SkyFire التطبيقات

Baby Room Design 2.0
When a family is expecting a new baby, onething that’s likely high on the to-do list is setting up a nursery.That’s one of the fun parts of being pregnant, after all — buyingcute nursery stuff makes up for all the nausea, leg cramps andconstant trips to the bathroom!You can help your baby to sleep safe and sound by keeping thetemperature in his room between 16 degrees C and 20 degrees C. Manybaby monitors come with thermometers built in. If yours doesn’t, abasic room thermometer will help you to keep an eye on thetemperature.It’s important to make sure your baby isn’t too hot or too cold.If your baby gets too hot, he may be more at risk of sudden infantdeath syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death. SIDS is uncommon inbabies who are less than a month old and most common during theirsecond month. Nearly 90 per cent of cases of SIDS happen in babiesunder six months old. But the risk reduces as your baby growsolder, and very few cases of SIDS happen after a year.If you think your baby is getting too hot, check his tummy orthe back of his neck. This is the best way to check his coretemperature. If he feels hot, or if he's sweaty, remove a layer andcheck him again. Don't worry if your baby's hands and feet feelcool, as this is completely normal.On very warm days, keep your baby cool by closing the curtainsor blinds and opening a window in the room where he sleeps. Cotbumpers can trap heat inside a cot, as well as posing a risk ofstrangulation or suffocation, so remove them from your baby’scot.In really hot weather, you may want to place an electric fan inyour baby’s bedroom. If you do, keep the fan directed well awayfrom your baby’s cot, making sure that it’s just cooling his room.Check the temperature regularly. It’s fine for your baby to sleepin his vest or just a nappy in really hot weather too.In colder weather, don’t dress your baby in lots of layers. Avest underneath a footed sleepsuit should be fine.If your baby is under a year old, he shouldn't sleep with aduvet or quilt. Instead, you could use a baby sleeping bag withouta hood. This should be lightweight and the right size for your babyto prevent him from sliding down inside it. Choose a sleeping bagthat’s suitable for the season - for example, a low tog one forsummer (0.5 tog or 1 tog) and no more than a 2.5 tog for winter. Oryou could use cellular blankets and sheets, and add or removelayers as needed.Never put a hot water bottle or electric blanket in your baby'scot, however cold the weather is. And keep your baby's cot wellaway from radiators and heaters.Find out more about creating a safe sleep environment for yourbaby.Tags : baby room ideas, baby girl room, baby boy room, baby roomtemperature
Working Room Design 2.0
A room is any distinguishable space within astructure. Usually, a room is separated from other spaces orpassageways by interior walls; moreover, it is separated fromoutdoor areas by an exterior wall, sometimes with a door.Historically the use of rooms dates at least to early Minoancultures about 2200 BC, where excavations on Santorini, Greece atAkrotiri reveal clearly defined rooms within certain structures.Sometimes in life we need a working room for any case of work,we want to be comfort on the situation when anywhere is not..In the United Kingdom, many houses are built to contain abox-room (box room or boxroom) that is easily identifiable, beingsmaller than the others. The small size of these rooms limits theiruse, and they tend to be used as a small single bedroom, smallchild's bedroom, or as a storage room. Other box rooms may house alive-in domestic worker. Traditionally, and often seen in countryhouses and larger suburban houses up until the 1930s in Britain,the box room was literally for the storage of boxes, trunks,portmanteaux, and the like, rather than for bedroom use.Tags : working room, room for work, working room design
Cek Tagihan Listrik Tercepat 1.0
Aplikasi cek informasi tagihan listrikPLNtercepat berlaku untuk tagihan listrik pln saja.Fitur :- cek tagihan listrik tercepat- tanpa ribet- tidak menggunakan hal hal ribet yang memperlama munculnyatagihanlistrik seperti aplikasi lainnya- info tagihan listrik untuk bulan saat ini dan bulan lainnyaAplikasi cek tagihan listrik ini sangat simpel dan sangatmudahdigunakan, anda hanya tinggal memasukkan nomor rekeninglistrik danklik ok, maka akan muncul langsung tagihan anda.Jika ada kemiripan Logo yang tertera pada aplikasi adalahmilikPT. PLN (Persero)Tags : cek tagihan listrik, cek tagihan pln, Aplikasi infotagihanpln, info rekening plnApplicationinformationcheck the electricity bills fastest apply for PLNelectricity billsalone.features:- Check the fastest electric bill- Without complicated- Do not use complicated things that prolong the adventofelectricity bills as more applications- Info electricity bills for the current month and other monthsCheck application electric bill is very simple and very easy touse,you just enter the number of utility bills, and click ok, thenitwill appear instantly your bill.If there are similarities Logo listed on the application isownedby PT. PLN (Persero)Tags: check the electricity bills, checks pln bills, billinginfopln application, account info pln
2000 Cerita Hantu Nyata 2.0
2000 Cerita Hantu Nyata adalah kumpulanceritahantu yang nyata di Indonesia maupun diluar negeri untuk cellphoneberbasis android.Menyediakan kumpulan cerita - cerita hantu yang seramberdasarkanpengalaman - pengalaman orang yang pernah mengalaminya,bisa berupacerita, foto hantu dan penampakan hantu.Aplikasi ini baik di introduce di android anda untukmengetahuihal - hal ghaib yang pernah terjadi pada diri orang lainataumisteri di dunia.Fitur :- cerita terbaru (selalu akan diupdate setiap hari)- cerita hantu pilihan- cari cerita menggunakan pencarian- dilengkapi foto didalam setiap cerita**Cerita akan selalu redesign setiap harinya berdasarkankisahnyata yang ada**Tags : cerita misteri, cerita horor, horro story, ceritaghaib,kumpulan kisah nyata2000 Real Ghost Storiesisa collection of ghost stories real in Indonesia and abroad forcellphones based on Android.Provides a collection of stories - spooky ghost story basedonthe experience - the experience of people who've experienced it,itcould be a story, photograph ghosts and ghost sightings.This app in android either introduce you to know - theunseenstuff that ever happened to others or mystery in theworld.features:- Latest story (always be updated every day)- Selection of a ghost story- Find stories using search- With photos in every story** The story will always redesign every day based on a truestorythat exist **Tags: mystery, horror stories, horro story, supernaturalstories,a collection of true stories
