Primer Ape التطبيقات

Football Live Wallpaper 3D 1.1
Primer Ape
******** Football Live Wallpaper 3D ********is an animated 3d screen as a cube that rotates in all directionsbackground.The cube never stops spinning in every side.Actually, we can even control the rotation of the cube bysliding a finger on the screen.Football Live Wallpaper 3D is a live wallpaper very fluidexisting
Money in Letters 1.0
Primer Ape
Money in Letters is an application that helpsyou to write your check in three languages (English, French, andArabic)If you've come here to learn how to write a check, you probablyjust opened your first checking account. Congratulations!You probably won't need to write checks as often as I used towhen I opened my first checking account about 10 years ago, butit's something you should know how to do.Here's a quick lesson on how to write a check:1. Write the date at the top of the check where it says "date."It can be in any format (ex: 11/14/07, 11-14-07, November 11, 2007,etc.)2. Write the name of the person or company receiving the checkon the line that begins with "Pay to the Order of" or "Payable to."Make sure to use proper names. Even if it is your friend, don't usenicknames or they may have trouble cashing it. If you're paying abill, companies will usually tell you specifically who to make thecheck out to, so pay attention!3. Write the amount you are paying in numbers in the space(usually the right side of the check) that begins with "$" (ex:101.55).4. Write that amount in words on the remaining line before theword "Dollars." Use a fraction for amounts less than $1. Draw aline to fill any space between the amount and the word "Dollar."Example: One hundred one and 55/100-------- Dollars. If there areno cents, write xx over the fraction. Example: If the amount is$100, write One hundred and xx/100------- Dollars.5. Sign the check (usually bottom right side). Use the samespelling, initials, etc. that are printed at the top of yourcheck.6. Write a memo (usually on the bottom left side). For bills,you should write down a reference or account number in this area.The company will usually tell you what to put on this line. Foranything else, this line is optional. You may want to write"concert tickets" or "rent" so you remember what the check isfor.7. Write the check number, date, person/company and amount onthe ledger in the front of your checkbook. Subtract that amountfrom what is in your checking account so you know how much moneyyou have left. Record this number underneath.And that's how you write a check.
CA Live Wallpaper 3D 1.1
Primer Ape
****** CA Live Wallpaper 3D ***** est un fondd’écran aminé 3d sous forme d’un cube qui tourne dans tous lessens. Sur les coté du cube, est dessiné le sigle du club defootball Club Africain, le cube ne s’arrête jamais de tourner danstous les cotés.On peut même contrôler la rotation du cube en glissant le doigt surl’écran.CA Live Wallpaper 3D est l’un des très fluide live Wallpaper 3DexistantCA ****** ***** 3D LiveWallpaper is a screen 3d amine as a cube that rotates in alldirections background. On the side of the cube is drawn symbol ofthe football club Club Africain, the cube never stops turning inall sides.We can even control the rotation of the cube by sliding your fingeron the screen.CA 3D Live Wallpaper is a very fluid existing 3D livewallpaper
EST Live Wallpaper 3D 1.1
Primer Ape
****** EST Live Wallpaper 3D ***** est un fondd’écran aminé 3d sous forme d’un cube qui tourne dans tous lessens. Sur les coté du cube, est dessiné le sigle du club defootball Espérance sportive de Tunis, le cube ne s’arrête jamais detourner dans tous les cotés.On peut même contrôler la rotation du cube en glissant le doigt surl’écran.EST Live Wallpaper 3D est l’un des très fluide live Wallpaper 3DexistantIS ****** ***** 3D LiveWallpaper is a screen 3d amine as a cube that rotates in alldirections background. On the side of the cube is drawn symbol ofthe football club Esperance Sportive de Tunis, the cube never stopsturning in all sides.We can even control the rotation of the cube by sliding your fingeron the screen.IS 3D Live Wallpaper is a very fluid existing 3D livewallpaper
ESS Live Wallpaper 3D 1.1
Primer Ape
****** ESS Live Wallpaper 3D ***** est un fondd’écran aminé 3d sous forme d’un cube qui tourne dans tous lessens. Sur les coté du cube, est dessiné le sigle du club defootball Étoile sportive du Sahel, le cube ne s’arrête jamais detourner dans tous les cotés.On peut même contrôler la rotation du cube en glissant le doigt surl’écran.ESS Live Wallpaper 3D est l’un des très fluide live Wallpaper 3DexistantESS ****** ***** 3D LiveWallpaper is a screen 3d amine as a cube that rotates in alldirections background. On the side of the cube is drawn the symbolof the club Etoile Sportive Sahel football, cube never stopsturning in all sides.We can even control the rotation of the cube by sliding your fingeron the screen.ESS 3D Live Wallpaper is a very fluid existing 3D livewallpaper
Sweet Music 1.0
Primer Ape
“Sweet Music” puts at your availability50sweet sound.Enjoy this music at all the time.“Sweet Music” allows the user to program a timer to stopthemusic, as it can be use the application to sleep.
Noise Sound 1.0
Primer Ape
“Noise Sound” puts at your availability50sweet sound.Enjoy this music at all the time.“Noise Sound” allows the user to program a timer to stop thesound,as it can be use the application to sleep.