text application. Youcanshare the generated text as either email or SMS message.