RabbitApps.com التطبيقات

Inventory 1.0
Inventory is a simple, easy to use app,designed to keep track of the things in your home.The Inventory app is great for shopping, insurance, or evenmanaging clutter. Imagine you are out shopping for candles. Areyour candle holders a set of three or a matching pair? Simply checkthe Inventory app to find out! Do the kids have enough notebooksfor school? What's in my fridge right now? Stop wandering aroundguessing and get this app!Your house or apartment is full of things you should be keepingtrack of. All of these app features can help:- Store the name, description, and location of any item- Adjust item amounts and stock easily- Search function to find your items quickly- Preloaded with a listing of over 50 room names making locationinformation a breeze- Simple easy to use interface- No annoying advertisements
Conversion 1.0
The Conversion app comes with a wide varietyof conversion calculators. These include an angles calculator, anacceleration calculator, an area calculator, an astronomycalculator, a butter calculator, a capacitance calculator, acooking calculator, a data calculator, a base-2 calculator, adensity calculator, an electric current calculator, an energycalculator, a flow rate calculator, a force calculator, a frequencycalculator, an illuminance calculator, a length calculator, aluminance calculator, a mass calculator, a power calculator, apressure calculator, a temperature calculator, a time calculator, atorque calculator, a viscosity calculator, a volume calculator, anda weight calculator. This app is very handy to have around, younever know when you might need it!• Includes 30 conversion calculators• Hundreds of conversion types• No annoying advertisements or distractions• Clean, easy to use interface
Web Coupons 1.0
Get the latest coupon codes from around theweb. This app allows you to get deep discounts and/or free shippingfrom top retailers.- Be among the first to get the codes- Save tons of cash year after year- Simple and easy to use
Namer 1.0
Are you starting a rock band, in charge ofmarketing for a major company, or expecting a child soon? No? Wellthis app will have you laughing anyway.Over 200,000 combinations of content will keep you entertainedfor hours!• Includes a Rock Band Name Generator• Includes a Corporate Slogan Generator• Includes a Baby Namer
Backlight 2.0
If you have ever used your phone's light tosee in the dark, this app is for you. This app opens with a brightwhite screen to maximize your ability to see in the dark!Plus, this app comes with a strobe light feature that's greatfor having fun at parties or signaling for help.- Bright white screen on launch- Black screen (to use your phone as a mirror)- Variety of bonus colors- Virtual strobe light
Presenter 1.0
Presenter is an app that is designed to aidyou in public speaking. There are three main features of the appthat are designed to take the mental burden off of you, so you canrelax and give a great speech:1) What if you get up there and forget what to say? What if saysomething in the wrong order and it doesn't flow? Worse, what ifspeaking out of order confuses the audience? That's why thePresenter app lets you store and save your speech notes in a listformat to reference during your speech.2) Did you just speak for one minute or one hour? When everyoneis looking at you and you're a little nervous, it can be difficultto keep track of time. That's why the Presenter app shows a timerat the top of your notes for quick reference.3) We've included a list of our top 10 tips and tricks that areperfect to read right before speaking. It's not enough to read themonce, read them every time to give a great presentation! You haveenough running through your head right before you present, use thisapp to take care of some of the heavy lifting.• Save a bulleted list of notes to remind you of what to mentionand in what order• Start/Stop/Reset Timer to keep track of how long your speechtaking• Black background to reduce the "glow" when you are on stage or infront of a room• 10 useful public speaking tips and tricks to calm your nervesbefore presenting• Presentation notes are stored in the app, no internet connectionis required• Sound Recorder: Record parts of your speech to practice, playthem back, and hear how they sound
GameList 1.0
GameList is an app that allows you tocreateand save a cross-console wishlist. The app displays fourlists ofXBox, PlayStation, Wii, and PC games that are coming soonoravailable for pre-order. With this app you'll always know whatnewgames are about to be released.How many times have you seen a game that you really want toplay,but then forget all about it? GameList lets you keep yourwishlistright in your pocket and never miss a new game releaseeveragain!· Selection of XBox, PlayStation, Wii, and PC games· Game lists are updated daily· Easy to use wishlist management· No annoying pop-ups or advertising· Ability to save a custom title that is not on the lists
What's Popular 1.0
Do you struggle to stay in the loop?What'sPopular shows you the latest buzz from around the web,includingnews, the top selling book, most popular song, the mostpopularmovie, and much more!*** Features ***- Simple easy to use interface- No typing required- Updates in real-time- Search for any item on Twitter or Google
Metal Trader 3.0
Trade your way to riches! Enter themarketplaceto trade precious metals. Buy low, sell high, and havefun!- Random events keep things interesting- Difficulty automatically increases as you win more- Simple, easy to use interface- Hours of fun!