185 Tile Design 2.0
A tile is a manufactured piece ofhard-wearingmaterial such as ceramic, stone, metal, or even glass,generallyused for covering roofs, floors, walls, showers, or otherobjectssuch as tabletops. Alternatively, tile can sometimes refertosimilar units made from lightweight materials such asperlite,wood, and mineral wool, typically used for wall andceilingapplications. In another sense, a tile is a constructiontile orsimilar object, such as rectangular counters used in playinggames(see tile-based game). The word is derived from the Frenchwordtuile, which is, in turn, from the Latin word tegula, meaningaroof tile composed of fired clay.Tiles are often used to form wall and floor coverings, andcanrange from simple square tiles to complex mosaics. Tiles aremostoften made of ceramic, typically glazed for internal usesandunglazed for roofing, but other materials are also commonlyused,such as glass, cork, concrete and other composite materials,andstone. Tiling stone is typically marble, onyx, granite orslate.Thinner tiles can be used on walls than on floors, whichrequiremore durable surfaces that will resist impacts.In This Application is containe 185 new Tiles all overtheworld,Tags : tesla glass tile, tesla roof tile, tile mate, floortile,how to tile
Arabic Autotext 5.0
Arabic AutotextThis Application is serve the arabic autotext in arablanguangefor many arabic words in life.There are many arabic writing, al arab, autotextblackberry,autotext bbm android , autotext android, and newautotext arabic,such as :* Allah* La Ilaha Illallah* Waalaikumsalam* Assalamualaikum* Subhannallah* Allahu AkbarThis is the tips and trick how to use this awesomearabicautotext application :1. Open the apps2. Find the word that you want to use3. Press and then you can copy or share this using any buttononthere4. You can share it on BBM, WA or any social mediaTerjemahan Indonesia :Aplikasi kumpulan autotext keren, arabic autotext, lucudanmenarik ini sangat mudah digunakan,Arabic autotext akan sangat memudahkan anda untuk updatestatusdengan kata arab sebagai awalan dan akhiran percakapan andadenganteman, keluarga / pacar anda.Jika anda mencari Auto Text, emoticon Autotext arab untukupdateStatus, maka arabic autotext dapat menjadi pilihan dankelengkapanutama anda.Mari download dan rasakan berbagi keberkahannya..
Minimalist House Design 2.0
Most commonly, a household is a family unitofsome kind, although households may also be other socialgroups,such as roommates or, in a rooming house, unconnectedindividuals.Some houses only have a dwelling space for one familyorsimilar-sized group; larger houses called townhouses or rowhousesmay contain numerous family dwellings in the same structure.Thedesign and structure of houses is also subject to change asaconsequence of globalization, urbanization and othersocial,economic, demographic, and technological factors. Variousothersocial and cultural factors also influence the building styleandpatterns of domestic space A house may be accompaniedbyoutbuildings, such as a garage for vehicles or a shed forgardeningequipment and tools. A house may have a backyard orfrontyard,which serve as additional areas where inhabitants canrelax or eat.Minimalism is also used to describe a trend in designandarchitecture, wherein the subject is reduced to itsnecessaryelements.[citation needed] Minimalist architecturaldesigners focuson the connection between two perfect planes,elegant lighting, andthe void spaces left by the removal ofthree-dimensional shapes inan architectural design.[according towhom?][citation needed]Minimalistic design has been highlyinfluenced by Japanesetraditional design and architecture.[citationneeded] The works ofDe Stijl artists are a major reference: DeStijl expanded the ideasof expression by meticulously organizingbasic elements such aslines and planes.[citation needed] Withregard to home design, moreattractive "minimalistic" designs arenot truly minimalisticbecause they are larger, and use moreexpensive building materialsand finishes.[citation needed]Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) adopted themotto"Less is more" to describe his aesthetic. His tactic was oneofarranging the necessary components of a building to createanimpression of extreme simplicity—he enlisted every elementanddetail to serve multiple visual and functional purposes;forexample, designing a floor to also serve as the radiator, oramassive fireplace to also house the bathroom. DesignerBuckminsterFuller (1895–1983) adopted the engineer's goal of "Doingmore withless", but his concerns were oriented toward technologyandengineering rather than aesthetics.Tags : minimalist house design, design of minimalist house,hose- building function
MPASI Bayi dan Balita 2.0
ASI ekslusif diberikan pada bayi sampaidenganusia 6 bulan atau 180 hari. MPASI dimulai saat bayi berusia6bulan, tepat saat itulah ibu mulai memberikan bayi makanan.MPASI adalah singkatan dari Makanan Pendamping ASI.Menu MPASI adalah aplikasi yang menyediakan berbagai macamresepmasakan untuk bayi dan balita anda..MPASI (Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu) ini sangat dibutuhkanolehpara ibu yang ingin menambah menu makanan sehat untuk buahhatianda. Berbagai macam olahan bubur, nasi merah, nasi tim,bubur,biskuit, olahan umbi-umbian, puree, dan aneka supsertalainnya.Tanpa perlu koneksi internet, anda dapat melihat koleksiresepmakanan bayi dan balita serta batita andapada usia 6-7 bulan, usia 7-8 bulan,usia 8-9 bulan, usia 9-12bulan,usia 1+ tahun, usia 2+ tahun serta usia lainnya yang sesuaidengankriteria bayi, balita dan batita andaTags : MPASI, buah hati, makanan anak anak, makanan bayidanbalitaGivenexclusivebreastfeeding in infants up to the age of 6 months or 180days.Starting solid foods when the baby is 6 months old, the exacttimethat the mother began to give the baby food.MPASI stands for Complementary feeding.Menu solids are applications that provide a wide varietyofrecipes for babies and toddlers you ..Solids (Food Companion BMS) is urgently needed by mothers whowantto add to a healthy diet for your baby. A wide variety ofprocessedporridge, brown rice, rice team, porridge, biscuits,processedtubers, puree, and various soups and more.Without the need for an internet connection, you can seeacollection of baby and toddler food recipes and toddlerat the age of 6-7 months, 7-8 months of age, the age of 8-9months,9-12 months of age, years of age 1+, 2+ years of age andother ageappropriate criteria toddler and infant, toddlerTags: solids, baby, children's food, baby food and toddler
