Sololearn التطبيقات

Learn Ruby 1.5.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnRuby in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. Learn Ruby in themost social and fun way, with SoloLearn! Learn Ruby, one of today'smost in-demand programming languages on-the-go, while playing.Learning with SoloLearn is FREE! No in-app purchases. No ads. Jointhe fastest-growing global community of mobile code learners andupgrade your skill level through learning solo or peer-to-peerinteraction in the world of programming. Here you can: * LEARN Rubyconcepts by going through short interactive texts and fun follow-upquizzes. Currently, we cover the following topics: ControlStructures, Loops, Collections, Methods, Object OrientedProgramming, Modules, Mixins, and even more! * CODE! The best wayto learn to code is to code! Our beautifully designed code editorlets you make changes to existing code or write and compile yourown custom code - on any device, while going through the corelessons or as a stand-alone activity. The more you play, the betteryou get! * Check out our Q&A DISCUSSIONS to get help, or tohelp enhance the learning of peer SoloLearners. So don't wait; diveright in! Start coding with Ruby NOW!
Learn jQuery 1.4.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnJQuery in a greatly improved learning environment with morelessons, real practice opportunity, and community support. LearnJQuery has been added to our series of FREE interactive apps thatmake learning to code non-daunting and fun! Download the LearnJQuery app or our more comprehensive (more lessons, more practice)and community-driven SoloLearn: Learn to Code app to beginlearning. If you’ve already completed our HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptapps, dive right in and learn even more as you compete andcollaborate with your fellow SoloLearners. Improve your codingability as you surf through brief lessons and take fun quizzes.Practice writing JQuery code within the app, collect points, andshow off your skills! When you complete the course, you'll receivea Certificate of Completion as a trophy! The SoloLearn Learn JQueryCourse covers the following topics: • Attributes • Content and CSSManipulations • DOM • Events • Effects • Animations • And more!Learn and practice what you’ve learned to become a Web DevelopmentPro! Good luck!
Learn Python 2.8.3
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnPython in a greatly improved learning environment with morelessons, real practice opportunity, and community support. LearnPython in the most social and fun way, with SoloLearn! LearnPython, one of today's most in-demand programming languageson-the-go, while playing, for FREE! Compete and collaborate withyour fellow SoloLearners, while surfing through short lessons andfun quizzes. Practice writing Python code within the app, collectpoints, and show off your skills. When you complete the course,you'll win a Certificate of Completion as a trophy! The SololearnLearn Python Course covers the following topics: • Python Basics •Data Types • Control Structures • Functions and Modules •Exceptions • Working with Files • Functional Programming •Object-Oriented Programming • Regular Expressions • ...and evenmore! So don’t wait; dive right in! Start coding with Python!
Learn JavaScript 5.9.3
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnJavaScript in a greatly improved learning environment with morelessons, real practice opportunity, and community support. Have funand learn all the fundamentals of JavaScript with SoloLearn! Learnall the basic features of JavaScript programming: ways to make yourwebsite more interactive, change website content, validate forms,create cookies, and so much more. Complete a series of exercisesand hands-on practice sessions, designed to guide you through theprocess of creating your own JavaScript code in an entertaining andeducational way totally FREE. Have fun learning the fundamentals ofJavaScript, while collecting colorful points and competing withother players from all over the world! Further your career - orsimply gain a new skill - while playing along with SoloLearn’sengaging FREE JavaScript tutorial.
Learn C# 1.9.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnC# in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. The SoloLearn C#course makes the 10th programming language available to ourcommunity for FREE! At SoloLearn, we are building a community ofcoders where learning is FREE, FUN, and EFFECTIVE! With codingbecoming a "must have" skill, we aim to help you improve yourcareer and life choices by mastering this skill in your spare time,on any device, wherever you are. Join our growing community ofSoloLearners where you can enjoy individual and peer-to-peerlearning and learn the basics of implementing coding projects onyour mobile. And finally, improve your standing within thecommunity by collecting XP points and advancing your rank on theLeaderboard! Learn: Gain an understanding of C# concepts by goingthrough short interactive texts and follow-up fun quizzes. Topicsinclude: variables, conditional statements and loops, methods,classes, arrays, strings, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism,interfaces, exceptions, generics, and more! Code Playground: Thebest way to learn to code is to CODE! Our beautifully designed codeeditor lets you make changes to existing code or write and run yourown custom code and see the output on your mobile device! You cancode while going through the core lessons or as a stand-alonelearning activity. The more you play, the better you get! Use ourDiscussion Forums: Whether you need additional help inunderstanding a topic or want to contribute to enhance the learningof peer SoloLearners, go to our Discussion Forums. Learn, shareyour knowledge, and improve your career and life choices!
