Piramida Entertainment التطبيقات

Treasure Island LCD Retro 1.1.0
Piramida Entertainment
All graphics was redrawn by hand. Sounds are typical beeps andticks. Game logic is as accurate as possible, done mostly bymemory. B) You can see here, how the game looked in those days:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZTfd1LwsqU Ads have been removed,the game is completely free! If you play this game for the firsttime, there's an in-game tutorial when you start the game, or youcan read the detailed instructions below. Those familiar with thegame, just press PLAY to skip tutorial and play the game. There are4 stages of game and bonus level (Casino) between stages. Eachstage ends when you get 500 points or more on that stage. Stage 1:move from left to right, pick the key and enter the hut. Avoid theenemies. Stage 2: move from right to left, drop the bomb to piratehideout when you're at the middle position by pressing BOMB/STOP;after the hideout is destroyed, the raft appears, so you can bringtreasure chest on your ship. Avoid the enemies. Stage 3: same asstage 1, but more enemies appear, also a bird can steal the key youcarry. Stage 4: same as stage 2, but more enemies appear, also abird can steal the treasure you carry. Bonus stage Casino: pressBOMB/STOP button to stop the spinning numbers. If all 3 numbersmatch, points are added to your score. You can set sound on/off bytapping the dots of game speaker in upper right corner. Powered byAndEngine [www.andengine.org]