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Ping Drop: Prevent Lost Phones 2.0
One of the 37 Best New Android Apps. - AndroidPoliceSave yourself from future headaches by taking precautions. -GameTrenderHow much would it cost to replace your smart phone if you lostit? Chances are, hundreds of dollars!Millions of smart phones are lost each year, many of thembecause people aren't aware of the moment their phone hasaccidentally fallen out of their possession.Ping Drop helps solve that problem. It immediately triggers yourphone's ringtone and camera flash (if it has one) when your phonefalls to the ground. This dual alert mechanism ensures you hear itif you're not looking, or see it if you're in a noisyenvironment!"This app saved me from losing my phone! I would have lost allmy pictures and contacts, plus I would have had to replace my phonein the middle of my contract!" - Chris T.Ping Drop is the best insurance you can get for your phone! Withthis, you'll know the exact moment your phone falls unnoticed. Ifthis helps you even once, it will have paid for itself hundreds oftimes over!Find your phone before you lose it! Download Ping Drop now andget the peace of mind that only this app can provide!NOTE: Ping Drop works great as a first line of defense against alost phone. In most cases, this is all you will need since you'llfind your phone before you even lose it! In the rare event whereyour eyes are diverted and ears aren't able to hear when you dropyour phone, we recommend combining it with other great lost phonetracker/finder apps like "Wheres My Droid", "Find My Phone", or"Cerberus".