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Lion Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a slide puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about lion :Known as the only truly social cats, lions live a nomadiclifestyle in groups called prides, with a pack mentality that isusually led by the females.Lions have golden yellow fur, courage, nobility, ripple, and theadult male lions have shaggy manes that range in color from blondto reddish to black. The color appears to depend on a lions age,genetics and hormone levels.Lion bodies are built for hunting, They are strong and compact,lion, roar, power with strong forelimbs and jaws that help thembring down their prey.Lion mostly eat large animals, such as zebra and wildebeest.King, savanna, pride, They also steal from other predators such ashyenas and leopards. Females are the primary hunters in apride.Female lion mate about every two years, cat, hunting, prey,giving birth to one to six cubs after a three-and-half-monthgestation period. jigsaw, sliding, slide, About 60 to 70 percent ofcubs die within the first year of their life. Females cooperate inraising a pride's cubs.Male and female lions mark their territory with urine and byroaring.Lion once lived across Europe, Africa and North America, brain,but they are now found primarily in Africa. They range from thesouthern border of the Sahara to the northern parts of SouthAfrica. puzzle, game, They dwell in the savanna habitat.Tigers are Photo, Wallpaper, and the closest relative tolions.Lions are the second largest of the big cats, after thetiger.A lion's roar can be heard up to 5 miles (8 kilometers) away,according to the National Zoo.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Kitten Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about kitten :Your playful kitten will grow into an adult cat rapidly, butdon't be fooled by appearances. cat, licking, puppy, some aspectsof feline maturity occur more quickly than others. Opting to spayor neuter your cat can make a big difference in how and how fastyour cat grows up.In general, a kitten is considered an adult cat when it reaches1 year of age, but your cat may not actually be fully grown at thispoint. Kittens typically reach a length and weight close to theirfull grown size by 9 to 12 months of age. kitten, funny, adorable,After the 1 year mark, most cats continue to grow at a much slowerrate until at least 18 months of age. Large breeds, sleep, cute,milk, such as Maine coon cats, typically take even longer to growto their full size. These cats may not be fully grown until theyreach 2 to 4 years of age.Sexual maturation in cats, what is essentially puberty in felineterms, takes a few months from start to finish. The processtypically begins when the kitten is between 6 and 9 months of age.While a pregnancy is possible once your female kitten startsbecoming physically mature, paw, claw, friendly, it can be hard onher still growing body. Male kittens that have reached this age canfather kittens of their own, so keep them away from female cats orkittens to avoid this possibility. If you plan to spay or neuteryour cat, talk to your vet about when to have the procedure done.puzzle, game, brain, Many vets prefer to spay or neuter kittensbefore they reach full reproductive maturity. Neutering male catsbefore about 6 months of age may prevent spraying behavior.When your kitten reaches about 6 months, jigsaw, sliding, slide,he may become more clingy or temperamental because of the hormonalchanges going on in his body. By his second birthday, Photo,Wallpaper, you may notice that your feline companion has becomecalmer and mellower as he settles into life as a full grown cat. Aspayed or neutered cat may remain more kittenlike than an intactcat, retaining playfulness and a strong need for affection wellinto old age.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Autumn Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about Autumn :Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons that includesspring, summer and winter. Some people call autumn, "fall," whichrefers to the leaves falling off the trees during this season. Thefalling of the leaves begins when the leaves change colors and gofrom being green, Autumn, Forest, Tree, to burning red, goldenyellow and vivid orange.Then as autumn continues, the leaves begin to rain from the treebranches signifying the end of the harvest time. Many people inCanada, the United States, Japan, Nature, Leaf, China and Koreatravel around their home countries during autumn just to watch theleaves change colors and fall off the trees because it is such abeautiful site of nature. Orange, Red, Sunlight, In fact thetourist season of leaf watching is a popular time to go hiking,Plant, Branch, Fall, camping and enjoying being outside with naturesince the temperatures are mild, as the heat of summer has past andthe chill of winter has yet to come.Autumn comes after summer but before winter, from the first dayof September to the last day of November. foliage, leaves, puzzle,However the months of autumn depend on what part of the world it isin relation to the equator. game, brain, jigsaw, While it is autumnin September through November in the United States, Europe, as wellas all the other countries in the Northern Hemisphere, for theSouthern Hemisphere where Australia, New Zealand, and parts ofAfrica and Asia lie, autumn comes from March to May. At this timeof year, the days start to get shorter as nights grow longer,giving people less daylight to enjoy. For example, in the morningsas children wait for the bus, sliding, slide, Photo, they willnotice in Autumn the sky is still dark when before the sun hadalready come up.The history of autumn began with the time of harvest for peoplewho worked and depended on farming to survive. Wallpaper, Autumnwas even called "harvest" in the 1500s because this was when fruitsand vegetables were ready to be picked and stored for the winter.People had to store foods so they would not starve when the wintercame, as the cold weather would kill all the plant life. So, theseason of autumn was an extremely important time of year. Associety developed and people moved off the farms and into cities towork in factories, the term "harvest" was replaced with autumn, orfall.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
