Shahinur التطبيقات

Torch Light 1.0
A free LED flashlight that shines bright andlooks great on your phone. There are two control option. One isbutton and another one is scrolling meter that can interact withuser.Features:=======1. The simplest UI Design.2. Back light switch on off functionality.3. User can control the screen brightness by using the wheel.
Seven Pawn Captive Tiger Game 4.0
The 7 Pawn Captive Tiger is a special type ofrural game with full of excitement. Since this is a rural game andit’s the first time in the mobile version, so, we have a lots ofacceptance from the people, especially from Bangladeshi citizens.Most of the villagers know how to play the game. There have twoside, one is Goat and another one is Tiger. One player take tigerand another one take the goat. The total game have 8 pawn. 1 istiger and another 7 is the goat. And that’s why it’s called “7 PawnCaptive Tiger”. Normally one pawn can move just one step forward orbackward. But only the tiger have the special power, it can movetwo step when the goat is eatable by the tiger. When the tigerovertake the goat the goat should be vanished and that goat shouldbe kicked out from the coat. And the loop will be continued untilthe last 3 goat available in the board or the tiger blocked by thegoat.This game is developed on android and also developed analgorithm for automatic play the tiger. In the game have an extrafeature to play automatically. So the game is now more frequentthan the as usual analog game. An interactive sound system added tothe game so that the user can enjoy the game with full flavor.