RainAware التطبيقات

RainAware Weather Timer
"It's going to rain in 57 minutes"Time rain and storms to your exact location, to within minutes,up to three hours out with RainAware.RainAware updates every minute to stay ahead of changing weather.We use cutting-edge techniques to create a customized precipitationforecast just for you, wherever you are. Skies look dark? Doesn'talways mean rain. Don't be surprised again...know for sure!►Why settle for this: "There is a 50% chance of rain today"►When you can have this: "It's going to rain in 1 hour 30minutes"Stay dry when running errands, at the golf course, at the lake,or working outdoors. The uses are endless.--- FEATURES ---► Rain timer counts down the minutes until precipitation arrivesat or leaves your exact GPS location. Times precipitation up tothree hours out.► Updates every minute to stay ahead of even the most changeablecrazy weather.► Background images change depending on the threat.► Check rain times in over 13000 US cites.► Points of interest: See precipitation times for majorairports, pro golf courses, downtown areas, pro sports stadiums andmore.► Radar Imagery: View up-to-date local radar images with yourlocation highlighted.► NEW - Advanced Settings: Choose the best settings for weatherin your area!►►► IMPORTANT: You MUST have Location Services turned on forRainAware to work.--- CHECK SERVICE AREA ---http://www.rainaware.com/rainaware_coverage_map.gif . RainAware maynot work well in mountainous terrain where radar beams can beblocked. Works best where terrain is relatively flat.--- CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE ---Contact us directly to discuss how well RainAware works for you, orif you have feedback for improvements. Reviews with no contactinformation are not helpful and we will not be able to address yourconcern. Contact us by visiting our website:http://www.rainaware.com/#contact† RainAware is for use in the United States, Guam and Puerto Ricoonly. RainAware relies on National Weather Service radars and maynot work properly if a radar is down or if the beam is blocked bymountains. In rare instances, ground clutter may result in a falsepositive for rain at your location. Extremely light sprinkles ordrizzle may not always be detected. Precipitation times will changeas RainAware adjusts to rapidly changing weather conditions.Precipitation can form suddenly or dissipate at any time.
Weather Wand 1.3.5
Weather Wand predicts rain at your location up to 3 hours inadvance.