Premium Keyboards التطبيقات

Graves Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Graves is here on your keyboard to help you win
Vi Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Vi, the punching machine, now on your keyboard
Morgana Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Morgana, the Fallen Angel, has arrived on the realm of yoursmartphone with her awesome skills and abilities. Morgana is a verypopular Support Champion from League of Legends, aka LoL. Morganawill Soul Siphon the people that use your smartphone without yourpermission and hold them into place with Dark Binding. This awesomeSupport Champion, can also be built as an AP Carry to play on theMid Position in the Summoner Rift. Morgana is versatile and herskills can counter some of the most aggressive champions out there,by locking them into place with her Dark Binding and stealing theirhealth with Tormented Soil, until Dark Binding is available again.Also, if she is taking too much damage she can always Black Shieldherself to decrease some of the magic damage taken. Morgana, theFallen Angel, , obeys Riot Games (the creators of League ofLegends, or LoL), rules and regulations for mobile app developmentand we have permission to publish apps with League of Legends gamedata, without the logo. GO Keyboard Themes are only available forsmartphones with GO Keyboard app installed. You can install GOKeyboard from here - GO Keyboard How to Apply: Step 1. PressDownload. Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after theinstallation is done) and then press "Apply this Theme" button. Youwill find this theme in "Local". This theme is at high-resolution,perfect for every smartphone, and it's translated in differentlanguages. Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after youinstall, your opinion is very important to us! And try out ourother apps, we have many beautiful themes for your androidsmartphone! Contact us at with anysuggestions or questions you have. Thank you for choosing us! Havefun with this amazing Go Keyboard Theme.
Midnight Ahri 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The nine tailed fox charming your keyboard.
Kha'Zix Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The Voidreaver now has his own keyboard.
Kayle 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Kayle, the Judicator, now has her own keyboard
Kalista Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Kalista, The Spear of Vengeance, has arrived to spear her enemieswith vengeance. Your smartphone has never looked so dangerous whileyou type your messages. Kalista is an extremely fun to play ADCarry Champion in League of Legends, or LoL as it is popularlyknown. Kalista dominates her lane because of her spear and her Rendability. She is also extremely mobile and good at chasing downwounded enemies and finishing them off. A skilled Kalista playerwill still attack you while dodging almost everything you throw ather. That is why, the ultimate ability is not damage related, shecan make an ally throw himself at you for stuns and crowd control.Dominate the Summoner Rift with Kalista and an awesome supportchampion, that is all you need. Kalista, The Spear of Vengeance,obeys Riot Games (the creators of League of Legends, or LoL), rulesand regulations for mobile app development and we have permissionto publish apps with League of Legends game data, without the logo.GO Keyboard Themes are only available for smartphones with GOKeyboard app installed. You can install GO Keyboard from here - GOKeyboard How to Apply: Step 1. Press Download. Step 2. Press the"Open" button from here (after the installation is done) and thenpress "Apply this Theme" button. You will find this theme in"Local". This theme is at high-resolution, perfect for everysmartphone, it's free and it's translated in different languages.Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after you install, youropinion is very important to us! And try out our other free apps,we have many beautiful free themes for your android smartphone!Contact us at with any suggestionsor questions you have. Thank you for choosing us! Have fun withthis amazing Go Keyboard Theme.
Nautilus Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Nautilus and his anchor are here for your keyboard.
Blitzcrank Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The Steam Golem wants to be on your keyboard
Bard Keyboard
Premium Keyboards
Bard is here to support your keyboard
Cassiopeia Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Cassiopeia, the Serpent's Embrace, is an amazing mid lane AP Carrychampion from the awesome game League of Legends. Cassiopeia is alittle tricky to play, but in time, once you get used to herskills, becomes amazing against pretty much anyone in the mid lane.Twin Fang is a very cool skill that, if used correctly can do giantamounts of damage to the enemy team. Cassiopeia's poison is a veryinteresting weapon, one that can sting the enemy team a lot, on theSummoner Rift, or any other map. If you engage onto Cassiopeia, beready to be hit with Petrifying Gaze, stunned and poisoned untilyour champion is no more. Dominate the Summoner Rift with yourfriends and with this awesome mid lane AP Carry serpent.Cassiopeia, the Serpent's Embrace, obeys Riot Games (the creatorsof League of Legends, or LoL), rules and regulations for mobile appdevelopment and we have permission to publish apps with League ofLegends game data, without the logo. GO Keyboard Themes are onlyavailable for smartphones with GO Keyboard app installed. You caninstall GO Keyboard from here - GO Keyboard How to Apply: Step 1.Press Download. Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (afterthe installation is done) and then press "Apply this Theme" button.You will find this theme in "Local". This theme is athigh-resolution, perfect for every smartphone, it's free and it'stranslated in different languages. Please don't forget to Rate andComment after you install, your opinion is very important to us!And try out our other free apps, we have many beautiful free themesfor your android smartphone! Contact us with any suggestions or questionsyou have. Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with this amazing GoKeyboard Theme.
