MoneyCompass التطبيقات

Outsmart Student Loans - Money Compass 0.5.7
No Hassle. Student Debt Optimization. Find the best way to manageyour student debt, lower your monthly payments and become debt freefaster Set your goals, we'll do the heavy lifting for you LowerInterest Payments, Reduce Ongoing Expenses and Increase YourSavings The first and only app that understand all your studentloans for you MoneyCompass app leverages AI to get Americans out ofdebt, starting with their student loans. It the first and only appthat provides you an optimization plan for both your federalstudent loans and other private loans. Our algorithms analyzemillions of repayment combinations to help you save thousands ofdollars on your loans and become debt free faster, even withoutrefinancing! We can analyze any type of loan or debt you have, soyou’ll be optimized no matter what loans you have. Set your goals,we’ll take it from there We know you’re busy, so we’ve built theperfect solution for you. First, easily upload your loans to theapp and let our engines analyze your financial status. Second, tellus what is your financial goal. Third, relax and get theoptimization plan that fits your financial plan. Have additionalquestions? Ask our financial experts! Student loans are complex,with a dozen different loans and more than 10 repayment options!Considering consolidation, loan forgiveness, deferment or otherconfusing terms? Have a specific question and you want to consultan expert? Ask for advice right inside the app, and yes, that isalso FREE. Multiple loan servicers? No problem! We can analyze allyour loans, including those from: CornerStone, FedLoan Servicing(PHEAA) Granite State – GSMR, Great Lakes Educational LoanServices, Inc., HESC/Edfinancial, MOHELA, Navient, Nelnet, OSLAServicing, Wells Fargo, Sallie Mae, College Ave, Discover andothers. PSLF tracking, know your status! As of early 2019, 99% ofPSLF applications have been rejected. Know how you stand with yourPublic Service Loan Forgiveness, get answers about the program, andtrack how many payments you have left. We can help you plan aheadand earn your rights! Made for students, by students Money Compassworks with student teams from leading colleges throughout the US inorder to provide a unique experience tailored to the needs ofcollege graduates. Some of the teams we work with come from UCLA,Northwestern, Dartmouth, Florida State, WashU and Binghamton.Powered by Masschallenge Money Compass is a proud finalist ofMasschallenge - one of the leading startup accelerators in the US.MassChallenge is committed to strengthening the global innovationecosystem by accelerating high-potential startups. So you got thisfar, want to be our friend?