wolves Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about wolves :The wolf is the primeval wild dog, the largest wild canid, wolfpictures free, howl, fang, long a hunter alongside people, andancestor of our most faithful domestic companion. Wolves varywidely in appearance. Their fur is thick and usually grey, but canvary from nearly pure white, red, or brown to black.The dire wolf was a large canine that exhibited hyena-likecharacteristics. wolves howling, moon, puzzle, game, Like thehyena, the dire wolf hunted and scavenged for food. Researcherssuspect that dire wolves, due to their scavenging nature, scatteredthe bones of animals they killed or that were killed by other prey.The dire wolf was not quite like any animal we have today. It wassimilar in overall size and mass to a large modern grey wolf.Wolves lead a complex social life. wolves raid, brain, jigsaw,sliding, They form groups called packs, which are typicallycomposed of a dominant mated pair (The Alpha Pair), theiroffspring, and an assortment of other adults, often with somegenetic relationship to the first family. In May or June thedominant female bears a litter of up to ten pups in a den in somesecluded location. Life in summer centers around this den site, andlater, a rendezvous site. The whole group assists in theupbringing, helping to feed the mother and young with prey from thehunt, acting as "nursemaids" when the mother herself goes hunting,and guarding the area from predators like grizzly bears. By fallthe pups are able to roam freely and the group may become morenomadic.The life of the pack is finely tuned to the hunt. wolf puzzles,slide, Photo, Wallpaper, When moose or caribou are abundant, wolveslive in larger groups to enable pack hunting. A pack uses adistinct territory, which it defends against other wolves. Duringwinter wolves may travel long distances, especially when the mainprey is a migratory species such as caribou. Many other foods willbe utilized if available, such as moose, mountain sheep, marmots,ground squirrels, hares, mice and even spawning salmon.Wolves have three methods of communicating with each other. Thefirst is sound. Wolves are generally known for howling, but wolveswill also growl, squeal, whine, and gruff. Whimpering and whiningconveys friendly intentions, while growling is considered anaggressive noise. The second way wolves communicate is with scent.The third way wolves communicate is with body posture, they do thisby using their eyes, ears, mouths and tails to send and receivemessages=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Leopard Print Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about leopard print:leopard prints have long been a popular style for many reasons.For one, they are generally expensive and considered rather exotic;hence they are a symbol of wealth and status. Throughout history,print, leopard, stripes, kings and other high people have usedleopard print rugs and such as a sign of status just as mountedanimals are kept as trophies. pattern, fashion, fur, Animal printbecame popular for women in the United States in the late 1960sduring the Bohemian movement.A leopard pattern is a spotted color pattern, exoctic animalprint, Cheetah, particularly in the hair coat or skin of animals,but also used to describe spotting patterns in plants and fabrics.puzzle, game, The term is refers to the black and gold spotted coatof the Leopard cat, but is used to describe many color combinationsthat result in spots scattered randomly across the skin or haircoat of other animals.Besides a distinctive natural animal pattern on clothing,"animal prints" may also refer to art prints of animals, brain,jigsaw, sliding, printed on canvas or paper. The art prints mayreplicate the same fur pattern found on the animal, but a flatphotographic representation printed on artistic media, such as foras wall decorations. slide, Photo, Wallpaper, The prints are notlimited to just the animal's skin or fur pattern, but may be anypart of the animal and still called an animal print.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these advert in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Rainbow Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about rainbow :Light is made up of a spectrum of colors, each with a differentwavelength. rainbow, spectrum, rainbow lights, When sunlight passesthrough raindrops, the drops act as tiny prisms. Prisms refractlight and break it into the colors of the spectrum. The light isreflected off each drop's side as it enters, is broken up into aspectrum, and bent as it exits. Each wavelength of light bends at adifferent angle. When the light exits the drop, it is traveling atan entirely different angle than it was before, all of itscomponent colors having dispersed into separate beams. Red bends at42 degrees and violet bends at 40 degrees, for example. colorful,multicolored, sky, The different angles cause the colors to spreadout across the sky in a circular rim we know as a rainbow.Light doesn't travel in a straight line, so it will continuebending and refracting as it moves through the air. rain, puzzle,game, Rainbows look different, depending on where they're viewedfrom. Because most are viewed from the horizon, it appears that therainbow simply forms an arc that stops at the horizon; however, arainbow viewed from above will in fact be visible as a fullcircle.Of course, all of this bending of light in water drops onlycomes together to make a beautiful rainbow if the right weather ispresent and the viewer is in the right location in relation to it.brain, jigsaw, sliding, To see a rainbow, you have to be standingwith the sun behind you and the rain and rainbow opposite you andthe sun. It also might take nothing more than a fountain or otherproducer of mist to create a tiny rainbow in just the rightsituation.In fact, slide, Photo, Wallpaper, to see the action of rainbowsforming and bending on a less grand scale and without waitingaround for Mother Nature to cooperate you can create the effectwith a few household items on a sunny day. Using a clear glassfilled with water, take the glass and a piece of white paper to asunny location in the house, usually near a window. Hold the glassof water above the paper just so until you see the light passthrough the glass of water, bending and forming colors on the sheetof paper. Moving the glass to different heights or angles inrelation to the paper should create different effects=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Winter Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about winter :Winter is the coldest season of the year and it is a part of themain seasons found in the temperate zone. winter, snow, snowflakes,In general, winter is characterized by having minimum temperaturesand the days of the shortest duration.In the Northern Hemisphere, winter is from winter solstice tovernal equinox.Duration of WinterThe official start of the month of winter is different in variouscultures and locations. mountain, snowfall, puzzle, According torecent meteorology the winter months are December, January andFebruary for the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemispherethey are June, July and August. Even so, many European and EastAsian nations regard November as the start of the winter season.The Celtic countries consider November 1 as the beginning of winterwhereas according to the Chinese calendar it is from November7.Features of WinterThe winter nights are usually very long and the days are, brain, jigsaw.In certain areas, there is extremely high precipitation in the formof snowfall and some places remain permanently covered withsnow.In places where there are blizzards or winter storms a lot oftransportation problems are faced.Ice fog is a rare atmospheric phenomenon, sliding, slide, Photo,Wallpaper,in which suspension of ice crystals is formed in the air.This happens only at temperatures that follow below -30ºC.Winter activitiesThere are a number of fun sports and interesting activitiesassociated with winter. To name a few we have:Ice skating, Ice Hockey, Ice Biking, Skiing, Snowball fighting,Building snowman and snow castles, SledgingWinter is a season which occurs between autumn and spring.