Corki Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Corki, the Daring Bombardier, is one of the oldest and most popularAD Carry Champions from League Of Legends, both in ranked play andin competitive LoL. Corki is both a fun AD Carry to play with and avery hard one to master properly. Corki relies on his MissileBarrage for long range damage and his Valkyrie for escape when itgets too hot. Gather your friends and play some Summoner Rift withCorki and your favorite support champion, you will have a lot offun and also listen to his dialogue, it is crazy. Corki, the DaringBombardier, obeys Riot Games (the creators of League of Legends, orLoL), rules and regulations for mobile app development and we havepermission to publish apps with League of Legends game data,without the logo. GO Keyboard Themes are only available forsmartphones with GO Keyboard app installed. You can install GOKeyboard from here - GO Keyboard How to Apply: Step 1. PressDownload. Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after theinstallation is done) and then press "Apply this Theme" button. Youwill find this theme in "Local". This theme is at high-resolution,perfect for every smartphone, it's free and it's translated indifferent languages. Please don't forget to Rate and Comment afteryou install, your opinion is very important to us! And try out ourother free apps, we have many beautiful free themes for yourandroid smartphone! Contact us at amazing.keyboardthemes@gmail.comwith any suggestions or questions you have. Thank you for choosingus! Have fun with this amazing Go Keyboard Theme.
Nami Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Nami rides the Tidal Wave onto your keyboard
Anivia Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Anivia, the Cryophoenix and her Frostbite has arrived and can beplaced on your smartphone to guard your messages. Anivia, in caseof danger, or when she is overwhelmed can use her Rebirth abilityto come back again and dominate the enemies. Gather up your friendsand party up onto the Summoner RIft. Pick Anivia as a mid-lanerwhen you have just mastered her abilities. Then, Anivia can be oneof the most powerful AP Carry Champions in League of Legends, orLoL. The Cryophoenix has flown into your heart and your smartphone.That is why it will be hard to let her go, and if you keep herinstalled she is going to keep your keyboard looking awesome.Anivia, the Cryophoenix, obeys Riot Games (the creators of Leagueof Legends, or LoL), rules and regulations for mobile appdevelopment and we have permission to publish apps with League ofLegends game data, without the logo. GO Keyboard Themes are onlyavailable for smartphones with GO Keyboard app installed. You caninstall it from here - GO Keyboard How to Apply: Step 1. PressDownload. Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after theinstallation is done) and then press "Apply this Theme" button. Youwill find this theme in "Local". This theme is at high-resolution,perfect for every smartphone, it's free and it's translated indifferent languages. Please don't forget to Rate and Comment afteryou install, your opinion is very important to us! And try out ourother free apps, we have many beautiful free themes for yourandroid smartphone! Contact us at amazing.keyboardthemes@gmail.comwith any suggestions or questions you have. Thank you for choosingus! Have fun with this amazing Go Keyboard Theme.
Garen Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Garen is here for your keyboard.
Project Yasuo 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The best skin for Yasuo, now on your keyboard
Project Zed Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The Project Zed skin is ready for your keyboard
Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
An amazing skin for an already amazing keyboard.
Elise Keyboard 2.007
Premium Keyboards
Elise, the Spider Queen, is about to throw her cocoon on herenemies, but we have caught up with her just in time to create thisawesome app for your smartphone. The background of this veryversatile champion is just what your phone needed. She looksawesome, ready to beat anyone that stands in her way in theSummoner Rift, on ranked or unranked games alike. Elise is easy tolearn but very hard to master her skills. A very well placed Rappelor Cocoon can be the difference between a won or a lost game. Thatis why Elise is very cool, awesome champion. Take Elise and gatherup your friends to practice with them a lot of differentstrategies. That way, LoL can be extremely fun. Elise, the SpiderQueen, obeys Riot Games (the creators of League of Legends, orLoL), rules and regulations for mobile app development and we havepermission to publish apps with League of Legends game data,without the logo. GO Keyboard Themes are only available forsmartphones with GO Keyboard app installed. You can install it fromhere - GO Keyboard How to Apply: Step 1. Press Download. Step 2.Press the "Open" button from here (after the installation is done)and then press "Apply this Theme" button. You will find this themein "Local". This theme is at high-resolution, perfect for everysmartphone, it's free and it's translated in different languages.Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after you install, youropinion is very important to us! And try out our other free apps,we have many beautiful free themes for your android smartphone!Contact us at with any suggestions orquestions you have. Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with thisamazing Go Keyboard Theme.
