NetConsulate Software Pvt. Ltd. التطبيقات

GPS Speedometer app that show current/Maximum/Averagespeed,distance & GPS data
Speed Limit Alert
Speed Limit Monitoring, Speed Limit violationalert and panic alert Mobile application with facility to changesettings using SMS commands.Must have Mobile App for Drivers, Passengers, Bus Operators,Parents, Spouses, Traffic Police ,Security Personals and DisasterManagement Personals.Stay safe by traveling below speed limit and locatable when inpanic situation using SpeedLimitAlert App.Application Features:• Speedometer: Shows Current Speed in Kilometers Per Hour/ Milesper Hour unit.• Speed Limit Alert: Audio/SMS/EMail Alerts on Violation of setSpeed Limit.• Speed Limit Alert by SMS: Sends SMS to listed Mobile Numbers onViolation of Speed Limit including date/time,vehicle number and GPSlocation of User.Speed Limit Alert by EMail: Send EMail to listed email addresses onviolation of set speed limit including date/time, vehicle numberand GPS location of user.• Speed Limit Alert Audio Alarm: Plays Audio Alarm on violation ofSpeed Limit for specified time.• Choice of Audio Alarm Type: Siren Sound ( view demo ) or Selected Ringtone( view demo at orSpecified Text to Speed Synthesis ( view demo at• Choice of SMS Alert Recipients: User can set up to three mobilenumbers to receive Speed Limit Alerts.• Choice of Audio Alarm Play Time: Set Audio Alarm play duration inseconds.• Choice of Speed tolerance Time: Set Ignorance time in second sothat application wont raise alarm again tolerance period.• Set Vehicle Number: User can set vehicle number in preferences orby sending it by SMS.• Panic Button: User can Long press Panic button to send storedpanic alert SMS to mobile numbers listed by user inpreferences.• Background mode: If this mode is selected in preferences,application monitors speed and alarms speed limit violation whenapplication is not in foreground.SMS Commands: Speed Limit Alarm provides sms commands to changeapplication settings by sending SMS commands.Using preferences, user can list up to three mobile numbers fromwhich it accepts SMS commands or specify that any mobile number cansend SMS command.Following SMS commands (uppercase or lowercase) at supported.1) To Get User LocationTo Get GPS location of user sends SMS"LOCATION". SpeedLimitAlert applications send Google maps GPSlocations URL by sms. User can open this GPS location url in webbrowser to locate user2) To Get Speed of userTo Get speed, send SMSGET SPEEDSpeedLimitAlert application sends current speed.3) To Set Speed LimitTo set speed Limit value ,send SMS'SET SPEEDLIMIT Value" For example to set speed limit to 60, sendsmsSET SPEEDLIMIT 60.4) To set Vehicle Number:To set vehicle Number ,Send SMS "SET VEHICLENUMBER vehiclenumber.For example to vehicle number as MH04ZZ9999, send SMSSET VEHICLENUMBER MH04ZZ99995) To set alarm type to Siren Sound send SMSSET ALARMTYPE SIREN6) To set alarm type to speech synthesized TEXT Send SMSSET ALARMTYPE SPEECH.7)To set alarm type to ringtone, send SMSSET ALARMTYPE RINGTONE8) To set alarm text to be synthesized , send SMSSET ALARMTEXT text.For example to set Speech synthesis audio alarm text to ”Pleasedrive slowly” Send SMSSET ALARMTEXT Please drive slowly.9) To receive speed limit alerts by SMS send SMSSET SENDSPEEDALERTSMS ON.10)To stop receiving speed limit violation alerts by SMS, sendSMSSET SENDSPEEDALERTSMS OFF11)To set speed measurement unit to Kilometers per Hour sendSMSSET SPEEDUNIT KPH12)To set speed measurement unit to Miles per Hour sendSMSSET SPEEDUNIT MPH13)To set speed tolerance time send SMS SET SPEEDTOLERANCETIMEtimeFor example to set speed tolerance time to 5 seconds, sendSMSSET SPEEDTOLERANCETIME 5.
Rooster Crowing Dawn Alarm
Rooster Crowing Dawn Alarm for Prayers,exercise at Sunrise forBlissful Morning