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Air Balloon Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about Air Balloon :Hot air balloons are an ingenious application of basicscientific principles.The basis of how the balloon works is that warmer air rises incooler air. This is because hot air is lighter than cool air as ithas less mass per unit of volume. air, balloon, hot air, Mass canbe defined by the measure of how much matter something contains.The actual balloon (called an envelope) has to be so large as ittakes such a large amount of heated air to lift it off the ground.For example, to lift 1000 pounds worth of weight you would needalmost 65,000 cubic feet of heated air! To help keep the balloon inthe air and rising, hot air needs to be propelled upwards into theenvelope using the burnerA hot air balloon is made up of 3 main parts:The Envelope : The actual fabric balloon which holds the airThe Burner : The unit which propels the heat up inside theenvelopeThe Basket : Where the passengers and pilot standthe burner uses propane gas to heat up the air in the envelopeto move the balloon off the ground and into the air. colorful, sky,flying, The pilot must keep firing the burner at regular intervalsthroughout the flight to ensure that the balloon continues to bestable. Naturally, the hot air will not escape from the hole at thevery bottom of the envelope as firstly, hot air rises and secondly,the buoyancy keeps it moving up.To move the balloon upwards the pilot opens up the propane valvewhich lets the propane flow to the burner which in turn fires theflame up into the envelope. puzzle, game, brain, Works in much thesame way as a gas grill, the more you open the valve, the biggerthe flame to heat the air, the faster the balloon rises.To move the balloon downwards the 'Parachute Valve' at the verytop of the balloon is what is used to bring the balloon downtowards the ground. jigsaw, sliding, slide, It is essentially acircle of fabric cut out of the top of the envelope which iscontrolled by a long chord which runs down through the middle ofthe envelope to the basket. Photo, Wallpaper, If the pilot wants tobring the balloon down he simply pulls on the chord which will openthe valve, letting hot air escape, decreasing the inner airtemperature. This cooling of air causes the balloon to slow itsascent.So essentially this takes care of the up and down movement, sohow does the balloon move from place to place? Again the answer isvery simple, the pilot can maneuver horizontally by changing thevertical position of the balloon because the wind blows indifferent directions at different altitudes.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Beach Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about Beach:How is a Beach Born?A day at the beach is one of the most relaxing and enjoyablethingsin the world. beach, sand, flowers, Since prehistoric timespeoplehave been drawn to the sandy coastlines for both sustenanceandrecreation, and for an undoubtedly equally long period theyhavewondered how a beach comes to be in the first place. If you'veeverlooked at a grain of sand up close, you may have though thatitresembled a tiny rock. As it turns out, that's all a grain ofsandreally is.Erosion and DepositionBeaches are a prime example of what is called a depositionlandform,meaning they are built up over time by the addition, beautiful, ocean, Sediment is a term for particlesof rock orearth produced from larger particles over time. Theweathering ofrocks by wind, rain, ice and geological processescauses theirbreakdown into smaller units, which then undergo aprocess known aserosion. When erosion occurs, sediment istransported from one placeto another by gravity, wind, glaciermovement or flowing water.sunrise, summertime, shore, Certaincauses of erosion, such as ariver, tend to transport a largeamount of their sediment to acommon location, such as the pointwhere the river joins a largerbody of water. Over time thesediment may accumulate and produce anew land form, such as adune, sand bar or beach.Waves, Deltas andBeach FormationIn the case of the beach, ocean waves are usually responsibleformost of the deposition. wave, pebbles, gravel, Offshore rocksandcoral reefs gradually erode due to the action of currents,producingsediment which is deposited when the waves crash into theshoreline.puzzle, game, brain, However, this sediment is notalways in theform of sand. Gravel, pebbles and shell fragments arejust a few ofthe other types of sediment often deposited on ashoreline. Humanrecreation tends to focus on the sandier sites,but there are othertypes of beaches as well.Rivers may also be involved in this process. jigsaw,sliding,slide, The point where a river drains into an ocean iscalled adelta, and at these places deposition can occur on amassive scale.Photo, Wallpaper, Deltas are often extremely fertilefarmlandbecause of this, and for the same reason they are also hometo manyof the world's most popular beaches.The sand at such sites may have been moved thousands ofmilesfrom the interior of a continent by a river's current, untilit waslain on top of sand drawn up from the dark depths of theocean.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Diamond Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about diamond :What is a diamond?Every item of diamond jewellery is a small miracle.glitter,jewelry,gemstone, The diamonds that are used in jewellerywere formed from carbon deposits millions and sometimes billions ofyears ago, deep under the earth in intense heat and pressure. Fromhere they were carried by powerful lava flows to the earth'ssurface, and millions of years later they were mined by us andturned into the diamond jewellery that we now wear. Even after thisincredible journey, only half of the diamonds mined are of gemquality, so it is no surprise that we consider diamonds to be rareand priceless and full of magical qualities. If you want to findout even more detail about this incredible process read on.Rare and precious diamondsAs well as being a scientific miracle, ring, engagements ring, gem,a diamond is also the ultimate symbol of love. No other gem is asrare, indestructible, beautiful or magical, steeped in history, orso closely associated to one of the central traditions of ourculture marriage. Every item of diamond jewellery sold, whether itis a diamond engagement ring, necklace or other piece of jewellery,symbolises commitment, strength and the everlasting nature of love.It is hard to imagine that this gem started out billions of yearago as a piece of carbon buried miles beneath the surface of theearth.What is carbon?Diamonds are formed from pure carbon at a depth of around 90miles over a period of millions of year. love, Carbon is the fourthmost abundant element in the universe by mass and the second mostabundant element by mass in the human body after oxygen. puzzle,game, brain, When combined with the fact that it is present in allknown lifeforms and has unusual polyforming abilities in thetemperatures found on earth, carbon can easily be seen to be thechemical basis of all known life. Diamonds are one of the purestand most revered forms of carbon and you could say that, jigsaw,sliding, slide, when you give diamond jewellery, you are givingpurity, strength and a symbol of the very essence of existence.How is carbon turned into diamonds?In simple terms, a diamond is a piece of carbon that has hadintense heat and pressure applied to it far below sea level and isthen carried through molten lava flows to the earth's surface whereit is mine and, in turn, made into the sparkling diamonds that weuse in our jewellery. However, of all the diamonds mine only halfare of gem quality, and even fewer are big enough to be made into apolished stone no bigger than a match head. The carbon to makediamonds can come from non organic sources, organic sources, or ablend of the two. In other words, if any carbon is subject to theconditions required to create diamonds it will become diamonds, nomatter its original state.