Irelia Keyboard
Premium Keyboards
Irelia is here to defend your keyboard
HeadHunter Rengar 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Headhunter Rengar is here to prowl your keyboard
Jax Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Jax, Grandmaster at Arms, has finally arrived to guard yourkeyboard and look awesome while doing that. Jax does not needcomplicated weaponry, he is able to win fights with a trusty lamppost, or broom, whatever he can grab and bash his enemies with.This champion has been on the receiving end of several changessince his launch in the early development of League of Legends. Heis a trusty champion to use while playing on the top lane, orsometimes even in the jungle. His ultimate, Grandmaster's Might issimply awesome. Play with your friends and dominate your lane withJax, with or without the help of your teammates. And remember, youcan always Leap Strike to a friendly ward in case you are introuble. That is an always handy trick you can pull off with Jax.Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms, obeys Riot Games (the creators ofLeague of Legends, or LoL), rules and regulations for mobile appdevelopment and we have permission to publish apps with League ofLegends game data, without the logo. GO Keyboard Themes are onlyavailable for smartphones with GO Keyboard app installed. You caninstall it from here - GO Keyboard How to Apply: Step 1. PressDownload. Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after theinstallation is done) and then press "Apply this Theme" button. Youwill find this theme in "Local". This theme is at high-resolution,perfect for every smartphone, it's free and it's translated indifferent languages. Please don't forget to Rate and Comment afteryou install, your opinion is very important to us! And try out ourother free apps, we have many beautiful free themes for yourandroid smartphone! Contact us at amazing.keyboardthemes@gmail.comwith any suggestions or questions you have. Thank you for choosingus! Have fun with this amazing Go Keyboard Theme.
Illaoi Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Illaoi and her tentacles are here for your keyboard.
LeBlanc Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
LeBlanc has used Distortion to teleport on your keyboard
Thresh Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The Chain Warden has his own keyboard
Ryze 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The Rogue Mage on your keyboard
Aurelion Sol Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger, is the latest creation from ourawesome app arsenal. This is the perfect background for yourkeyboard. Who doesn't want an awesome celestial dragon guarding andwatching all of his buttons? Aurelion Sol is one of the mostinteresting champions in League of Legends and is also beautiful.You can now use him on your smartphone for daily use and he looksamazing. Aurelion Sol has some very good looking abilities that, ifplayed right can dominate the Summoner Rift in League of Legends.You have to be very careful if you play against Aurelion Sol tododge his attacks and his orbiting stars. If you do then thisdragon might not destroy you immediately. Also you need to watchout for his Voice of Light, his ultimate ability, because the voiceof a dragon is a very dangerous thing. Gather up your friends anduse this dragon's stars to dominate the Summoner Rift and win everygame from now on. Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger, obeys Riot Games(the creators of League of Legends, or LoL), rules and regulationsfor mobile app development and we have permission to publish appswith League of Legends game data, without the logo. GO KeyboardThemes are only available for smartphones with GO Keyboard appinstalled. You can install it from here - GO Keyboard How to Apply:Step 1. Press Download. Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here(after the installation is done) and then press "Apply this Theme"button. You will find this theme in "Local". This theme is athigh-resolution, perfect for every smartphone, it's free and it'stranslated in different languages. Please don't forget to Rate andComment after you install, your opinion is very important to us!And try out our other free apps, we have many beautiful free themesfor your android smartphone! Contact us with any suggestions or questionsyou have. Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with this amazing GoKeyboard Theme.
