Polyhydra Software التطبيقات

Pathfinder Assistant Lite 1.46
Polyhydra Software
DescriptionPFRPG Assistant is a PFRPG tool for Android that was born from adesire to streamline the tedious aspects of the game, and simplifythe game play. It provides players an interface to manage theirstats, feats, traits, skills, spells, equipment, buffs, etc. Itthen auto-calculate bonuses and abilities and manage things such asmove, hit bonus, damage, attacks, CMB, CMD, AC, Touch, flat footed,saving throws, attacks, etc. Allow interaction between multipleloaded characters, pets, and NPCs.Includes a variety of custom tools for: Rolling loot fromcombat, calculating average damage (DPR), etc.Choose from a database of over: 1100+ feats, 2200+ monsters, 45classes, 50 types of armor, 200 weapons, 280 traits, 1500 spells,and more.What It Does:Attacks: Standard, Dual Wield, Full Round, Cleave, Doublestrike,Charge, Flurry, Backstab, RangedCombat Maneuvers, Saving Throws, Many basic class abilities.What’s missing?The majority of the archetypes do not work yet.Application of feats and trait bonuses that are very limited inscope are typically poorly implemented.Throwing weapons not well implemented*Meta magic feat application - Semi workingFuture Goals:Custom Die RollsMore interaction between characters and NPCs.
PF RPG Crafting Calculator 1.2
Polyhydra Software
Lightweight crafting calculator for the Pathfinder RPG.
PF Grimoire 1.0
Polyhydra Software
A tool for generating randomly creating spell books.
Pathfinder Assistant
Polyhydra Software
Designed for players to simplify the complex and tedious.