2000 Ceramah Islam 3.1
2000 Ceramah Islam Pilihan Terbaik.Aplikasiini merupakan kumpulan dari ustadz populer indonesia yangmemilikibanyak sekali penggemar, baik dari dalam maupun luarnegeri. danjuga dari beragam kalangan baik tua , muda maupunanak-anak.Aplikasi Ceramah Islam Pilihan merupakan permintaan daribanyakemail yang masuk untuk di buatkan satu aplikasi yang berisibanyakpenceramah pilihan. Ustad populer yang telah kamirangkumkandiantaranya adalah :*Ustadz Jefry Al Buchori*Ustadz Arifin Ilham.*KH Zainuddin MZ*KH Abdullah GymnastiarDengan beragam tema ceramah yang tentunya juga pilihanyangmungkin tidak kita jumpai sebelumnya. Kami berharap denganadanyaaplikasi ini akan banyak ilmu dan pengetahuan tetang islamyangmenguatkan keimanan kita kepada Allah. Kami jugamengharapkandukungan dari andaIslamic Lectures 2000BestChoice. This application is a collection of popularIndonesiancleric who has a lot of fans, both from within andoutside thecountry. and also from various circles both old, youngandchildren. Islamic Lecture Application Options is a demand frommanyincoming email for Make a single application that containsplentyof speaker options. Ustad popular that we summarize them are:* Ustadz Jeffry Al Buchori* Ustadz Arifin Ilham.* KH Zainuddin MZ* KH Abdullah GymnastiarWith themes ranging lecture course also options that we maynothave seen before. We hope that these applications will be a lotofscience and knowledge of Islamic neighbor that strengthensourfaith in Allah. We also expect support from you
Door and Window Design 2.0
A door is a moving structure used to blockoff,and allow access to, an entrance to or within an enclosedspace,such as a building or vehicle. Doors normally consist of apanelthat swings on hinges on the edge, but there are also doorsthatslide or spin inside of a space. Similar exterior structurestodoors are called gates.Typically, doors have an interior side that faces the inside ofaspace and an exterior side that faces the outside of that space.Inmany cases the interior side of a door mostly matches itsexteriorside, but in some other cases there are sharp contrastsbetween thetwo sides, such as in the case of the vehicle door.When open, doors admit people, animals, ventilation or light.Thedoor is used to control the physical atmosphere within a spacebyenclosing the air drafts, so that interiors may be moreeffectivelyheated or cooled. Doors are significant in preventingthe spread offire. They also act as a barrier to noise. Many doorsare equippedwith locking mechanisms to allow entrance to certainpeople and keepout others. As a form of courtesy and civility,people often knockbefore opening a door and entering a room.Doors are used to screen areas of a building foraesthetics,keeping formal and utility areas separate. Doors alsohave anaesthetic role in creating an impression of what liesbeyond. Doorsare often symbolically endowed with ritual purposes,and theguarding or receiving of the keys to a door, or beinggrantedaccess to a door can have special significance. Similarly,doorsand doorways frequently appear in metaphorical orallegoricalsituations, literature and the arts, often as a portentofchange.A window is an opening in a wall, door, roof or vehiclethatallows the passage of light and, if not closed or sealed, airandsound.Modern windows are usually glazed or covered in someothertransparent or translucent material. Windows are held in placebyframes.Many glazed windows may be opened, to allow ventilation,orclosed, to exclude inclement weather. Windows often have a latchorsimilar mechanism to lock the window shut.Types include the eyebrow window, fixed windows, single-hunganddouble-hung sash windows, horizontal sliding sash windows,casementwindows, awning windows, hopper windows, tilt and slidewindows(often door-sized), tilt and turn windows, transomwindows,sidelight windows, jalousie or louvered windows,clerestorywindows, skylights, roof windows, roof lanterns, baywindows, orielwindows, thermal, or Diocletian, windows, picturewindows,emergency exit windows, stained glass windows, Frenchwindows, anddouble- and triple paned windows.Door and window design in minimalist world is available nowonyour smartphone, there are many design of door and window thatcanbe your suggestion or your new idea to built it..Tags : window grill design, grill design, rangoli design,doorrangoli design
Six Word Story 2.1
Stories told in just six wordsThis is a collection of short short stories consisting of justsixwords. It was inspired by many things on earth , and collectasfirst six word story..Six Word Stories will include stories by famous people,readersubmissions, and anything,Application Features :* HD Graphic* Share to your Friends and Family* More and more stories in six word (on Image/Pictures)Tags : six word memoirs, six word stories, six word story
Swimming Pool Design 2.0
A swimming pool, swimming bath, wading pool,orpaddling pool is a container filled with water to enableswimming orother leisure activities. Pools can be sunk into theground or builtabove ground (as a freestanding construction or aspart of abuilding or other larger structure), and are also astandard featureaboard oceanliners and cruise ships. In-groundpools are mostcommonly constructed from materials such asconcrete, natural stone,metal, plastic or fiberglass, and can beof a custom size and shapeor built to a standardised size, thelargest of which is theOlympic-size swimming pool.Many health clubs, fitness centers and private clubs, such astheYMCA, have pools used mostly for exercise or recreation. Manytownsand cities provide public pools. Many hotels have poolsavailablefor their guests to use at their leisure. Educationalfacilitiessuch as schools and universities occasionally have poolsforphysical education classes, recreational activities, leisureorcompetitive athletics such as swimming teams. Hot tubs and spasarepools filled with hot water, used for relaxation orhydrotherapy,and are common in homes, hotels, clubs and massageparlors. Specialswimming pools are also used for diving and otherwater sports, aswell as for the training of lifeguards andastronauts.Tags : the swimming pool, indoor swimming pools, publicswimmingpools
