Rising Edge Technology التطبيقات

Guess Num 1.0
Rising Edge Technology
This 1AIB number guessing game is the Android version of atraditional paper and pencil game for two players. The [AI] inbetween [1AIB] stands for Artificial Intelligence, because thisprogram has a "cat" level intelligence. Features: 3 playing modes:Cat guess You, You guess Cat, Cat vs You. Variable digits: 2, 3, 4or 5 digits. 3 A.I. levels: low, mid, high levels. How to play: 1.Each player should set an n-digit secret number in mind (or writeit down). That secret number should be made up by distinct digits(for example, "123"). Typically, the first digit of that numbercannot be zero (like 079), but you can allow the first digit bezero if you want. 2. Each player will try to guess the otherplayer's secret number. For example, one guess "746", and the otherplayer's secret number is "648", then he/she will get the answer"1A1B" from his/her opponent. "1A" means "746" has 1 digit at thecorrect position (the digit "4" in this case); "1B" means "746" has1 digit at the wrong position but exists in the secret number ("6"in this case). 3. According to the answer, each player can make abetter guess at next round. Here's an example: (Cat is youropponent.) [Secret number "5879"] You: 1234 (Start guessing.) Cat:0A0B (Wrong digits.) You: 5678 (Keep trying.) Cat: 2A1B ('A' is5,7; 'B' is 8) You: 5876 (Keep trying.) Cat: 3A0B ('A' is 5,8,7;No'B') You: 5879 (Keep trying.) Cat: 4A0B (Yes, BINGO!) You can alsosee "Answer Hint" or "Number Analysis" for assistance.