Salt Line Infinity التطبيقات

Brightness Boss 1.0
Salt Line Infinity
Press the volume buttons up, down, up, down.Orpress them down, up, down, up. Press slowly, one button presspersecond. Brightness Boss will count the buttons presses and whentheyreach four, Brightness Boss will change your device'sbrightnesssettings from minimum to maximum or vice-versa!
Rotation Boss 2.0
Salt Line Infinity
Rotation Boss uses the volume buttons tochangethe rotation settings. Press the volume buttons up, down,up, down.Or press them down, up, down, up. Press slowly, onebutton press persecond. Rotation Boss will change your device'srotation settingsfrom locked to unlocked or visa versa.Note : Rotation Boss achieves exactly the same effect as goingto>> Settings >> Display >> Auto-rotate screen.Assoon as you launch Rotation Boss it begins to run in thebackgroundwith minimal battery usage.