NewPyme التطبيقات

Cuentas Plan General Contable 1.0.1
Detallado cuadro de cuentas del actual PlanGeneral de Contabilidad con inclusión de las definiciones yrelaciones contables de cada cuenta y subgrupo contable.La herramienta esta respaldada por el, uno de los portales de referencia paraprofesionales de la contabilidad, donde cualquier usuario tiene asu disposición información adicional sobre los procedimientos decontabilización.Detalle de cada cuenta contable:- Código contable- Título- Descripción- Movimientos al debe- Movimientos al haber- Cuentas relacionadas, por ejemplo desde la 430 podemos saltar ala cuenta 705 directamente- Marcado o desmarcado de una cuenta como favorita, posteriormentepodremos acceder directamente a dicha cuenta desde la sección defavoritas.- Acceso directo a más información en la webAcceso a la información de cada cuenta:a) Navegando a través de los grupos y subgrupos contables.b) Si la hemos marcado como una cuenta favorita desde el listado defavoritas.c) Utilizando el sistema de búsqueda que permite localizar unadeterminada cuenta a partir de su nombre o de su códigocontable.Otras características:- Asesorías de proximidad, la aplicación integra los datos decontacto de la red de asesorías de proximidad integradas en elentorno área de pymes. Partiendo de la información degeolocalización del terminal se muestra la información de contactoda la asesoría más cercana.- Alertas de interés, la aplicación esta preparada para recibiralertas del entorno Área de Pymes – – – – de interés en el ámbito de la gestión depequeñas y medianas empresas.Detailed accounts of thecurrent box General Accounting Plan including definitions andaccounting records of each account and sub-accounts.The tool is supported by the portal,one of the portals of reference for accounting professionals, whereany user has available information on accounting procedures.Detail of each ledger account:- Accounting Code- Title- Description- Movements to be- Movements to be- Related Accounts, for example can jump from 430 to 705 directlyaccount- Marked or unmarked as favorite an account, then we can godirectly to that account from favorite section.- Direct access to more information on the webAccess to information for each account:a) Navigating through accounting groups and subgroups.b) If we have marked as favorite account from the list offavorites.c) Using the search system to locate a specific account from yourname or account code.Other Features:- Advising of proximity, the application integrates data fromcontact proximity advisory network integrated into the environmentSME area. Based on the location information of the terminaldisplays contact information gives the nearest counseling.- Alerts of interest, the application is ready to receive alertsarea SMEs environment - - - of interest in the field of management ofsmall and medium enterprises.
Abanfin F. Calculator full 1.11
With this application you will have a powerful set of financialcalculators which respond to the needs of most common financialcalculation in your personal and professional life. CALCULATORSINCLUDED Loan – Mortgage: • Constant installments • Exclusionperiod for capital repayments • Residual payment • Arithmeticprogression • Geometric progression • Diminishing instalmentsInvestments: • With capitalization of interest • Withoutcapitalization of interest Savings plan: • With or without regularcontributions • Regular contributions increased by arithmeticprogression • Regular contributions increased by geometricprogression • Regular contributions without increase Leasing •Residual value as fixed payment • Residual value as variablepayment COMMON FEATURES - Help files for each type of calculador. -User interface easy to use. - Each calculator starts up with thelast saved values. - You’ll send, by email, variables and mainresults of each simulation. RESULTS AND REPORTS OF CALCULATION Loanand Mortgage: • Dinamic report with main results • Fullamortization table • Graph the evolution of payments with each ofits components over the duration of the loan or mortgageInvestments • Dinamic report with main results • Full investmenttable Savings plan • Dinamic report with main results • Summarytable with the expected contribution and the consolidated capitalin each time. • Graph the evolution of consolidated capital,accumulated interest and accumulated contributions over theduration of the savings plan. Leasing • Dinamic report with mainresults • Full amortization table
Abanfin Financial Calculator 1.1
With this application you will have a powerfulset of financial calculators which respond to the needs of mostcommon financial calculation in your personal and professionallife.CALCULATORS INCLUDEDLoan – Mortgage:• Constant installments• Exclusion period for capital repayments• Residual payment• Arithmetic progression• Geometric progression• Diminishing instalmentsInvestments:• With capitalization of interest• Without capitalization of interestSavings plan:• With or without regular contributions• Regular contributions increased by arithmetic progression• Regular contributions increased by geometric progression• Regular contributions without increaseLeasing• Residual value as fixed payment• Residual value as variable paymentCOMMON FEATURES- Help files for each type of calculador.- User interface easy to use.- Each calculator starts up with the last saved values.- You’ll send, by email, variables and main results of eachsimulation.RESULTS AND REPORTS OF CALCULATIONLoan and Mortgage:• Dinamic report with main results• Full amortization table• Graph the evolution of payments with each of its components overthe duration of the loan or mortgageInvestments• Dinamic report with main results• Full investment tableSavings plan• Dinamic report with main results• Summary table with the expected contribution and the consolidatedcapital in each time.• Graph the evolution of consolidated capital, accumulated interestand accumulated contributions over the duration of the savingsplan.Leasing• Dinamic report with main results• Full amortization table