Brand Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The Burning Vengeance is here for your keyboard
Lee Sin 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The blind monk is here on your keyboard
Talon Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Talon, the awesome champion from LoL, for your keyboard
Draven Keyboard 2.007
Premium Keyboards
Check out this amazing Draven Keyboard
Jayce Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow, finally has his own Keyboard
Sona 2.033
Premium Keyboards
An amazing Sona theme for GO Keyboard
Poro League of Legends 1.06
Premium Keyboards
Poro, the adorable inhabitant of theHowlingAbyss now has his own app for your enjoyment. This lovelycreature,named Poro, comes from the League of Legends universe, orLoL, andwants to make your smartphone look as cute as possible.Thisadorable little bastard will make you love him forever andcuddlehim while you type your messages.While playing Howling Abyss with your friends, remember toalwaysfeed the Poro, so it may grow. A giant Poro is always a musthavein all games. They are a pleasant sight to see and adore.The next time you hold a fluffy creature in your arms, think ofthePoro from League of Legends, on the map Howling Abyss.Poro obeys Riot Games (the creators of League of Legends,orLoL), rules and regulations for mobile app development and wehavepermission to publish apps with League of Legends gamedata,without the logo.GO Keyboard Themes are only available for smartphones withGOKeyboard app installed.You can install GO Keyboard from here - GO KeyboardHow to Apply:Step 1. Press Download.Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after the installationisdone) and then press "Apply this Theme" button.You will find this theme in "Local".This theme is at high-resolution, perfect for everysmartphone,and it's translated in different languages.Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after you install,youropinion is very important to us!And try out our other apps, we have many beautiful themes foryourandroid smartphone!Contact us at withanysuggestions or questions you have.Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with this amazing GoKeyboardTheme.
Taric Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Taric is finally here to support your keyboard
Project Lucian Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The best Lucian League of Legends skin for your keyboard
Project Master YI 1.084
Premium Keyboards
Project Yi slices his way onto your keyboard
Teemo LoL Theme 1.0
Premium Keyboards
This adorable little bastard is Teemo fromRiot's League Of Legends game. Teemo is a yordle, a tiny adorablelittle warrior creature, that shoots poison darts at enemies andplants invisible mushrooms.Teemo is one of the most hated champions in League Of Legends, whenhe is on the opposing team, and one of the most funny allies whenhe is on your team. Not all mobas have a funny little yordle oryordle like character like Teemo, he is unique.When you are playing against Teemo, you never know where the yordleplanted his poisonous invisible mushrooms, or where he might behiding, because this yordle can also become invisible, after a fewseconds of being stationary.Share Teemo with all your friends that enjoy playing League ofLegends, and have some fun, we may be releasing other characterthemes, but Teemo must be the first, because everyone either lovesor hates the tiny yordle, and the Summoner Rift would not be thesame without him, LoL would not be the same at all.This app is obeying Riot Games legal terms.GO Keyboard Themes are only available for smartphones with GOKeyboard app installed.You can install GO Keyboard from here - to Apply:Step 1. Press Download.Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after the installationis done) and then press "Apply this Theme" button.You will find this theme in "Local".This theme is at high-resolution, perfect for every smartphone,and it's translated in different languages.Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after you install, youropinion is very important to us!And try out our other apps, we have many beautiful themes for yourandroid smartphone!Contact us at with anysuggestions or questions you have.Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with this amazing Go KeyboardTheme.
Soraka LoL Keyboard 1.06
Premium Keyboards
Soraka, the Starchild, is our latest add-ontoour collection of LoL themes. League of Legends is the mostpopularmoba in the world, it brings awesome fun, with amazingchampionsfighting over supremacy in the Summoner Rift. The goal istodestroy the opposing team's Nexus to win.Soraka is one of the support champions in LoL, that means herroleis to keep the AD Carry alive and make him or herlookawesome.The role of a support player in League Of Legends isoftenunderrated and under praised, that is why we created this appforall of you support players out there, that only choosetheunderrated support champions so you can have something specialtoshowoff to your friends.Soraka is cool, she is healing everyone and keeping allchampionsalive in the Summoner Rift, she is amazing in the hands oftheright player.Remember to share Soraka with all of your friends that enjoyplayingLoL, or if they prefer using other champions we will bereleasingmore League Of Legends themed apps, with many popularchampions.Soraka LoL Keyboard obeys Riot Games (the creators of LeagueofLegends, or LoL), rules and regulations for mobileappdevelopment.GO Keyboard Themes are only available for smartphones withGOKeyboard app installed.You can install GO Keyboard from here- to Apply:Step 1. Press Download.Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after the installationisdone) and then press "Apply this Theme" button.You will find this theme in "Local".This theme is at high-resolution, perfect for everysmartphone,and it's translated in different languages.Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after you install,youropinion is very important to us!And try out our other apps, we have many beautiful themes foryourandroid smartphone!Contact us at with any suggestionsorquestions you have.Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with this amazing GoKeyboardTheme.
Jhin Keyboard
Premium Keyboards
Jhin is here to camp on your keyboard.