Wellness 1.0
Wellness is designed to help people achieveabetter overall well being. It does this by suggesting severalideasfor wellness activities and helps track them. Activities arebrokendown into the following categories:- Physical (Example Activity: Do 10 Jumping Jacks)- Mental (Example Activity: Read 20 Pages of Any Book)- Emotional (Example Activity: Give Someone a Hug)- Social (Example Activity: Get Coffee with a Friend)Wellness is an app designed to help build your innervitality.The app helps you get healthy in the areas you want to gethealthyin. So everyone using the app will have a unique experience.Bytraining, practicing, and tracking activities in each of theabovecategories you will gain the ability to stay strong,enthusiastic,and positive, even in the face of challenges oradversity.How It Works- The app comes loaded with some activities in everycategory.However, you are also be able to use activities thatothers havecreated or create your own.- For each of the four categories, there are be different waystoaccess all of the activities. You are able to view newlycreatedactivities, the most popular activities, activities youcreated,activities that you've saved for a later time, andlastly,"Featured" activities. Featured activities are those thatarecreated by the super users.- Every time you complete a wellness activity you will score apointin that category. Your score will tell you how evenly youareworking on your wellness across the 4 categories.- Bonus Category: There is also a "community" score. Youscorecommunity points when others do an activity that youcreated.We all have choices all day everyday. Having a fresh listofpositive things to do in your pocket can have a big impact onthosechoices. We all could use a little more well being afterall.Be well and enjoy!
Daily Comedy 1.0
Like to laugh? Watch comedy videoseverydaywith this hilarious app!- Unique video selection & organization- New funny videos available everyday- Super easy-to-use interface- Get your daily dose of hilarious videos!Please note, the fee paid for this app goes to the appdeveloper,not YouTube. YouTube does not charge people to watchvideos.For best results, set YouTube as your default video player.
Grade Tracker 1.0
Grade Tracker is a simple app that letsyoustore and keep track of your grades as you progress throughtheschool year. Why wait for your report card? Grade Tracker keepsyouaware of your grades anytime. It's great for students of allages!- Automatically calculates your grade point average based onyourgrades and your credit hours.- Allows you to not only save your grade, but apply a weight tothegrade. (For example, if the final exam is worth 40% of yourfinalgrade.)- Displays and saves the date of every grade saved forfuturereference.- Displays your average grade per year so you can trackyourprogress.- Clean and easy to use interface- No interruptions or advertisingActively tracking your grades keeps you involved and can helpyouboost them!
Private 1.0
Private is a 3-in-1 app that allows you tokeepsecret information on your phone.The app includes:1) A Private Web Browser: It does not store cookies,sessions,browsing history, or any other data on your phone.2) Private Note Taking: Great for a secret to-do list, asecretdiary, or anything else you want to store securely.3) A Private Contact List: The perfect tool for storing thenamesand numbers of people in secret.The app is password protected in case your phone is lost,stolen,or subject to prying eyes, all of your information issafe.
No Bias 1.0
Studying common biases can help you avoidmistakes in life. Knowing these biases can also help you understandyour neighbor's thinking... maybe even your competition's thinking.In any case, the knowledge from this app will give a greatadvantage, whether you are a social psychology student, in thebusiness world, or just an everyday person.• List and descriptions of all belief biases• List and descriptions of all social biases• List and descriptions of all memory biases
Business Card 2.0
Why carry around bulky business cards whenyoucan use this virtual business card app! This app allows yousaveyour business and contact information for quick access andquicksharing. Once you've stored your contact information, you canshowsomeone your phone, send your information via e-mail, ortextmessage. Stop wasting money getting business cards printed,stopcarrying around bulky cards, never forget to take businesscardswith you ever again... This app makes traditional businesscards athing of the past!• Easy-to-use business card creation wizard• Quickly display your business card contact information• Quickly e-mail your business card contact information• Quickly send your business card information via textmessage• Upload your company logo from the web or your phone• Never pay for business card printing ever again• Never worry about forgetting to carry a business card• Professional, modern, and convenient
Top Sites 1.0
Quickly access the top websites on the webwithNO typing! Top Sites lists websites in thefollowingcategories:- News Networks- News Aggregators- Search- Shopping- Social Media- Reference- Video- Finance- Sports- E-Mail- Movies- Jobs/Employment- Travel- Weather
Directory 1.0
Directory is a free app that puts themobileweb at your finger tips. The app is a well organizeddirectory ofwebsites that makes it easy to access the very best ofthe web. Itcan serve as a useful jumping off point to access themost popularwebsites on the internet!- Packed with 15 popular categories of content includingnews,shopping, social media, sports, and more!- 100% Free to use and enjoy (Ad supported)- Simple and very easy to use- Thumb friendly links and no typing required
Scoreboard 1.0
Scoreboard is a neat little app that letsyoucreate a scoreboard in the cloud. It's great for salesteams,games, sports, or any situation where you want to keep trackof acompetitive activity.The app is very simple and easy to use but comes loaded with alotof useful features:- Invite system allows groups to share the same data- Manual user creation allows individuals to use outsideofgroups- Option for group members to input and track their ownscores- Ability to track units/points or dollars- Ability for group leaders to post announcements- Ability for group leaders to manage all scores