Gambar Kata Mutiara Islam 2.0
Kata Kata Mutiara adalah salah satu katakatayang sangat banyak di cari dan kata kata mutiara di dunia inijugasangatlah banyak macamnya, dari kata kata mutiara tentangcinta,yang sangat disukai oleh para remaja, kata kata mutiara yangbijak,kata kata mutiara tentang kehidupan sampai dengan Kata KataMutiaraIslam kenapa dikatakan dengan kata kata mutiara islam karenadidalam kata kata mutiara ini bersangkutan dengan agama Islam.Sajian kata kata mutiaraislami tentang kehidupan duniaakanmemaparkan mutiara hikmah berupa nilai-nilai ukhuwa(persaudaraan).Keindahan Islam tentunya tidak akan habis dibahasjika hanya dengankata-kata saja, namun setidaknya disini aplikasiini dapatmemberikan penggambaran dan inspirasi bagi kita semuasebagai umatislam.Tags : kata mutiara islam, kata kata islami, gambar kataislam,kata indah dalam islamKata Kata Mutiara isoneword that is very much in the search and words of pearls intheworld is also very many kinds, from the word aphorisms aboutlove,which is preferred by teens, words pearl of wisdom, wordaphorismsabout life up to Kata Kata Mutiara Islam why say withwords pearlof Islam because in the words of pearls is concernedwith thereligion of Islam.Serving mutiaraislami words about the life of the worldwillpresent the pearls of wisdom in the form of values​​ukhuwa(brotherhood). The beauty of Islam is certainly not goingto runout covered if only with words, but at least here theapplicationcan provide illustration and inspiration for all of usasMuslims.Tags: islam quotes, words islamic, islam word pictures,beautifulwords in Islam
Beautiful Green Garden 2.0
Garden design is the creation of plans forthelayout and planting of gardens and landscapes. Gardens maybedesigned by garden owners themselves, or byprofessionals.Professional garden designers tend to be trained inprinciples ofdesign and horticulture, and have a knowledge andexperience ofusing plants. Some professional garden designers arealso landscapearchitects, a more formal level of training thatusually requiresan advanced degree and often a state license.Elements of garden design include the layout of hardlandscape,such as paths, rockeries, walls, water features, sittingareas anddecking, as well as the plants themselves, withconsideration fortheir horticultural requirements, theirseason-to-seasonappearance, lifespan, growth habit, size, speed ofgrowth, andcombinations with other plants and landscapefeatures.Consideration is also given to the maintenance needs ofthe garden,including the time or funds available for regularmaintenance,which can affect the choices of plants regarding speedof growth,spreading or self-seeding of the plants, whether annualorperennial, and bloom-time, and many other characteristics.Gardendesign can be roughly divided into two groups, formalandnaturalistic gardens.The most important consideration in any garden design is, howthegarden will be used, followed closely by the desiredstylisticgenres, and the way the garden space will connect to thehome orother structures in the surrounding areas. All oftheseconsiderations are subject to the limitations of the budget.Budgetlimitations can be addressed by a simpler garden style withfewerplants and less costly hardscape materials, seeds rather thansodfor lawns, and plants that grow quickly; alternatively,gardenowners may choose to create their garden over time, areabyarea.Tags : green garden, garden ideas, home garden, homegreengarden
Home Design Looks Ahead 2.0
A house is a building that functions as ahome,ranging from simple dwellings such as rudimentary huts ofnomadictribes and the improvised shacks in shantytowns to complex,fixedstructures of wood, brick, concrete or other materialscontainingplumbing, ventilation and electrical systems. Houses usea range ofdifferent roofing systems to keep precipitation such asrain fromgetting into the dwelling space. Houses may have doors orlocks tosecure the dwelling space and protect its inhabitants andcontentsfrom burglars or other trespassers. Most conventionalmodern housesin Western cultures will contain one or more bedroomsand bathrooms,a kitchen or cooking area, and a living room. Ahouse may have aseparate dining room, or the eating area may beintegrated intoanother room. Some large houses in North Americahave a recreationroom. In traditional agriculture-orientedsocieties, domesticanimals such as chickens or larger livestock(like cattle) may sharepart of the house with humans. The socialunit that lives in a houseis known as a household.Most commonly, a household is a family unit of somekind,although households may also be other social groups, suchasroommates or, in a rooming house, unconnected individuals.Somehouses only have a dwelling space for one family orsimilar-sizedgroup; larger houses called townhouses or row housesmay containnumerous family dwellings in the same structure. Thedesign andstructure of houses is also subject to change as aconsequence ofglobalization, urbanization and other social,economic,demographic, and technological factors. Various othersocial andcultural factors also influence the building style andpatterns ofdomestic space. A house may be accompanied byoutbuildings, such asa garage for vehicles or a shed for gardeningequipment and tools.A house may have a backyard or frontyard, whichserve as additionalareas where inhabitants can relax or eat.Enjoy it and share with your friend and family..Tags : home depot, at home, home design, home interior,homelooks
Kreasi Kain Perca 2.0