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these advert in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Candle Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw app forbrain and puzzle are some fact about candle :Candles are a combination of wax, certain additives and a wickthat will hold the flame that burns the wax. Candles have been madefrom many different things over the years, including tallow, candlelight, warm, melt, made from the fat of cattle and wax made fromthe berries of the bayberry bush. Today, there are several waxes onthe market that can be used to make strong, solid candlesinexpensively heat.The largest component of candles is the wax. candlestick,candle, fire The most common of all waxes for use in candles isparaffin wax. This is an inexpensive byproduct of petroleum and isreadily available all over the world. Paraffin wax is naturallywhite and is semi-translucent, making it easy for this wax to takeon different pigments. Other waxes commonly used are naturalbeeswax, flame, wax, burn found in bee hives, bayberry wax, madefrom boiling bayberries and soy wax, made from soybean oil.In paraffin wax candles, there are a number of additives thatare added to the wax to give it specific candle wax properties.puzzle, game, brain, jigsaw Adding stearic acid to the wax makes itharder, gives it a slightly more opaque look and allows the colorto blend better with the wax for more even color. Vybar is anotheradditive that helps the color hold evenly, sliding, Photo and italso helps the wax to hold more candle fragrance.To get the candle to have the desired color, slide, candle coloris added while the wax is melted. The candle color comes in theform of either a color block of candle color or of a liquid candlepigment. The pigment is highly concentrated in order to color largeblocks of wax with a small amount of pigment. Solid candle colorcomes in small blocks of pigment that each color a pound of wax orin larger blocks that color eight pounds. For liquid candle color,most brands formulate pigments that require one ounce of color forevery pound of wax.Many candles also use a candle scent to give the candle aspecific fragrance. There are some solid blocks of candlefragrance, but most candles use a liquid fragrance to create theirscent.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartapp bannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app, pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus might appearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Parrot Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about parrot :The parrot is a medium sized group of birds, with theparrotbeing best known for it's extremely brightly coloredfeathers, andthe ability of some parrot species to talk, parrot,vivid,colorful, talking, as these species of parrots are able tomimicsounds made by other animals such as humans.There are thought to be over 350 species of parrotworldwide,ranging across rainforest regions of the SouthernHemisphere. Theparrot tends to inhabit densely forested areas,where the parrothunts insects and small mammals, as well as eatingnuts, seeds andfruits.The parrot can grow between 8cm and 1m, depending on theparrotspecies. smart, mimic, speaking, african gray parrot, Thepygmyparrot is the smallest species of parrot in the world, growingtoaround the same size as an adult human's finger. The pygmyparrotis found in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. The HyacinthMacaw isthe largest species of parrot in the world, growing to morethan ameter in height and native to the jungles of central andeasternSouth America. However, the endangered kakapo of New Zealandcanoften be heavier than the Hyacinth Macaw, with the kakapooftenreaching more than 3kg in weight.The parrot is believed to be one of the most intelligent ofallthe bird species, funny, bird, smart, puzzle, game, mainly inthesense that parrots are able to replicate (mimic) the noisesmadearound them. Some parrots are able to mimic modern sounds andhumanvoices to almost perfection. One African grey parrot was foundtohave a vocabulary of more than 800 words!Nearly all of the different parrot species around the worldareknown to live for a long time, brain, jigsaw, sliding,slide,particularly in comparison to other species of bird. Theaveragelifespan of the parrot is around 60 years although it isnotuncommon for parrots to be much older ages.Parrots are identifiable by a number of their features,thebrightly coloured feathers of the parrot being the mostobviousone. Parrots are known to have sharp, curved beaks whichhelpparrots to crack nuts open more easily and to access fruits onthetrees. Parrots also have strong legs, but are most well knownforthe fact that there are four toes on each of the parrot's twofeet,two of these toes face forwards and the other two toesfacebackwards. Photo, Wallpaper, These remarkable feet help theparrotnot only to perch on tree branches more easily but also aidtheparrot in climbing tree trunks or clambering through thedensejungle foliage.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
River Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about River :Rivers perform a tremendous amount of work by erosion,thewearing away of the land's surface. watercourse, freshwater,Allriver water carries dissolved minerals and tiny particles ofsiltand clay. When the current of the stream is fast enough, itcarriessand, gravel, and even boulders by suspension and by rollingthemalong the river bed.Thus the greater the speed and amount of water, the heaviertheload the river can carry. free flow, water, mountain, Part ofthematerial carried is washed into the stream; part is removed bytheriver itself from its banks and bed. In large rivers, such astheMississippi, the amount of eroded material carried to theseaamounts to hundreds of millions of tons annually.Rivers vary greatly in the amount of water carried. In regionsofample rainfall, bench, channel, creek, they flow throughouttheyear. They receive water directly during rains; they havemanytributaries; they receive ground water, which has seeped intotheland during rains; and they are constantly fed by lakes,swamps,marshes, and other wet areas. The greatest volumes of waterarecarried by the Amazon River of South America and the Congo RiverofAfrica. Both drain vast areas of rainy tropical land. Indryregions, stream, flood, puzzle, rivers usually flow onlyafterrains, which often come in downpours causing flash floods.Rivers are of value in different ways throughout the world.InSoutheast Asia, the fertile soils of the valleys of theMekong,Salween, Irrawaddy, and Ganges support regions having someof theworld's highest population densities. In Europe, the Rhine,Elbe,and Seine, and their many connecting canals, provide a finesystemof river transportation. In North America, rivers areusedextensively for transportation, water power, and,brain, jigsaw, The major rivers of Africa, northern Asia, andSouthAmerica are generally used less than rivers elsewheresliding,Photo because the lands through which they flow aresparselypopulated.A river slide begins at its source or head water usually inalake, spring, glacier, snowfield, swamp, or marsh and flows toitsmouth. The course of a river is its path, which follows lineoflowest elevation between the source and the end of the stream=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Snowfall Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about snowfall :Why does Snowfall occur?Actually, snow is frozen water. snowfall, snowflake, Duringthewinter, snow falls in the colder regions and on the mountains.Itis soft and white in color. It looks like small pieces ofcotton.Snowflakes have many surfaces and are crystalline instructure.Do you know how snowfall occurs?winter, The water from the rivers, seas, ponds, lakes andothersources evaporates continuously due to solar heat. As watervaporis lighter than air, it rises up in the atmosphere and changesintoclouds.We all know that as we go higher in the atmospheredthetemperature decreases. road, chill, cool, Therefore thecapabilityof air to hold the water vapour decreases and excess ofwatervapour gets collected in the air at a certain height. The air,nowhaving too much water vapour, is said to be supersaturated.Underthese conditions, the water vapour condenses on the dustparticlespresent in the air. puzzle, game, brain, On furthercooling, thewater vapour gets converted into snow particles.Crystals of snoware formed by the combination of these particle.When the aircannot bear the weight of the crystals of snow, theyfall down assnow flakes and get collected on the mountain.Now here is the question: why does it snow on the mountainonly?Why does it not fall in the plains? In fact, there are twofactorson which the possibility of snow occurring at any placedepends–the height of the place above the sea level and thedistance of theplace from the equator. The higher the altitude of aplace, thegreater is the chance of snowfall there. Photo,Wallpaper,Similarly, the larger the distance of a place from theequator, themore are the chances of snowfall there. Though a verylarge amountof snow is formed in the atmosphere, only a very smallpart of itin the form of snow falls down on the mountains. The restcomesdown as rain, because it melts and turns into water whilepassingthrough the warmer layers of the atmospheres. Snow does notmelt onthe mountains because of the low temperature prevailingtherebecause of the high altitude.Snow plays an important role in our life. In the summer, whenthesnow melts, the water flows into the rivers. This water is usedforirrigation and many other purposes.Some air is trapped between the particle of snow, making thesnowact as a bad conductor of heat. Snow also acts as a blanketfor theearth. People make houses of snow in colder areas, as itprotectsagainst the cold weather. The roofs of the houses in hillyareas aremade slanting in order to prevent the snow fromcollecting on themthus keeping the roofs from collapsing under theweight of thesnow.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Rain Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about Rain :How does rain form?Water droplets form from warm air. As the warm air rises in theskyit cools. raindrops, Water vapor (invisible water in theair)always exists in our air. Warm air holds quite a bit of water.Forexample, in the summer it is usually very humid. When enoughofthese droplets collect together, we see them as clouds. Iftheclouds are big enough and have enough water droplets, thedropletsbang together and form even bigger drops. falling, bubble,leaves,When the drops get heavy, they fall because of gravity, andyou seeand feel rain.What causes rain?When clouds develop or rain occurs, drops, something is makingtheair rise. Several things can make this happen.Mountains,low-pressure areas, cold fronts, and even the jet stream.Whenwater becomes warm enough, it evaporates as vapor into theair.When a mass of air quickly cools to its saturation point, thewatervapor condenses into clusters of tiny water droplets andfrozenwater crystals. storm,puzzle, game, We call these clusters clouds. Over time, thedropletsand crystals that make up a cloud can attract more watertothemselves. When water droplets grow heavy enough, gravitypullsthem down as raindrops. If the air is cold enough, the icecrystalscan remain frozen and grow large enough to fall as snow,sleet,freezing rain or hail.How fast do raindrops fall?Not including wind-driven rain, brain, jigsaw, sliding,raindropsfall between 7 and 18 miles per hour (3 and 8 meters persecond) instill air. The range in speed depends on the the size oftheraindrop. slide, Photo, Wallpaper, Air friction breaks upraindropswhen they exceed 18 miles per hour.What is a flood?A flood results from days of heavy rain and/or melting snows,whenrivers rise and go over their banks.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Aquarium Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about aquarium :An aquarium can be a beautiful addition to your home. Notonlyare they relaxing to look at, aquarium, home, tank, yourfriendswill ooh and aah at the colorful fish and vibrant underwaterplantlife inside. Even the sound of water trickling through thefilterreturn is soothing. If you're not convinced yet, keep in mindthataquariums also can serve as excellent educational toolsforchildren.For all the wonderful things that aquariums are, there'sonething that an aquarium isn't simple. gorgeous, species,fish,Inside a typical aquarium is a miniature ecosystem withmanyvariables and elements that have to work in concert and stayinbalance. reef, aqua, puzzle, If things move away from thathealthybalance, your fish will get sick and eventually die.Properfiltration, cleaning, the correct kinds of fish, lighting,heaters,cleaning, currents, oxygenation, ph balance and saltconcentrationare all crucial factors that contribute to thelivelihood of youraquarium.For the beginning aquarist, maintaining this precariousbalancecan be overwhelming. game, brain, jigsaw, The researchinvolved infiguring out what size aquarium to get, what fish to putin it,sliding, which filters to use with a given volume of waterand allthe other factors crucial to building a successful aquariumispretty daunting. There are entire books on the subject ofaquariumlighting alone.While maintaining a healthy aquarium full of fish willalwaystake a lot of hard work and experience in fact, slide,mostaquarists will tell you that's part of the appeal here's oneway totake some of the guesswork out of purchasing an aquariumset-up.Photo, Wallpaper, All in one aquariums are kits that provideallthe basic tools needed to get an aquarium up and running. Thehood,lights and filters are designed specifically to fit thekit'sprovided tank. In addition, the tank and stand are constructedforease of use.