Movisol التطبيقات

How much do you know about His 1.2
"History is the memory of things said anddone"… How good is your memory about historic events? Are you anexpert historian, or you can barely remember what happenedyesterday?This interesting test will lead you on a journey through historyand will put your knowledge and common sense to the test. If youdon't remember everything, don't worry ... you will definitelylearn something new.From the Stone Age until present, and going through AncientGreece, the Renaissance and the Industriasl Revolution, history isfilled with fascinating characters, facts and moments. Are youready to remember them?"How much do you kow about History?" is an entertainmentapplication only and cannot evaluate a person's knowledge.*****************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook*****************************************
Palm Reader Guide 1.2
Chiromancy: The art of interpreting your personality just bylooking at the palm of your hands. With this app, you will learn tointerpret your OWN hand: we'll give you some guidance at whataspects of it to look for, and we'll deliver a precise descriptionof your virtues, flaws and overall personality.Have you always wanted to learn the secrets of palmistry? Uncovernow the secrets that fortunetellers conceal and discover yourpersonality at the look of your hand!
Luck Horoscope 1.3
* Almost 1 MILLION people have alreadydownloaded this app. Get it now too!!!*Do you wake up every morning and wonder what do love, health,work and money have in store for you? Don´t waste more timeworrying about it: download the LUCK HOROSCOPE and take a look atyour fate for today.Download it now and let's see what fate has in store foryou!******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
5 Big Traits 1.1
Discover the five basics of your personality.There are five basic personality factors that combined, reflectupon your personality. These are known as the OCEAN or BIG FIVEfactors: How Open, Conscientious, Extraverted, Agreeable andNeurotic (or emotionally stable) you are. To determine yourpersonality type, answer a few questions and discover the mostimportant traits of your personality. Are you ready to learn aboutyourself?
What Sexual Animal are you? 1.3
In bed, do you behave like a wild tiger or aloving hippopotamus? You are only a few questions away from findingout.Take this fun test and find out to what animal is your sexualbehaviour similar to. By taking it, you will learn many thingsabout yourself and also some very interesting facts about sexualbehaviour in many animals. At the end, you will know which animalare you most similar to and why.Are you ready to find out WHAT SEXUAL ANIMAL ARE YOU? Meow!******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Test of Life 1.4
Do you want to know how long will you live?Try the TEST OF LIFE app and find out.Your life expectancy depends on many factors: some arehereditary, others depend on your habits and lifestyle. Answer somesimple questions and the app will give you an estimate of your lifeexpectancy as it stands today, as well as some tips to improve yourhealth.Do you want to know too how does smoking, over o undereating andyour genetics can affect your life span? By answering TEST OF LIFEquestions in different ways you can see how these can affect yourlife expectancy. Are you ready to find out how long will youlive...?******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
How much do you know about Sex 1.1
Do you know all you should about sex? We don´tthink so!In this new version, you will be ble to play by turns againstfriends (either by challenging them or accepting their invitations)and send each other messages while playing.Download this fun test and find out if you really do. HOW MUCHDO YOU KNOW ABOUT SEX? Will teach you about many sex facts that youprobably did not know and will put to the test your sex knowledge.Our lite version has 10 questions, and our complete version over100... so when you finish it, you can call yourself a SEXPERT!Get ready to learn all there is about sex!******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Tontómetro 1.4
So you think you are smart? PROVE IT.STUPIDMETER is a fun tool capable of measuring your IQ through aseries of carefully designed and selected questions. With youranswers to this fun questions, based on the most popularintelligence tests of all times, we will make an immediateevaluation of you intellectual coefficient.To have an exact measurement, you must answer this questions asquickly as possible.In this new version, you will be ble to play by turns againstfriends (either by challenging them or accepting their invitations)and send each other messages while playing. Measuring yourintelligence had never been so much fun.Remember this is an entertainment app... if you are interestedin finding out your real IQ, we advice you to visit a professionalspecifically trained in the field.******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Are you left-brained or right- 1.4
Did you know that the left and righthemispheres of our brains process information in different ways?For example, while our left hemisphere is logical and symbolic, ourright hemisphere is more intuitive and holistic. Most of us useboth sides of our brain, but we usually have a dominant side thatinfluences the way that we solve problems and face life.With this test you will find out which side of your brain isdominant and you will learn about the way you process information.Are you a list-maker? Are you usually late for appointments? Do youenjoy geometry better than algebra? Based on some simple questions,you will find out your hemisphere dominance and learn how toenhance the way you think.Are you ready to put your brain to the test?******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Know Yourself 1.1
Did you know that people are born with anddevelop during their lifetime certain preferred ways of thinkingand acting? In the same way that right-handed people find itextremely hard to write with their left hand, most people preferacting certain way and find it really hard to think using theiropposite psychological preferences. This has a direct impact on theway people make decisions and how they understand and interpret newinformation.This test evaluates different aspects of psychological thinkingin four opposite pairs, or dichotomies, with a resulting 16possible psychological types. With this test you will discover yourbasic qualities, a description of your character, the professionalcareers you would be good at according to your type, a list offamous people that share your character, relationships with otherpersonality tests and statistical data.Are you ready to find out which personality type do you fall in?Answer this questions and see!