Kain perca adalah kain sisa guntinganyangberasal dari pembuatan pakaian, kerajinan atau produktekstillainnya.Jahit perca adalah menggabungkan potongan-potongankainperca dengan cara dijahit tangan atau mesin jahit sesuairencana.Jahit perca pada dasarnya mempelajari tehniknyabukanbahannya.Patchwork, quilting dan applique merupakan tehnik-tehnikdalamkreasi jahit perca.Patchwork adalah tehnik menjahit, menyusun dan menggabungkankainperca mengikuti pola berulang sesuai rencana.Applique adalah tehnik membentuk gambar dari potongan kainkemudianmenempelkan diatas permukaan kain dasar membentukpolatertentu.Kedua seni ini kemudian disempurnakan dengan tehnik jahit tindas(quilt ).Tehnik ini dilakukan setelah menyisipkan dakron atau koldore/busaangin atau silicon atau kapas, diantara lembaran kainsehinggahasilnya lebih rapi dan memiliki ketebalan yangmemberikankeindahan dan keunikan.Produk jahit perca diantaranya: bedcover, selimut, sarungbantalkursi, hiasan dinding, tutup kotak tissue, cempal, alaspanas,taplak meja, sarung toples, tas, tutup kulkas, tutup galon,tutuptudung saji, tempat surat, dllTags : tas kain perca, kain perca, kerajinan tangan, kainpercauntuk kerajinan tangan
1700 Ceramah Islam 3.0
Menyajikan siraman rohani islam untukmenambahkeimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah serta wawasan keagamaandalambentuk ceramah tertulis dan pengajian .Di dalam Kajianinimenghadirkan Dai : AA Gym,Buya Yahya,Gus Ali Gondrong,HabibJamalBin Thoha Baagil,Habib Jindan compartment NovelrepositorySalim,Habib Lutfi Yahya,Habib Munzir Almusawa,HabibNovelAlaydrus,Habib Syech canister abdul Qadir Assegaf,Habibtaufiqcanister abdul Qadir Assegaf,Habib Umar holderHafidz,HabibYahya,KH Abdullah Sa'ad,KH Anwar zahid,KH Said aqilSiradj,KHZainuddin Mz,Ustad Ahmad Alhabsyi,Ustad Arifin Ilham,UstadCecepMaulana,Ustad Jefri Albuchory (UJE),dan Ustad Yusuf MansurCeramah Islam ini adalah aplikasi mengenai Islam dariustadzternama Indonesia seperti Ustadz Yusuf Mansur, Aa Gym,AamAmirudin, Zulkifli Muhammad Ali dan banyak lagi.Download rekaman ceramah kemudian dengarkan ceramahsecaradisconnected.Perdalam terus ilmu agama Islam dengan mendownloadaplikasiCeramah Islam ini.Katalog/daftar ceramah tentang Agama Islam ini selaluredesigndan bertambah. Insya Allah selalu diupdate dengan ceramahbaru yangmenyegarkan hati.Tags : Ceramah Agama Islam, ceramah islam, islamic lecturerPresenting theIslamicspiritual cleansing to increase the faith and devotion toGod andreligious insight in the form of a written lecture andrecitation.Inside This study presents Dai: AA Gym, Buya Yahya, GusAliGondrong, Jamal Bin Thoha Baagil Habib, Habib SalimrepositoryJindan compartment Novel Habib Lutfi Yahya, Habib MunzirAlmusawa,Habib Novel Alaydrus, Habib abdul Qadir Assegaf Syechcanisters,canister taufiq Habib abdul Qadir Assegaf, Habib Umarholder HafizHabib Yahya, KH Abdullah Sa'ad, KH Anwar ascetic, KHSaid aqilSiradj, KH Zainuddin Mz, Ustad Ahmad Alhabsyi, UstadArifin Ilham,Cecelia Ustad Maulana, Ustad Jefri Albuchory (Uje),and Ustad YusufMansurIslamic lectures about Islam is the application of suchrenownedIndonesian cleric Ustadz Yusuf Mansur, Aa Gym, AamAmirudin,Zulkifli Muhammad Ali and many more.Download and listen lecture tapes are disconnected.Continue to deepen knowledge of Islam by downloadingthisapplication Islam Lecture.Catalog / list of lectures on Islam have always redesignandgrow. Insha Allah always updated with new lecture thatrefreshesthe heart.Tags: Islam Lecture, lecture islam, islamic lecturer
Cerita Horor Misteri 1.2
Cerita Horor Misteri adalah kumpulanceritahantu indonesia hingga tersedia untuk cell phone android.cerita ini adalah cerita hantu dan misteri menakutkandanberdasarkan cerita masyarakat yang sering mengalamiperistiwasupranatural dengan hantu yang sangat seram.Misteri tentang hantu tak akan pernah ada habisnya dandirangkumdidalam satu aplikasi ini agar dapat diketahuiolehorang-orang.Fitur :- Cerita Update- Tersedia 9 sub kategori cerita menakutkan- Dilengkapi dengan fitur pencarian cerita hantu- macam hantu- Hantu Seram*kisah hantu pada aplikasi ini akan diupdate secaraberkalasetiap waktunya*Labels : cerita angker, kisah nyata, cerita hantu,ceritamisteri, cerita mistis, apparition in real life,penampakanhantuHorror Mystery Storiesisa collection of ghost stories Indonesia until the cell phoneisavailable for android.This story is scary ghost stories and mysteries and storiesbypeople who often experience supernatural events with a veryspookyghosts.The mystery of the ghost never-ending and summarized in oneofthese applications to be known by people.features:- Story Update- There are 9 sub categories scary story- Equipped with a search feature ghost story- Sorts of ghost- Scary ghost* Ghost story on this application will be updatedperiodicallyevery time *Labels: haunted stories, real stories, ghost stories,mysteries,mystical story, the apparition in real life, ghostsightings
Makeup Tutorial 2017 1.0
Cosmetics, also known as make-up,aresubstances or products used to enhance the appearance orfragranceof the body. Many cosmetics are designed for use ofapplying to theface and hair. In the 21st century, women generallyuse morecosmetics than men. They are generally mixtures ofchemicalcompounds; some being derived from natural sources (such ascoconutoil), and some being synthetics. Common cosmetics includelipstick,mascara, eye shadow, foundation, rouge, skin cleansers andskinlotions, shampoo, hairstyling products (gel, hair spray,etc.),perfume and cologne.Cosmetics as "intended to be applied to the human bodyforcleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or alteringtheappearance without affecting the body's structure orfunctions".This broad definition includes any material intended foruse as acomponent of a cosmetic product. The FDA specificallyexcludes soapfrom this category.Tags : cosmetics, makeup for woman, youcam makeup, nomakeupselfie
Interior Apartment 2.0
