Philippe Bousquet التطبيقات

Shotgun Practise 1.1
Philippe Bousquet
Shotgun Practise is a shooting game on target, move the viewfinderas close to the center of the target, then « shoot » by touchingthe screen of your device. This game is developed and maintained byPhilippe Bousquet since April 2015 and is distributed under theterms of the GNU General Public License v3. Graphics come : * The Gun : Tokarev TT-33 * Bullets : bullet *Viewfinder : Target * The target : Cible The rest has been achievedthrough free tools Gimp and Inkscape and is distributed under theterms of the Creative Commons BY-SA. Sound FX come : * Shot : Gun Shot Sound Voices are from PhilippeBousquet and were processed by Audacity. They are distributed underthe terms of the Creative Commons BY-SA. HOW TO PLAY? Tap the Playbutton to launch the game. Then, just rotate your device to movethe viewfinder, and tap the screen to shoot. Try to make your shotclosest as possible to the center of the target. The game is overonce you’ve made six shots. TECHNOLOGIES Shotgun Practise is asmartphone and tablet application developed with : * HTML 5 *Cordova (PhoneGap) * JQueryMobile * EaselJS Today there is aversion for FirefoxOS and Android, if you want you can package thisapplication for other systems : iphone, windowsphone, blackberry,bada… FREE SOFTWARE Shotgun Practise is a Free Software, so it hasthe four following freedoms : * Freedom 0 : The freedom to run theprogram for any purpose. * Freedom 1 : The freedom to study how theprograms works, and change it to make it do what you wish. *Freedom 2 : The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help yourneighbor. * Freedom 3 : The freedom to improve the program, andrelease your improvments (and modified versions in general) to thepublic, so that the whole community benefits. NEWS & DOWNLOADFor more information and follow the news of this game please visitthe Shotgun Practise web page :
Darts Contest 1.1
Philippe Bousquet
Darts Contest is a darts game for smartphoneand tablet.This game is developed and maintained by Philippe Bousquet<>since June 2015 and is distributed under the terms of the GNUGeneral Public License v3.Graphics come from :* The dart : Dart* The viewfinder : yellow target* The dartboard : Dartboard TemplateThe rest has been achieved through free tools Gimp and Inkscapeand is distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsBY-SA.Sound FX come from :* Dart : Sword Swing Sound* Buzzer : Door Buzzer SoundThe others are from Philippe Bousquet and were processed byAudacity. They are distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons BY-SA.How to play?Tap the Play button to launch the game, and choose 1 Playeror2 Players. Then, just rotate your device to move the viewfinder,andtap the screen to shoot.Try to make the highest score possible.Game ruleThe 501 :Each player starts with a capital of 501 points. Then launches aset of three darts (or less), we add the score of these andsubtract the result to its capital to be the first at exactly zero(not to exceed).The 301 :The rule 301 is the same as the 501 except that the players startthe game with a score of 301 instead of 501.The Double Out :This option adds a difficulty to the game. Indeed, in order tocomplete the game, players must launch their last arrow in a «double ».
drkNoïd 1.2
Philippe Bousquet
drkNoid is a simple breakout with 10levelsdeveloped in HTML 5 through phoneGap and jQueryMobile
drkSimon 1.5
Philippe Bousquet
Introduction drkSimon is a memory game for smartphones. It uses theprinciple of the famous 80's arcade game Simon. This game isdeveloped and maintained by Philippe Bousquet since October 2013and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General PublicLicense v3. The graphics were designed by Philippe Bousquet anddistributed under license Creative Commons BY-SA. The sound effectshave been made through free software, such as Jackd, Qsynth etAudacity, and are also distributed under license Creative CommonsBY-SA. For more information and follow the news of this game pleasevisit the drkSimon's web page : How to play? To bring upthe menu simply press the menu button, then you can define thelevel of play in the settings. To start a game, press the Simon,you must repeat the color sequence proposed by the game.As long asyou do not make an error, a color is added to the sequence. Howlong will you take before you make a mistake ? Good luck
drkTodo 1.0
Philippe Bousquet
drkTodo is a simple application that represents a list of things todo for android phone. This application is an hybrid developed withhtml5, jquerymobile and phoneGap (cordova) technologies. It simplyallows you to list your different things to do. In addition, itstores the last 15 spots entries.
BinaryClock 1.1
Philippe Bousquet
This is a simple clock with a binarydisplay(for geeks).In fact this clock displays the time on your Android phoneat12h. that is to say with the notions AM (morning) andPM(afternoon).
drkPongTennis 1.0.2
Philippe Bousquet
drkPongTennis is a simple game likePonginspired on tennis game. It's a free software distributed undertheGNU General Public License v3.
drkWhip 1.3
Philippe Bousquet
drkWhip est un utilitaire complètement inutile, qui reproduit leson d'un fouet lorsqu'on secoue son téléphone. Cette application,m'a simplement été inspirée par un épisode de la série télévisée"The Big Bang Theory", où ils utilisaient une application de cetype. Cette application est développée et maintenue par PhilippeBousquet depuis novembre 2013 et est distribué selon les termes dela GNU General Public License v3. Pour plus d'informations etsuivre l'actualité de ce jeu veuillez vous rendre sur la page WebdrkWhip.
drkBomb 1.4
Philippe Bousquet
IntroductiondrkBomb is an agility game for smartphone. It involves passingthephone represents a bomb from hand to hand by avoiding shaking.Thisgame is inspired by the game Tic Tac Boum seen on thefamousconsole WII (WII Party).This game is developed and maintained by Philippe Bousquetwiththe help of Emmy Carrière since August 2013 and isdistributedunder the terms of the GNU General Public Licensev3.Some graphics have been made by Emmy Carrière (8,5 yeras old)andPhilippe Bousquet (oldest), the other from the siteOpenClipart.organd are distributed under Creative Commons BY-SAlicense.The sound effects have been found on the site andarealso distributed under Creative Commons BY-SA license.For more information and follow the news of this gamepleasevisit the drkBomb Webpage: to play?To bring up the menu simply press the menu button, then youcandefine the level of play in the settings.To initialize a game, press the GO button, then hold downtheyellow button to start the game.After 10 seconds, the other button is flashing, then releasethefirst button and within 2 seconds press the second button. Ifthisaction is not made within 4 seconds, the bomb explodes. Thenrepeatthe operation.Warning, do not shake the phone, press or release too earlyortoo late a button, otherwise the bomb explodes and the gameisover.Good luck