Which is your deadly sin? 1.0
The 7 Deadly Sins is a classification ofreprehensible vices that has been used since early Christian times.They are seen as the origin of every other sin. Wrath, Gluttony,Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth and Greed... Are you guilty of any ofthem? Find it out now with this fun test!
Who were you in a past life? 1.1
The soul lives after death and it is reborn ina whole new person. Reincarnation will always depend on ourprevious life's behaviour: Have you been asking yourself where didall your gifts, fears and hobbies came from? Were you good or evil?Are you honoring your past life, or are you heading away from thepath your soul had traced?Answer this fun test and find out. You'll be surprised!
What is your sexual age? 1.3
Calendars have nothing to do with the tickingof your sexual clock: You can be an old man with the sexual desireof a teenager, and a very young man with the libido ofMethuselah.Your sexual age is defined by physical conditions (which have adirect impact on your levels of desire and your libido) and youroverall approach to sex. Are you ready to find out what is yoursexual age?
My Pet 1.0.0
Do you love animals? Are you reallyintolooking for pictures of adorable kittens on the Internet? Youhavefound the right place: a social app to share the best animalspics(your own pets count, too!)* Discover the funniest and most adorable pets.* Judge their posts: Would you say that is a good picture?* Comment on the photos: Are they funny, cute or you just don'tgivea damn? C'mon, express yourself!* Pick your favorite pictures by granting them a star.* Share all the photos you want on Facebook or send an email:wishyour friends a happy day!* And the most important thing: Don't be shy and uploadsomepicture! Bear in mind that this app is mostly built by allitsusers.... All the fun goes on!: discover our private chat and meet lotsofusers from this great community.*If you should find in this app any objectionable content,pleasefile a report to and wewillreview it within 24 hours******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook*****************************************
Color Blindness Test 1.1
Through a series of images from therenownedIshihara test, this test will allow you to find out if yousufferof a vision deficiency that inhibits your ability tocorrectlydistinguish colors.We will show you a series of images, and according totheircomposition and color combination, you will be able todetermine ifyou have a problem with a specific color."Color Blindness Test" is only an application and cannotreplaceprofessional assessment. If you would like to check onthepossibility of being color blind, visit yourophthalmologist.
Paparazzi 1.0.2
Do you love meeting famous people andtakingpictures with them? You're so lucky: This is the app youeverneeded! A new universe comes straight to you.By using this app you will...*Upload your own pics with celebrities... Let the usersenjoy!*View how other users post photos surrounded by celebs.*Save your favourite pics. You'll keep them handy!*Is there a particular picture you really love? Do you want toshareyour opinion on it? Don't be shy: vote and comment!And there's a lot more! You can also enjoy our free chatandprivately meet all the users you wish.Tons of fun and thousands of celebrities are waiting foryou...Join now this awesome community!*If you should find in this app any objectionable content,pleasefile a report to and wewillreview it within 24 hours******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook*****************************************
Do you make good first impress 1.2
You think you aced your job interview...butthey never called you back. You think you got along great withyourblind date... but now he/she never picks up the phone. Maybeyouare failing at FIRST IMPRESSIONS.People form first impressions by creating a composite of allthesignals given off by a new experience: Like taking a picture.Ittakes only 3 seconds to make a conclusion aboutfreshacquaintances... and a lifetime to change it.Are you ready to find out if you are giving the correctfirstimpressions? Take this test and find out!