An apartment (in American and CanadianEnglish)or a flat (in British English) is a self-contained housingunit (atype of residential real estate) that occupies only part ofabuilding, correctly, on a single level without a stair. Suchabuilding may be called an apartment building, apartmentcomplex,flat complex, block of flats, tower block, high-riseor,occasionally mansion block (in British English), especially ifitconsists of many apartments for rent. In Scotland it is calledablock of flats or, if it's a traditional sandstone building,atenement, which has a pejorative connotation elsewhere.Apartmentsmay be owned by an owner/occupier, by leasehold tenure orrented bytenants (two types of housing tenure).Interior design is the art and science of enhancingtheinteriors, sometimes including the exterior, of a spaceorbuilding, to achieve a healthier and more aestheticallypleasingenvironment for the end user. An interior designer issomeone whoplans, researches, coordinates, and manages suchprojects. Interiordesign is a multifaceted profession that includesconceptualdevelopment, space planning, site inspections,programming,research, communicating with the stakeholders of aproject,construction management, and execution of the design.Interior design is the process of shaping the experienceofinterior space, through the manipulation of spatial volume aswellas surface treatment for the betterment of humanfunctionality.This application give you a suggesstion of design interiorofyour apartment to be excellent one, download and enjoy it,dontforget to rate 5 star and comment please :)Tags : apartment interior design, interior apartment,apartmentdesign, design interior
Best Ghost Stories 3.0
This application is full of true ghoststories,paranormal experiences and supernatural encounters, thereare manypeople who seen ghost everywhere and everytime they aloneor not.Read this Ghost Stories App is the way we can understandabout'their world'.Is your home hauntings ? or Do you believe ghosts exist?It contain urban legends and spooky tales and also trueghoststories with real sense of horror stories.We dare yo to read it alone in the dark.Enjoy this apps!Ghost Stories 2016 ! The best collection of ghost andhauntedstories ever !All collection is much more than the others. There are 1500+scaryand ghost stories !Database updates !Our application has the scariest and haunted horror stories intheinternet, very best collection of creepy tales andscarystories!This application containt a creepy stories and all horror justlikeamerican horror and worldwide horror, it all availablehere.Features:* 1500+ scary stories and ghost stories!* Find stories about ghost and paranormal experience of thesocietyhere.* Short and Long horror stories for any ages to read, allstorieslike creepy ghosts, crazy murderers and other deadlythingsavailable here.* Share via Facebook, Blackberry Messenger, Whatsapp, Twitter,SMS,email and all your social apps* Not using WiFi or wireless Internet connection - this appcanworks offline* Nice Graphic and Easy-to-use interface* Searching Features* Favorite Button to bookmarks your stories* Adjustable font size* Zooming Mode font* It's completely FREETake your moment to read all of this ghost stories, downloadthisapp for free and enjoy!I dare you to read alone in the dark !In the end, please rate this app and give us yourfeedback,Thanks, Enjoy it :)Tags : Ghost Stories and Scary Stories, Horror Stories,CreepyTales
Life Quotes 2017 2.1
Quotation is the repetition of someoneelse'sstatement or thoughts. Quotation marks are punctuation marksusedin text to indicate a quotation. Both of these words aresometimesabbreviated as "quote(s)".All the best life quotes and an extensive collectionofquotations by famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers.Quotes of your life is now available on your smartphone..Share this Life Quotes with your friends and familyTags : pro life quotes, autumn quotes, about life quotes,quotesin life
Indian Ghost Stories 3.1
True and real ghost stories, some of themisparanormal activity too.Nowdays, do you believe the ghost is there? Just thinkin outandread about horror stories 2017, and supernatural encountersandhauntings using this amazing Indian Ghost Stories !The world of real ghost stories, the spooky tales and storyofurban legends, this is the application that suitable forsleepoversand camps, also for anyone who does'nt feel scary enoughto read,true ghost stories is for anyone !!Download this app for free and please enjoy our apps !i dare you to read this alone in the dark mate !* No need of Internet connection. It can works in off linemodetoo.* 2000+ scary stories!* full of short horror stories and horror storyTags : Halloween horror stories, Scary Stories, Horror2016,Creepy Tales,
Tile Design For Home 2.0
Decorative tilework or tile art shouldbedistinguished from mosaic, where forms are made of great numbersoftiny irregularly positioned tesserae, each of a singlecolor,usually of glass or sometimes ceramic or stone.These are commonly made of ceramic or stone, althoughrecenttechnological advances have resulted in rubber or glass tilesforfloors as well. Ceramic tiles may be painted and glazed.Smallmosaic tiles may be laid in various patterns. Floor tilesaretypically set into mortar consisting of sand, cement and oftenalatex additive for extra adhesion. The spaces between the tilesarenowadays filled with sanded or unsanded floor grout,buttraditionally mortar was used.Natural stone tiles can be beautiful but as a naturalproductthey are less uniform in color and pattern, and requiremoreplanning for use and installation. Mass-produced stone tilesareuniform in width and length. Granite or marble tiles are sawnonboth sides and then polished or finished on the top surface sothatthey have a uniform thickness. Other natural stone tiles suchasslate are typically "riven" (split) on the top surface so thatthethickness of the tile varies slightly from one spot on the tiletoanother and from one tile to another. Variations in tilethicknesscan be handled by adjusting the amount of mortar undereach part ofthe tile, by using wide grout lines that "ramp" betweendifferentthicknesses, or by using a cold chisel to knock off highspots.Tags : bathroom tile , glass tile, roof tile, floor tiles, howtotile
Wedding Invitation 2.1
A wedding invitation is a letter askingtherecipient to attend a wedding. It is typically written informal,third-person language and mailed five to eight weeks beforethewedding date.Like any other invitation, it is the privilege and duty ofthehost—historically, for younger brides in Western culture,themother of the bride, on behalf of the bride's family—toissueinvitations, either by sending them herself or causing them tobesent, either by enlisting the help of relatives, friends, orhersocial secretary to select the guest list and address envelopes,orby hiring a service. With computer technology, some are abletoprint directly on envelopes from a guest list using a mailmergewith word processing and spreadsheet software.Tags : contoh wedding invitation, marriage invitation,invitationfor wedding, wedding card