Learn SQL 3.7.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnSQL in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. Learn andpractice SQL right now, with SoloLearn’s FREE SQL tutorial! Create,access, and manipulate databases. At the same time, collect points,unlock levels and achievements, and compete with other learnersfrom around the world! Whether you want to become the next greatestdatabase designer, or you would simply like to have the ability toquery databases from code, SoloLearn will take you through thefundamentals of SQL in a highly interactive, rapid, and effectivemanner. Learn SQL covers an array of SQL-related topics, such as: •Database Basics • Key SQL Statements • Retrieving, Updating, andFiltering Data • Functions and Subqueries • Creating, Updating, andDeleting Tables • Joining Multiple Tables • Creating Custom ViewsBecome an expert the easy – and FUN – way! Continue playing whilelearning for FREE with SoloLearn!
Learn Java 3.8.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnJava in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. SoloLearn's LearnJava is a comprehensive guide to one of the most popularprogramming languages in the world. And here's a bonus: Learn Javais FREE! The lessons in Learn Java lessons are fast, easy, andeffective; the app is set up to be completed in less than threehours. No prior programming experience is needed. With Learn Java,you’ll learn object-oriented Java programming and have the abilityto write clear and valid code in almost no time at all. So don'thesitate. Begin our step-by-step tutorial today, and learn a newskill! The app's 64 lessons cover the following topics: • JavaBasics: Variables, Operators, etc. • Conditional Statements andLoops • Arrays • Classes and Objects • Encapsulation, Polymorphism,and Inheritance • Abstract Classes and Interfaces • Anonymous andInner Classes • Exception Handling • Lists • HashMaps • Sets •Threads • Working with Files • And Much More! Become a Javadeveloper – start SoloLearn's FREE tutorial today!! Unlock levels,collect points, and compete with your peers around the world. Learnand have fun with SoloLearn!
Learn HTML 5.8.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnHTML in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. This FREE appwill teach you how to design a web page using HTML. In ourinteractive HTML courseware, carefully selected content will befollowed by quizzes and checkpoints. Complete a series of hands-onexercises and practice while writing real HTML code. Our content isconcise, checkpoints are enjoyable, and learning is guaranteed.Learn while playing and play while learning with our FREE HTMLTutorial! Whether you want to further your career or simply gain anew skill, this tutorial will be useful for you. It is easy tostart, easy to learn - are you still waiting? Start now!
Learn PHP 4.7.1
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get ithere: in a greatly improved learning environment with morelessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. Learn PHPisfinally available! Continue your FREE SoloLearn webdevelopmenttraining today, by learning the most widely used webprogramminglanguage in the world! PHP enables you to create dynamicweb pages,develop websites, and generate dynamic content. You’llalso be ableto open files; write content to files; and createcontact forms,forums, blogs, picture galleries, surveys, socialnetworks, and awhole lot more. If you are already familiar withHTML, CSS, andJavaScript, you can dive right in! Become aprogrammer the easyway! And don’t forget to have fun, and at thesame time strengthenyour profile, unlock new achievements, and opennew and even moreinteractive levels – today! Continue learningwhile playing withSoloLearn!
Learn C++ 2.8.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnC++ in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. Learn C++ isanother FREE programming course by SoloLearn. Whether you've hadany prior programming experience or not, this app will help youlearn all you need to know in order to start creating and compilingyour own programs. Learning with SoloLearn has proved to be fast,effective and fun. This app will show you how easy it is to becomea programmer. Learn C++ includes over 80 lessons split into 8levels that cover basic concepts, data types, arrays, pointers,conditional statements, loops, functions, classes and objects,inheritance & polymorphism, templates, exceptions and files.Unlock new levels, quizzes, collect points and compete with yourpeers around the world. Most importantly, learn while having funbecause engaged learning makes a difference. Good luck!
Learn CSS 5.7.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnCSS in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. Our FREE CSStutorial is a learning game that will teach you how to control thestyle and layout of websites. Complete a series of entertainingexercises and practice while filling out actual CSS templates. Ourcontent is concise, checkpoints are enjoyable, and learning isguaranteed. Collect colorful points and beat other playersthroughout the world while learning the fundamentals of web design.Learn while playing and play while learning with our CSS tutorial!Whether you want to further your career or simply gain a new skill,this tutorial will be useful for you.
Learn Programming with Swift 1.8.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get it here: LearnSwift in a greatly improved learning environment with more lessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. Have fun whilelearning Swift with SoloLearn. It's FREE! Solve quizzes on the go.Hands-on practice: Collect points by writing real-life code withinthe app. Most importantly - and most fun: SoloLearn's Swift applets you apply your newly gained knowledge and create your own,fully functioning iOS app! All of this, with expert guidance fromSoloLearn! While no prior experience is required, we do recommendthat you have some basic knowledge of programming in order to enjoythe full benefits of the course. We cover Swift's basic concepts: •Control Flow • Collections • Functions • Closures • Object-OrientedProgramming • ...and much more! So, wait no longer - dive right in!Enjoy learning in your spare time, on any device, completely FREEwith SoloLearn. Learn Playing! Play Learning!