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Ufo Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about Ufo :What are UFOs?UFOs are unidentified flying objects, saucer, abduction, but noonereally knows what they are. Many researchers (called"ufologists")have theories about what UFOs might be, but because noone canexamine a UFO in a scientific laboratory, all of these ideasarereally only educated guesses. We can offer a definition ofUFOs,however, that you may find useful when you study thesubject:A UFO is the reported sighting of an object or light seen inthesky or on land, whose appearance, ufo, trajectory,actions,motions, lights, and colors do not have a logical,conventional, ornatural explanation, and which cannot be explained,ufo puzzle,alien puzzle, disk, not only by the original witness,but byscientists or technical experts who try to make a commonsenseidentification after examining the evidence.Who sees UFOs?All kinds of people see UFOs and alien. circle crop, puzzle,game,It does not matter whether you are rich or poor, educatedoruneducated, young or old. In fact, many people who reportseeingUFOs were not even looking for them when they had theirsighting.brain, jigsaw, sliding, The chances for seeing a UFO oralien aregreater for those people who live in small towns or in thecountryand are outside late at night. Although most of us at CUFOShavenever seen a UFO personally, some colleagues of ours say thattheirinterest in UFOs was sparked by seeing a UFO when theywerechildren or young adults.Many UFO researchers argue that UFOs have appearedthroughouthistory. slide, Photo, Wallpaper, There are many myths,legends,and stories that tell of strange things seen in the sky orbeingswho came from the sky to help humans develop civilization.Becausemodern scholars cannot directly check the facts of thesestories,it is impossible to determine if these are accurate reportsof trueevents. Most ufologists, therefore, concentrate on studyingUFOreports beginning in this century.There are many theories about where alien come from, but thereisno absolute proof. Some speculate that aliens come fromotherplanets, while others suggest different dimensions. The ideathatUFO beings are time travelers from our own future is alsoapossibility.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Eagle Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about eagle :The eagle is a large sized bird of prey meaning that the eagleisone of the most dominant predators in the sky. Eagles aremostcommonly found in the Northern Hemisphere including Europe,Asiaand North America. Eagles are also found on theAfricancontinent.There are more than 60 different species of eagle in theworldwith only 2 of these eagle species being found in the USAandCanada. eagle eye, bird tale, However, one of these eaglespeciesis one of the most common species of eagle, the bald eagle.slide,Despite it's name the bald eagle has a full head of feathersbuttheir bright white colour makes the bald eagleverydistinguishable. The golden eagle is the only other speciesofeagle found on the American continent.The size of an eagle is dependent on the species of eagle.Eaglescan range in size from 40cm to over 1m in height. baldeagle,vulture, avian, The wing span of an eagle tends to be atleastdouble the length of the eagle's body. Eagles have featherson theends of their wings which the eagles move up and down tohelp themwhen flying. bird of prey, beak, puzzle.Eagles are dominant predators and are known as birds ofprey.Eagles feed off smaller birds and bats in the sky and smallmammalsand fish on the ground. The eagle is well known for it'sincredibleeyesight. An eagle's eyesight is so good that an eaglecanapparently see a mouse on the ground when the eagle is stillhighin the sky.The eagle is used as a symbol in many national flags andemblemsall around the world, sky, american eagle, flying, as aneagle isbelieved to resemble power or good fortune. game, brain,jigsaw,Eagles are dominant and ruthless predators in theirenvironment andeagles therefore have very few natural predatorsthemselves. Eaglesare most likely to be hunted by smaller animalswhen they arechicks or still young and inexperienced so they arefairlyvulnerable. sliding, PhotoFemale eagles build their nests in tall tree tops or onhighcliffs where they are at their safest. The mother eagle tendstolay two eggs, which hatch after about a month. In manyeaglespecies however, one of the eagle chicks is naturallyslightlystronger than the other chick, with the stronger chickgenerallykilling it's weaker sibling.Wallpaper Eagles have adapted well to their dominantpredatorylifestyle. Not only do eagles have exceptional eyesightand areabout to soar remarkably quickly through the air for such alargebird, but eagles also have pointed beaks and agile feet knownastalons. The beak of the eagle is perfectly designed forrippingflesh away from bone, and the talons of the eagle are sostrongthat the eagle is able to carry it's prey in it's feet untilitreaches a safe place to eat it.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Goldfish Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about goldfish :The goldfish is a freshwater fish that are oftenmisunderstood.beautiful, gold, aquarium, They are one of theearliest fish to bedomesticated as pets and are the most commonfish kept in anaquarium. This fish is a small member of the carpfamily. natural,carp, Goldfish are basically a domesticated versionof the carpthat are native to eastern Asia. First domesticated inChina over athousand years ago, there are many distinct breeds thathave sincebeen developed. They vary in size, shape, fin type andcolor.Over many centuries there has been a lot of selectivebreedingthat has produced several different colors and sometimesevenmultiple colors. bubble eye, pond, pool, There are alsomanydifferent body shapes, fin styles and eye settingconfigurationsthat make some goldfish look like they are from adifferent planet.Some of the more extreme versions of goldfish canonly live inaquariums and are fairly delicate. garden, fish tank,puzzle, Atthis time there are roughly 300 breeds of goldfish thatareofficial breeds in China. The majority of goldfish breedsthatexist today originated in China.When found in the wild most goldfish are actually an olivegreenor grey color. game, brain, jigsaw, The introduction ofthedomestic goldfish in the wild can cause multiple issues forthenative wild species of the fish. Goldfish can mate withothersimilar species of carp creating a hybrid. Interestinglywithinthree generations of breeding, the majority of the hybridfishreturn to their natural olive or grey colors. sliding,slide,Photo, The color mutation of the domestic goldfish can alsobefound in other species such as the common carp. Koi can alsobebreed with goldfish and produce a sterile fish that cannotbreed.The domestic goldfish come in many differentvarieties.Wallpaper, Domestic goldfish are highly unlikely tosurvive outsideof their tanks or ponds due to their bright coloredfins. Howeverother varieties like the Shubunkin might be able tosurvive justlong enough to mate with their wild cousins. The commoncometgoldfish can survive in the wild and can do fairly well injustabout any climate.