TV Room Design 2.0
Television or TV is a telecommunicationmediumused for transmitting moving images inmonochrome(black-and-white), or in color, and in two or threedimensions andsound. It can refer to a television set, a televisionprogram ("TVshow"), or the medium of television transmission.Television is amass medium, for entertainment, education, news, andadvertising.In Western architecture, a living room, also called aloungeroom, lounge or sitting room, is a room in a residentialhouse orapartment for relaxing and socializing. Such a room issometimescalled a front room when it is near the main entrance atthe frontof the house. In large formal homes, a sitting room isoften asmall private living area adjacent to a bedroom, such astheQueen's Sitting Room and the Lincoln Sitting Room of theWhiteHouse. The term living room was coined in the late 19th orearly20th century.In this apps, there are many design of your tv room, justmanageyour tv room with the best design on this world, pick one ofthatbe yours or share it to your family and friends.Tags : tv room design, design of tv room, tv room ideas,livingroom
Living Room Design 2.0
In Western architecture, a living room,alsocalled a lounge room, lounge or sitting room, is a room inaresidential house or apartment for relaxing and socializing. Sucharoom is sometimes called a front room when it is near themainentrance at the front of the house. In large formal homes,asitting room is often a small private living area adjacent toabedroom, such as the Queen's Sitting Room and the LincolnSittingRoom of the White House. The term living room was coined inthelate 19th or early 20th century.In homes that lack a parlour or drawing room, the living roommayalso function as a reception room.A typical Western living room may contain furnishings such asasofa, chairs, occasional tables, coffee tables,bookshelves,electric lamps, rugs, or other furniture.Traditionally, a sittingroom in the United Kingdom and New Zealandhas a fireplace, datingfrom when this was necessary for heating. Ina Japanese sittingroom, called a washitsu, the floor is coveredwith tatami,sectioned mats, on which people can sitcomfortably.In larger homes in the United States and Canada, the livingroommay be reserved for more formal and quiet entertaining, whileaseparate room such as a den, family room, or recreation roomisused for leisure and informal entertainment (e.g., a homecinemamay be located there). A great room combines the functions ofoneor more of these rooms.Tags : living room ideas, living room furniture, model of thelivingroom
New Hijab Tutorial 2017 2.0
A hijab is a veil traditionally worn byMuslimwomen in the presence of adult males outside of theirimmediatefamily, which usually covers the head and chest. The termcanfurther refer to any head, face, or body covering worn byMuslimwomen that conforms to a certain standard of modesty. Hijabcanalso be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men inthepublic sphere, or it may denote a metaphysical dimension,forexample referring to "the veil which separates man or theworldfrom God".Most often, it is worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modestyandprivacy. According to the Encyclopedia of Islam and MuslimWorld,modesty in the Quran concerns both men's and women's "gaze,gait,garments, and genitalia." The Qur'an admonishes Muslim womentodress modestly. Some Islamic legal systems define this typeofmodest clothing as covering everything except the face, elbows,andknees. These guidelines are found in texts of hadith andfiqhdeveloped after the revelation of the Qur'an but, accordingtosome, are derived from the verses (ayahs) referencing hijab intheQur'an. Some believe that the Qur'an itself does not mandatethatwomen wear hijab.In the Qur'an the term hijab refers to a partition or curtaininthe literal or metaphorical sense. The verse where it isusedliterally is commonly understood to refer to the curtainseparatingvisitors to Muhammad's house from his wives' lodgings.This had ledsome to argue that the mandate of the Qur'an to wearhijab appliedto the wives of Muhammad, and not women generally.In recent times, wearing hijab in public has been required bylawin Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Indonesian province of Aceh.Othercountries have passed laws banning some or all types of hijabinpublic or in certain types of locales. Women in different partsofthe world have also experienced unofficial pressure to wear ornotwear hijab in general, or in its certain forms, includingphysicalattacks.Tags : hijab fashion 2017, hijab swag 2017, hijab withglasses,hijab tutorial
204 Menu Makan Sebulan 2.0
Masakan Indonesia adalah salah satutradisikuliner yang paling kaya di dunia, dan penuh dengan citarasa yangkuat. Kekayaan jenis masakannya merupakan cerminkeberagaman budayadan tradisi Nusantara yang terdiri dari sekitar6.000 pulauberpenghuni, dan menempati peran penting dalam budayanasionalIndonesia secara umum. Hampir seluruh masakan Indonesiakaya denganbumbu berasal dari rempah-rempah seperti kemiri, cabai,temu kunci,lengkuas, jahe, kencur, kunyit, kelapa dan gula arendengan diikutipenggunaan teknik-teknik memasak menurut bahan, dantradisi-adatyang terdapat pula pengaruh melalui perdagangan yangberasalseperti dari India, Tiongkok, Timur Tengah, dan Eropa.Pada dasarnya tidak ada satu bentuk tunggal "masakanIndonesia",tetapi lebih kepada, keanekaragaman masakan daerah yangdipengaruhisecara lokal oleh kebudayaan Indonesia serta pengaruhasing.Sebagai contoh, beras yang diolah menjadi nasi putih, ketupatataulontong (beras yang dikukus) sebagai makanan pokok bagimayoritaspenduduk Indonesia, namun untuk bagian timur lebih umumdikonsumsisagu, jagung, singkong, dan ubi jalar. Bentuk penyajianumumsebagian besar makanan Indonesia terdiri atas makanan pokokdenganlauk-pauk berupa daging, ikan atau sayur di sisi piring.Sepanjang sejarahnya, Indonesia telah terlibat dalamperdagangandunia berkat lokasi, dan sumber daya alamnya. Teknikmemasak, danbahan makanan asli Indonesia berkembang, dan kemudiandipengaruhioleh seni kuliner India, Timur Tengah, Cina, danakhirnya Eropa.Para pedagang Spanyol dan Portugis