Emotional Intelligence 1.1
Emotional intelligence is an ability, skillora self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and controltheemotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. Answer thesefewquestions and find out your Emotional Quotient.
Are you an introvert or an ext 1.3
Introverted, me? You probably have hearditonce or twice and have not been able to believe it.While introverts tend to keep their feelings forthemselves,Extroverts tend to be very sociable and they can easilycommunicatewhat they feel to the rest of people. None of themshould beconsidered as flaws: People can benefit from eithercharacter aseach has many advantages.Dou you want to know which are you? Take this test andfindout!
What is your temperament? 1.1
Do you know what Temperament is? It isdefinedas the characteristics of a person's behavior that are moreor lessconsistent over time. We're not talking about a person whoisnervous about something, but about someone who is nervous allthetime. Nor about someone who is happy from time to time, butsomeonewho is almost always happy.These character types have been identified andclassified,forming the basis of the theory of the "FourTemperaments":Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic.With this test, you can discover what YOUR TEMPERAMENT is,andwhat your corresponding strengths and weaknesses are. Haveyourfriends take this test, so that they can discover theirtemperamenttoo!******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Sexual Compatibility Test 1.1
Sexual Compatibility is more than justtheability of a couple to have great sex. Sexual compatibilityexistsemotionally, psychologically, spiritually and physically, anditgoes beyond the bed: it is relevant throughout the entireday!Also, it tends to fluctuate through time: at time you willfeelsuper connected to your couple, at other times you won't - butthatdoes not mean that sexual compatibility is over.Would you like to find out how compatible you and your partnerare?Take some minutes to answer this test. You may find somesurprises- and you will also learn some tricks on how to improveand enhanceyour mutual passion and compatibility.Are you ready to find out if you are a match made in heaven?
Your Ideal Weight 1.2
Are you overweight, underweight orjustperfect?YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT is an app that estimates what youshouldideally weigh, based on your Body Mass Index (whatdoctorsrecommend) and what people would like to weigh, based onheight andage. This app calculates both, and the ideal weight iscalculatedby using Dr. SB Hall's formula (2002).Unsure of what Body Mass Index is? It is a referenceindex(invented by Belgian scientist Jacques Quetelet and adopted bytheWorld Health Organisation) based on your weight and height usedtoevaluate the risks associated with excess weight in adults.Take notice: If you are a child, a bodybuilder or pregnant,thisapp will not give you accurate advice. If you are neither ofthese,download this app and check out what you should really weigh!Plus,check our calorie table!******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Jokes Roulette 1.0.6
* Over HALF A MILLION people havealreadydownloaded this app. Get it now too!!!*Jokes Roulette renovates itself big time!Besides reading the best jokes ever, you will now enjoytheseawesome features:* Community: upload your best funny pictures or jokes andletthousand of people enjoy them too* Ratings: vote your favorite jokes and read the mostpopularones* Topics: Find the best jokes sorted by topic* Follow-up: Save your favorite jokes for future laughs* Friends: Get in touch with the best joketellers via chatDon't miss the ultimate jokes app!*****************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook*****************************************
Here at Movisol we have turned psychic: Wehavedeveloped the ability to guess what underwear you are wearingrightnow, this minute. By answering a few questions, we will tellyouwith precision what do you have under your clothes. Relax: Thisisnot an X-Ray machine... we have not developed it yet.You don´t believe us? Try this fun quiz and see for yourself!
Math Speed Test 1.3
Accept it: every time you gogrocery-shopping,you need your mobile's calculator to calculate howmuch will 8bottles at 70 cents each will cost. You have becomequite lazy inmath, haven't you?Stop being so! Calculators can help us with complexoperations,but for simple calculations you should always use yourhead. If youalways do this, your mind and your memory will becomemuch morenimble and quick. You don't think so? Try it! Discover nowthat themore you practice, the quicker your answers will be.Show that you are a fast thinker!*****************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook*****************************************