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Waterfall Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle category.Here are some fact about waterfall :a waterfall is a river or other body of water's steep fall overarocky ledge into a plunge pool below. waterfalls are alsocalledcascades. tag cliff, steep, drops, stream, nature, spring,water,autumnthe process of erosion, the wearing away of earth, puzzle,game,brain, plays an important part in the formation ofwaterfalls.waterfalls themselves also contribute to erosion.often, waterfalls form as streams flow from soft rock to hardrock.this happens both laterally and vertically. in both cases, thesoftrock erodes, jigsaw, sliding, slide, leaving a hard ledgeoverwhich the stream falls.a fall line is the imaginary line along which parallel riversplungeas they flow from uplands to lowlands. many waterfalls in anareahelp geologists and hydrologists determine a region's fallline andunderlying rock a stream flows, jigsaw, it carries sediment. the sediment canbemicroscopic silt, pebbles, or even boulders. sediment canerodestream beds made of soft rock, such as sandstone orlimestone.eventually, the stream's channel cuts so deep into thestream bedthat only a harder rock, such as granite, remains.waterfallsdevelop as these granite formations form cliffs andledges.a stream's velocity increases as it nears a waterfall,puzzle,increasing the amount of erosion taking place. the movementofwater at the top of a waterfall can erode rocks to be very flatandsmooth. rushing water and sediment topple over the waterfall.thecrashing flow of the water may also create powerful whirlpoolsthaterode the rock of the plunge pool beneath them.the resulting erosion at the base of a waterfall can beverydramatic, and cause the waterfall to "recede." the area behindthewaterfall is worn away, creating a hollow, cave-likestructurecalled a "rock shelter." eventually, the rocky ledge maytumbledown, sending boulders into the stream bed and plunge poolbelow.this causes the waterfall to "recede" many meters upstream.thewaterfall erosion process starts again, breaking down thebouldersof the former outcropping.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Sharks Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about shark :Sharks spend their entire lives in the ocean doing all theycanto survive and they have perform that single task quitewell.Shark are Fish. shark puzzles for free, fish, jaw, swimming.They don’t come to the surface for air like some marinemammals,because shark are fish. Like any other fish, they rely upontheirgills to allow them to breathe while under the water.Sharks are Survivors. hunt, teeth.There is evidence to suggest that sharks have been on Earth formorethan 420 million years. predator, puzzle, game. This meansthat theyare older than dinosaurs!Sharks have Cartilaginous Skeleton.Shark skeleton is not made of strong, heavy bones liketerrestrialvertebrates. Instead, they have skeletons made ofcartilage, aflexible and lighter tissue which is also consideredbone and thatgive sharks the speed underwater and the flexibilitythey need tobe the powerful predators they are.Shark Teeth are very Dynamic.The teeth of a shark are in long rows. brain, jigsaw,sliding,slide, As teeth are ground down or they fall out, new onesfrom theother rows come forward to fill the slot. This continuesfor theirentire lives.Sharks can grow more than 30,000 teeth in a lifetime. Both theupperand lower jaws move and they are more powerful than anyothercreature in the world.There is a Shark Size for every taste.The smallest shark is the Dwarf Lantern Shark which is only about8inches long. The largest shark is the Whale Shark which isalmost35 feet in length. The Whale Shark is also the largestfishalive.Sharks have amazing Adaptation capabilities.Sharks can rapidly adapt to new environments when looking forfood.Photo, Wallpaper, The Bull Shark can live in both fresh waterandsalt water regions.Some Sharks have an impressive Life SpanThe Spiny Dogfish Shark can live more than 100 years. Thisisexceptional when you consider the average life span of mostspeciesis 20 years.Sharks are not only Ruthless Eaters.Extensive testing shows that sharks are very intelligentcreatures.They have the ability to use problem solving skills. Theyare alsovery curious about elements of their environment.Shark brains are not rounded like human brains, they are longandnarrow shaped.Sharks can Socialize.While the majority of sharks hunt alone, they have beendocumentedworking as a team to move large prey to a safe locationforfeeding.Sharks Sleep.Sharks do sleep, but they do so with their eyes open. Only onesideof the brain sleeps at a time so that they are able to continuethecycle of taking in air as they rest.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Red Rose Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle category.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad networkhere are some red rose facts that popular:There are more than 15,000 different types of rose speciesandcultivated varieties worldwide.Roses flower are valued for their romantic symbolism buttheirblooms are also edible. Rose, flowers, cardThe rose is named as the favorite flower of 85% of Americans.daisy,rose, floatingThe rose family also includes pears, apples, cherries,plums,peaches, apricots, and almonds. thornRose hips contain more Vitamin C than any other fruit orvegetable,clover.The oldest rose in the world has flourished for over 1,000 yearsonthe wall of Hildesheim Cathedral in Germany.depicting,romanticOn Valentine's Day in 2010, a whopping 198 million roses weresoldin the United States. 59% of them were red. rosas deamor,girlyJust in time for Valentine's Day, puzzle, game, brain, jigsaw,androse prices typically jump 42% in February.Mythology says that romantic, glitter, mood, passion, rosesgrewthorns when Cupid accidentally shot an arrow into arosegarden.The rose is traditionally the flower of love. familiasemilla,girlie. The flowers have been used since ancient times torepresentlove and passion. In Greek and Roman mythology, the rosewas usedas a symbol of Venus and Aphrodite, the goddesses oflove.Red roses sliding, Photo, Wallpaper, have been a continuoussourceof inspiration for artists everywhere and thousands ofpaintingsand poems have been written inspired by roses or by asingle redrose. It has been said that a single red rose speaksvolumes.Roses have been long used as symbols in a number of societies.Rosesare ancient symbols of love and beauty. "Rose" means pink orred ina variety of language. glitter, mood, love rosesThe rose is commonly used as a cut flower or as an ingredientinperfume. These flowers originate in Asia, although some comefromthe United States and Europe. There are many differentvarieties ofroses. They vary in colour and size and are verypopular throughoutthe world.George Washington bred roses at his home. violet, red,fragrant,love. Apparently, pruning roses came naturally to him.