membawa berbagaibahan makanandari benua Amerika jauh sebelum Belanda berhasilmenguasaiIndonesia. Pulau Maluku yang termahsyur sebagai"KepulauanRempah-rempah", juga menyumbangkan tanaman rempah asliIndonesiakepada seni kuliner dunia. Seni kuliner kawasan bagiantimurIndonesia mirip dengan seni memasak Polinesia danMelanesia.Aplikasi ini menyediakan 204 menu makanan sehari hariuntukkeluarga anda maupun anda sendirian saat di kos atau ditempattetangga/saudara/teman dan pacar.Tags : menu makanan sehat, menu makanan diet, dietmakanan,makanan enakIndonesian cuisine isoneof the richest culinary traditions in the world, and filled withastrong flavor. Wealth type of cooking is a reflection ofculturaldiversity and traditions of the archipelago consistingofapproximately 6,000 inhabited islands, and occupies animportantrole in the national culture of Indonesia in general.Almost allIndonesian dishes rich with spices derived from spicessuch aspecans, chili, key retrieval, galangal, ginger, kencur,turmeric,coconut and palm sugar followed by the use of thetechniques ofcooking according to the material, andtradition-indigenous thereare also influences through trade comesas India, China, MiddleEast, and Europe.Basically, there is not one singular "Indonesian cuisine",butrather the diversity of regional cuisine that is affectedlocallyby the Indonesian culture and foreign influences. Forexample, riceis processed into white rice, or rice cake rhombus(steamed rice)as a staple food for the majority of Indonesia'spopulation, but tothe east is more commonly consumed sago, maize,cassava, and sweetpotatoes. Most common form of presentation ofIndonesian foodconsists of staple foods with side dishes of meat,fish orvegetable side dish.Throughout its history, Indonesia has been involved inworldtrade due to its location, and its natural resources.Cookingtechniques, and developing authentic Indonesian foodingredients,and then influenced by the culinary art of India, theMiddle East,China, and eventually Europe. Spanish and Portuguesetradersbrought a variety of foodstuffs from the American continentlongbefore the Dutch managed to control Indonesia. Maluku islandisrenowned as the "Spice Islands", also donated spice plantsnativeto Indonesia to the world of culinary arts. Culinary artseasternIndonesia region similar to the art of cooking PolynesiaandMelanesia.This application provides 204 meals daily menu for you andyourfamily alone when boarding or where neighbors / relatives /friendsand girlfriend.Tags: healthy diet, diet diet, diet food, good food
Horror Creepy Stories 2.0
Horror Creepy Stories ! The best gatheringofcreepypasta, frightfulness and alarming stories!We give you considerably more than others. There are2000alarming stories! Consistent stories database redesigns!Highlights:* 2000+ alarming stories!* Offline Reading; No Internet get to required* Easy-to-utilize interface* Stories composed in classes* Sort stories: by Rating, Votes number, and Titles* Filter stories: None, Read, Unread* Adjustable textual style and text dimension* Adjustable foundation and textual style shading* Day/Night mode* Lock/Unlock screen turn* Automatically check story as read if necessary* Keep screen on while perusing* Expand on the full screen* Favorites tabTag : Horror Stories and Horror 2016, Creepy Tales, GhostandScary Stories
Nonton TV Indonesia 1.0
"Nonton TV Indonesia" adalah aplikasitvstreaming, tv online indonesia, tv indonesia yang menyajikanbanyakchannel streaming tv indonesia untuk masyarakat indonesia,nontontv dengan live streaming kapan saja dimana saja denganbanyaksiaran tv indonesia yang sangat populer, diantaranya adalah:1. TRANS TV2. RCTI3. INDOSIAR4. SCTV5. TRANS 76. NET TV7. GLOBAL TV8. TVRI9. MNC TV10. TVONE11. ANTV12. KOMPASTV13. METRO TV14. iNEWS TV15. BERITA SATU16. RTV dan banyak lagi channel lainnyaTags : TV Indonesia, TV Online Indonesia, nonton tv indonesia"Watch TV Indonesia" isanapplication streaming tv, tv online Indonesia, Indonesiawhichserves many tv channel streaming tv Indonesia for theIndonesianpeople, watching TV with live streaming anytime, anywherewith manyIndonesian tv broadcasts are very popular, such as:1. TRANS TV2. RCTI3. INDOSIAR4. SCTV5. TRANS 76. NET TV7. GLOBAL TV8. TVRI9. MNC TV10. AFP11. quiz12. KompasTV13. METRO TV14. iNews TV15. ONE NEWS16. RTV and many other channelsTags: TV Indonesia, Indonesia Online TV, watch tv Indonesia
TV Indonesia Hot 1.0
Aplikasi ini menyediakan seluruh channeltvnasional..Silahkan di download yang ingin menonton tv kapan saja dimanasajatanpa batas.This applicationprovidesthe entire national tv channel ..Please download who wants to watch TV anytime anywherewithoutlimits.
Live TV Indonesia 2017 1.0
Live TV Indonesia 2017 adalah aplikasiyangdapat digunakan untuk menonton tv streaming online hanyadenganmenggunakan gadget HP anda.TV online saat ini sangat berguna dikarenakan tv onlinedibutuhkanpada saat-saat yang genting, contohnya pada saat matilistrik, andatidak bisa menonton tv, sehingga aplikasi tv onlineindonesia inidapat berguna bagi anda yang bisa menonton tv kapansaja dimanasaja dengan kualitas siaran tv indonesia yang online indonesia memiliki berbagai Channel tv streaming,yaitudiantaranya :* NET TV* TRANS 7* MNC TV* GLOBAL TV* TVRI* TRANS TV* RCTI* INDOSIAR* TVONE* SCTV* ANTVselamat menonton dan jangan lupa share ke teman dan keluargaandaagar tv indonesia 2017 ini dapat digunakan dan dimanfaatkansebagaitontonan siaran tv online indonesia.Tags : tv indonesia, tv online indonesia, live tvindonesia2017Live TV Indonesia 2017isan application that can be used for watching tv streamingonlinesimply by using your cell phone gadget.TV online is currently very useful because online tv required atthetime-a crucial moment, for example during a power failure, youcannot watch tv, so the application tv online Indonesia can beusefulfor those of you who can watch TV anytime, anywhere withbroadcastquality Indonesian tv excellent.Indonesia has various tv online streaming tv channels, someofthem:* NET TV* TRANS 7* MNC TV* GLOBAL TV* TVRI* TRANS TV* RCTI* INDOSIAR* AFP* SCTV* quizcongratulations watch and do not forget to share your familyandfriends that this 2017 Indonesian tv can be used and exploitedas aspectacle broadcast tv online Indonesia.Tags: tv Indonesia, Indonesian online tv, live tvIndonesia2017