Miss Fortune 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Time to Strut like Miss Fortune with this keyboard
Tristana 2.033
Premium Keyboards
The yordle AD Carry right on your keyboard
Azir Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Azir, the Emperor of the Sands, is the latest addition to our apparsenal of famous and very cool champions from the popular gameLeague of Legends. Azir is an amazing champion, that can dominatethe Summoner Rift with his Sand Soldier abilities. Azir can attackan enemy from far behind defensive lines, and he must dash forwardonly when the kill is certain. Otherwise, Azir is a very squishychampion, that can easily be defeated if he makes mistakes. becausewithout a Sand Soldier available, he cannot jump back, or dash outof danger. Dominate the Summoner Rift with your friends and havesome extra fun with Sand Soldiers spawned from this awesome APCarry mid lane champion. Azir, the Emperor of the Sands, obeys RiotGames (the creators of League of Legends, or LoL), rules andregulations for mobile app development and we have permission topublish apps with League of Legends game data, without the logo. GOKeyboard Themes are only available for smartphones with GO Keyboardapp installed. You can install it from here - GO Keyboard How toApply: Step 1. Press Download. Step 2. Press the "Open" button fromhere (after the installation is done) and then press "Apply thisTheme" button. You will find this theme in "Local". This theme isat high-resolution, perfect for every smartphone, it's free andit's translated in different languages. Please don't forget to Rateand Comment after you install, your opinion is very important tous! And try out our other free apps, we have many beautiful freethemes for your android smartphone! Contact us with any suggestions or questionsyou have. Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with this amazing GoKeyboard Theme.
Gnar Theme 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Gnar, the Missing Link, has finally hopped his way into the storewith this awesome app. This awesome champion can take two shapes:Mini Gnar or Mega Gnar. Either way he is an extremely fun championto play with, on top, jungle, and sometimes on other roles aroundthe Summoner Rift. Grab The Missing Link to have some fun with yourfriends on the Summoner Rift and destroy the opponent Nexus andenjoying this funky champion that is extremely happy and fun toplay. Gnar may be hard to play with if you are not used to it'spassive, when he turns into Mega Gnar. Gnar, the Missing Link,obeys Riot Games (the creators of League of Legends, or LoL), rulesand regulations for mobile app development and we have permissionto publish apps with League of Legends game data, without the logo.GO Keyboard Themes are only available for smartphones with GOKeyboard app installed. You can install GO Keyboard from here - GOKeyboard How to Apply: Step 1. Press Download. Step 2. Press the"Open" button from here (after the installation is done) and thenpress "Apply this Theme" button. You will find this theme in"Local". This theme is at high-resolution, perfect for everysmartphone, it's free and it's translated in different languages.Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after you install, youropinion is very important to us! And try out our other free apps,we have many beautiful free themes for your android smartphone!Contact us at with any suggestionsor questions you have. Thank you for choosing us! Have fun withthis amazing Go Keyboard Theme.
Project Ashe Theme
Premium Keyboards
The amazing Project Ashe skin is here for your keyboard
Project Leona Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Project Leona is here to support your keyboard
Keyboard for League of Legends 1.06
Premium Keyboards
Gather your friends around the SummonerRiftand create a party of joy and happiness while you destroy allenemychampions and the enemy nexus. In the meanwhile, yourphonedeserves a keyboard fit for a moba enthusiast: League OfLegendsKeyboard. This app makes your phone look less dull and moremodern,you will be proud to show it around.LoL is a very successful moba, that has turned into a giante-sport,with millions of viewers on the live streams and onrecordedVideo's. It is very fun to watch other champions fightingforsupremacy on the Summoner Rift. League Of Legends is Free, andyoucan play it forever free. only if you want cosmetic upgrades,thoseyou can buy. But all the fun is Free in LoL.Every champion in League of Legends is different, and suited foradifferent play style. So it may take some time before you findtheperfect champion for yourself.This app obeys Riot Games rules and regulations for mobileappdevelopment.GO Keyboard Themes are only available for smartphones withGOKeyboard app installed.You can install GO Keyboard from here- to Apply:Step 1. Press Download.Step 2. Press the "Open" button from here (after the installationisdone) and then press "Apply this Theme" button.You will find this theme in "Local".This theme is at high-resolution, perfect for everysmartphone,and it's translated in different languages.Please don't forget to Rate and Comment after you install,youropinion is very important to us!And try out our other apps, we have many beautiful themes foryourandroid smartphone!Contact us at with any suggestionsorquestions you have.Thank you for choosing us! Have fun with this amazing GoKeyboardTheme.
Evelynn Keyboard
Premium Keyboards
Evelynn is not invisible on your Keyboard
Vel'Koz Keyboard 1
Premium Keyboards
The Eye of the Void theme for GO Keyboard
Yasuo Keyboard 2.033
Premium Keyboards
Yasuo, the Unforgiven finally has his own keyboard.