Numio التطبيقات

Numio 2.0.9
Numio allows consumers to take full control of theirEthereumcryptocurrencies with faster and cheaper transfers 💸 Whydoes thismatter? Fees are a deal-breaker in crypto transactions. Iffees aretoo high then people look elsewhere. This was apparent inFebruary2021 when Ethereum Gas fees hit an average of $22 for asimpletransaction. That’s why, after researching where Ethereum mayheadin the future, Numio incorporated the Layer 2 scalingsolution,zkRollups, allowing users to make instant paymentswithsignificantly lower Gas fees. It turns out that we are goodcompanywith our decision, as Vitalik Buterin later stated* how heexpectszkRollups to ‘win out’ in all use cases'. Non-custodialThere areplenty of news reports about centralized crypto serviceslosingcustomers’ crypto or freezing accounts. It might be down to ahack,a rogue employee, or manipulation, but they all have one thingincommon, centralized services are in full control of your walletandeverything in it. With Numio, you generate your own privatekeyswithin the app and can download them at any time - we havenoaccess to your crypto, period. Over 300 Ethereum Tokens Youcansend and receive 10+ different ERC-20 tokens on ourzkRolluppowered Numio Wallet ⚡ and a further 300+ tokens on ourStandardWallet . Current Numio Wallet ⚡ tokens include; - ETH -WBTC - USDC- PHNX - STORJ … and more Purchase cryptocurrencies Youcan adddebit/credit cards and use them to make in-app cryptopurchases.Load up your wallets in just a couple of taps! EthereumLayer 2purchases are coming soon! Choose your own security 🔒Choosebetween assisted cloud backup, or manual (DeFi) backup.Assistedbackup is an easy to use and highly secure cloud backup,secured byNIST Grade biometrics. However, not everyone wants acloud account,and not everyone wants to use biometrics, and whyshould they? Forthose that don't, we have a manual (DeFi) backupoption – justcreate an account with the information of your choice,manuallystore your Recovery Key, and away you go. No KYC KYC (KnowYourCustomer) checks are not required to use Numio. No registrationfeeDownloading and signing up for Numio is free - we won’t chargeyouto make an account. Import Wallets You can import yourcurrentwallet into Numio. Allowing you to track your portfolio andtakeadvantage of the cheap fees, and instant transactions, offeredbyzkRollups. Send to names not account numbers Instead oflong,complicated account numbers, you can choose your own usernameanduse that for sending and receiving payments.AuthenticationTwo-factor authentication (2FA) was a must for allour products.Current third-party authentication systems are clunky,and notparticularly user friendly, so we designed and built abetterversion that doesn't require searching through codes. Our appuseson-device biometrics linked to public-key cryptography, so youcaninteract with logins, and confirm payments, with the touch ofafinger. Design We want Numio to be easy for anyone to use,whatevertheir technical ability, which is why the app has beendesignedwith simplicity in mind. NumioCloud ☁️ Our proprietarycloudsoftware utilizes zero-knowledge proofs (zkProofs) to secureandprotect virtually any type of data; from private-key backupandcredit/debit card data, to identity documents for KYC/AML.Lockedup and secured with on-device biometrics, you have fullcontrolover what happens to your data. When undertaking KYC atthird partyplatforms the documents never leave your device, justtheattestation, so you can be safe in the knowledge that nonefariousparty has a copy of your passport. Future additions DeFifeaturesincluding trading, swaps, pooling and lending. Follow UsTwitter:*