Savee التطبيقات

Savee by Hotmobile 1.1
In partnership with Hotmobile, Savee is:• Available in multi-languages.• Compatible on phones, tablets and glasses.• No advertising, quality = priority.Designed for heavy users, Savee is not a simplecontrolpanel to enable or disable WiFi, Bluetooth... it isanintelligent energy manager optimizer withadvancedfeatures!This application is the most effective battery saver thatcandouble the battery life of any smartphone without affectingitsperformance. Once you installed it, you can forget it! Itworksautomatically...Some main functions who can be personalized:☆ Night mode: switch off every network connections atspecifiedtime.☆ Clean applications memory consumption: speed up the phone.☆ Turn off WiFi when the screen turns off and during a call.☆ Active WiFi or mobile data on a specified time for toperformupdates emails period, the weather ...☆ Display battery charging time.☆ Vibrate on touching: deactivate vibrate touching button.☆ Adjusting the power manually or automatically.☆ Complete diagnostic on the operating status of your device.☆ And more...Check out the complete list of features: does it work?Savee provides real-time analyses the energy consumption andmanagesthe optimization of your battery. It intelligently adjuststhe powerallocated to the device depending on its use andautomates everydaytasks.For this, 4 modes are available:- Saver (more battery life)- Normal (middle consumption)- Powerful (more energy intensive)- Custom (to customize according to your needs)Up to you to choose the mode you want to use.Savee saves energy in 3 different ways:► IMPROVED ENERGY STRATEGYAutomatic management of WiFi, Bluetooth, synchronization,nightstrategy, instant connections and much more.► RELEASE MEMORYWith its different modes, it accelerates all applicationsbydetecting and cleaning the excess of memory usage.► POWER REGULATIONIt refines the power of the smartphone to suit your needs. Needrootand depending of the phone model.Accessible at all times!With a widget on the home screen, Savee offers differentperformancemodes, can switch on or off features and shows theenergy savingscurrently realized. In addition, with its memorymanagementfunctionality, Savee lets you manage and optimize thephone forbetter stability.Independent and transparent!You don’t need to pay any attention to Savee to extend thebatterylife. Upon installation, Savee will automatically set thephone toconsume less. You will then have the opportunity to takethe timeto customize it according to your needs by changing thesettings ofyour choice.With Savee, be green and defend your juice without beingadoctor.--Requested permissionsPictures: Savee will save the help file that contains picturesinthe internal memory of the phone. Savee will not have accesstoyour pictures/videos.Since the last Android Lollipop version, the mobile data can'tbecut when the screen goes off, you will need to run your phoneinroot mode for that.--Find us on Facebook: Contact us: or visitourwebsite:
(1) Download from Playstore,(2) Start the application and enter your MTN phone numberasinstructed,(3) You will receive an SMS and reply OK to the SMS to confirmthepurchase,(4) Ready to use.Note: You must have a minimum credit of 400 FCFA topurchaseSAVEE AFRIK.Savee is the applications that double the battery life!☆ Smartphones, tablets and e-glasses friendly.☆ No advertising and obstructive commercial, as our priority isthequality of your SAVEE experience☆ Silver Medal Award at the 2014 European Lépine MobileAppsContest.☆ Designed for heavy mobile phone and tablets users, SAVEE ismorethan a simple Wi-Fi, Bluetooth interface... It is a smartenergymanager with advanced features!☆ This application is the most effective solution capableofdoubling any device’s battery life withoutaffectingperformance.☆ Once installed, it runs for a lifetime...☆ Lollipop compliant: mobile data cannot be disabled unless viatheroot.Some customizable key functions:- Night mode: put in sleep mode all network connections at yourownpre-set hours.- Free up memory with not in use applications and speed upphone,reduce energy consumption.- Turn off Wi-Fi when the screen turns off and when a call isinprogress then automatically turn on.- Turn on Wi-Fi or mobile data at pre-defined time to runemail,weather and other updates...- Display time necessary to complete full battery charge.- Vibrate on touch: disable vibration on touch screen.- Adapts automatically or manually phone’s optimal power.- Run full diagnosis on the operating status of your device.- And much more...Discover the list of comprehensive SAVEE featuresat need to be an expert to use SAVEE, anextensivelyuser-friendly application.SAVEE analyses in real-time the energy consumption and thebatteryoptimization of your mobile. It intelligently adjustspowerallocated to the mobile on its use and automateseverydaytasks.Four modes are available:- Saving mode (more use of battery)- Normal (average use of battery)- Powerful (for intensive use of battery)- Customized (customizable mode based on your needs)You select the mode you want to use.Savee saves power in 3 different ways:► BETTER DEVICE ENERGY MANAGEMENTAutomatic management of all energy hungry applications:Wi-Fi,Bluetooth, updates, night mode and much more...► INCREASE MEMORYWith its various modes, it speeds all applications by detectingandreleasing extra memory used.► POWER MANAGEMENTIt adjusts the power of the smartphone to suit your needs. Itworksfrom the root based on the types of phones.These 3 major features greatly increase the battery lifewithoutchanging your daily usage habits.24/7 availability- With a widget from the home screen, Savee offers severalchoicesof performance modes and the ability to turn on or not thefeaturesand visualize the status of energy savings inprogress.- In addition, Savee’s memory management feature lets you manageandoptimize your phone usage.Independent and transparent- After installation, no special attention is required for Saveetowork. Upon installation, Savee will automatically set the phonetobattery economy mode. You may customize later depending onyourneeds.Help:Savee will record its Help file that contains images in theinternalmemory of the phone.Find us onFacebook: Write us at or visit ourwebsite:
Savee: FREE Battery Saver 1.5.1
Savee can double the battery life without affecting itsperformance.
Savee: Battery Saver Optimizer 1.5.1
Savee can double the battery life without affecting itsperformance.