Recyclix التطبيقات

Recyclix - mobile client 1.2
OUR COMPANYRecyclix is a pioneering company that is unique in the world.Our key objective is to smartly fuse together the opportunities ofthe Internet and business in order to help the recycling industrydevelop as efficiently as possible.Recyclix implements and controls various investment projects inEurope and has its head office located in Warsaw. In the nearfuture we are planning to broaden our influence in other countriestoo. We have been collaborating with leading internationalcompanies engaged in production and recycling of plastic for a longtime.OUR TEAMOur team consists of highly-qualified experts who boast wideindustry experience as well as unique skills and knowledge. It’sthanks to their work, which is backed by the highest corporate andprofessional ethics standards, that we achieve excellent resultswithin the shortest possible deadlines.WHAT WE DOWe earn and invite you to earn with us. Mutually rewardingcollaboration is the ticket to success of every project and ourservice is not an exception.We make it possible for you to earn by providing you open accessto sale and purchase of recyclable materials on the internationalmarket using our website.Our company arranges and controls the recycling process, whilstyou simply participate in purchasing the raw materials for theirfollowing processing and sale!It all works as simple as ABC: you purchase the waste, werecycle it for you, and then sell it. Recyclix takes waste that noone wanted and turns it into high-technology materials that can beused in many various industries.For example, we take used LDPE and turn it into granules thatare afterwards used for production of common black trash bags aswell as certain pipes and other plastic items.WHY DO WE DO IT?We want to make the standard European recycling model even moreprofitable and technically impeccable using our online service withpath-breaking capabilities. Whilst we are always up-to-date on themajor changes in the recycling industry economy in Europe thanks toclose ties with representatives of the industry governmentbodies.Our another aim, which is by no means unimportant, is to providelong-term and consistent income to every participant of our projectirrespective of what kind of partnership scheme they opted for.Success of our business partners is all about production growth,expanding geographically, and high profitability. We want ourpartners to earn more because it’s profitable for us too.TERMSNo part of the website and/or social mediapublications that have been published by Recyclix SPzoo may bereproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic ormechanical methods, without the prior written permission ofRecyclix SPzoo, this includes the use of the term "Recyclix" in anydomain name or application for mobile devices..The publication and/or dissemination of any false imputationconcerning Recyclix Spzoo, or a member of the staff of RecyclixSPzoo, by which (a) the reputation of the company or the personmentioned is likely to be injured or (b) is likely to be injured inhis profession or trade will lead to appropriate legal actionagainst the originator/disseminator of the defamation. Thisincludes explicitly the immediate and definitive termination of theoriginator's account if the originator is having an accountregistered with Recyclix SPzoo.Publication of defamatory matter can be by (a) spoken words oraudible sound or (b) words intended to be read by sight or touch or(c) signs, signals, gestures or visible representations.