Roxiga التطبيقات

3D迷路をくぐり抜けろ「ダンジョン」 1.2
3D迷路を、画面中央タッチで前進し、画面左タッチで左に旋回でき、画面右タッチで右に旋回できます。地下1階のSTAGE1からスタートし、迷わないように地下7階のSTAGE7の下穴のゴールを目指して下さい。The 3D maze, is advancedin the center of the screen touch, you can turn to the left on thescreen left touch, you can turn to the right on the screen righttouch.It will start from the basement first floor of STAGE1, please aimthe goal of the pilot hole of the underground 7 floor STAGE7 so asnot to get lost.
体当たりゲーム「BANG!!」 1.6
自機をタップしたままボールにスライドして体当たりさせて、それを敵に当てて倒すゲームです。Ship with slides to theball while tap to hit the body to the, the game is to defeat byapplying it to the enemy.
Spot the difference 'Symmetry' 2.0.0
Spot the difference of a symmetry design inclothes.
必殺技を叫べ! 1.2
Spot the Difference 'FLIP' 2.0.0
Spot the difference in 3D each time the cameraangle changes by tapping.
Correct the Difference 5
You probably have played "Spot theDifference",but this one is "Correct the Difference in 3D".You will have to drag the difference from a different angle fromtheoriginal, and drop to the correct position.
ZipCode - 住所から郵便番号を検索し、住所録に登録 1.5
都道府県を選び、市区郡を選び、町村を選べば、郵便番号が検索できます。さらに番地と名前を入力して、その住所録も名簿に保存できます。Select the prefectures,select a city-gun, if you choose the towns and villages, you canfind the postal code.In addition to input an address and a name, you can also save onthe roster the address book.