Clown Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about Clown :What is a clown?A Clown is an artist or performer who pretends to be a foolorfoolish and acts out or acts up, in order to amuse his audience.Inshort, clowning around, clown, funny, he's a comedian, someonewhotries to make you laugh by being funny.How is he funny?It depends on the clown. creepy, circus, carnival, Clowns havemanythings in their bag of tricks. Some do slapstick, piethrowing,falling down stumbling, physical humor. Some do pantomime;theydon't speak, they act out their skit or story, instead. Someusemagic or juggling. Others tell jokes and still others, likemyself,use puppets in their performance.The Clown has many decisions to make about his identity.killerclown, clown puzzle, puzzle, Identity is not only to be foundin aclown's name. Mercy no, a clown's identity has a great deal todowith tradition, with costume and with make up. There are manykindsor types of clowns and they each create their own look. Eachclownmust create his very own, special, Face, Face meaningCharacter orpersonality.The Clown's character, his Face, sliding, slide, Photo,iscreated by the use of makeup, as well as his costume anddevelopinghis Clown's personality. In other words, he has a certainlook andhe acts out, in his own, special way. Once the clownestablishesthis Face, it becomes his trademark, his personalproperty, and noother Clown may dress or make up exactly likehim.Clowns by their very nature are frightening beings thatevokefear," said Sarasota psychologist Eddy Regnier. "The clown isalsoa symbol of frivolity and fun, and people who sufferfromdepression, whose lives are not going well, often want todestroythem."The term clown did not become popular until the late1800's.Harlequin, a comic personality, associated with the ItalianTheaterform, commedia dell'arte, in the 1800's was a forerunner totheWhiteface clown. Gradually, Clowns replaced theHarlequincharacter=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Puppy Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about puppy :Puppies are cute, rambunctious and adorable. pup,puppies,babies, You can pick them up and cuddle with them. Raisingpuppiesis similar to raising children in some respects. Puppies arebabiesand like human babies, they need a lot of sleep and willoften fallasleep on your lap. Who can resist their adorable faces?Butpuppies can also be mischievous, defiant and destructive.They need leadership and guidance. dog, furry, adorable,Theyneed to be secure in their new human pack and know the humansarecapable of showing authority. If they do not feel/see thistheywill not be happy and secure and you just may be raising a dogwhothinks he is alpha to humans. Instinct tells them there must beaslide, strong leader and they crave and need discipline tofeelsecure. If you do not provide this structure your puppywillinstinctual begin to try and provide it for YOULove and affection is enjoyed by the pup and important tothehuman, too cute, canine, bark, but it is not the number onethingthis little canine animal that you bought into your humanhomeneeds. While your pup was still with his mother she gave thepupstructure. She placed rules upon him, told him where he was andwasnot allowed to go and when he was allowed to go there. She toldhimwhen he was allowed to eat and how rough he was allowed to play.Inreturn the puppy bonded with her and learned to follower her.Thecenter of the pup’s life was around her and her authority.Once a puppy is separated from his canine mother, puzzle,game,brain, the humans must take over this role in order to raisethepup into a balanced and well-behaved dog. Getting a puppy is alotof work and a long-time commitment. jigsaw, sliding, Puppiesnotonly need leadership, but exercise, visits to thevet,housetraining, behavior training and socialization. Puppiesgothrough a teething stage where they feel the irresistible urgetochew on everything in your house.The cute, cuddly puppy stage does not last long.Photo,Wallpaper, Their size, temperament, activity level and coatallchange. Puppies grow up very quickly into adult dogs. Inbetweenthe puppy and adult stages is a rebellious adolescent phasewherepuppies require almost constant supervision. Depending onthebreed, by the time puppies are one year old, they areconsideredadult dogs. Some breeds of dogs take longer to mature outof theiradolescent phase than others.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Koi Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about koi :When you see a large pond with fish in it, koi fish, coy,pondit's usually koi that you will see. They can reach up to threefeetin length which is why you need a very large pond to house themin.drinking water, colorful, oriental, japan, You will mostlikelyneed a pond that is at least 10 feet by 10 feet to houseabout 3koi. The larger pond that you can create the more fish thatyou canhouse. You will also need some type of pump and a heater aswell.You can custom make a pond with a pond liner. You will ofcourseneed some way to dig a hole large enough.Koi are very hardy fish because they are just like carp.Theycame from Japan and you can purchase them at any local petstore.waterfall, stream, flow, puzzle, Koi are not the same ascometgoldfish. Koi are much more hardy than comet goldfish and theylivelonger and get larger. These fish can live to be over 20 yearsoldand some have been known to be over 100 years old. The fish comeina wide variety of colors such as orange, yellow, white, redandblack. You can also purchase fan tail koi which have longdrapingfins and tails.The larger the fish you want to buy the more expensive theywillbe. game, brain, jigsaw, sliding, It's best to buy severalsmallfish because they will only cost you about five dollars apiece.Fish which are about 12 inches in length will cost you about100dollars. These fish are also known to spawn in a pond whichwillend up with you having about 1,000 eggs or baby koi in yourpond.slide, Photo, Wallpaper. This is a lot of koi to keep in anypondso you might think about selling a lot of them. You will wanttofeed all of your koi pellet food or any other type of food togivethem a little bit of variety.You may or may not have to pull the fish out of the pond ifyoulive in an area where the pond will freeze. You want the fish tobeable to eat and breathe under the water. It all depends on thesizeof the pond, the fish in the pond, your area and the depth ofthepond. Somebody who works at your local pet store might be abletohelp you figure out what you need to do with your fish inthewinter months.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Pitbull Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about Pitbull :The legal definition of a pitbull is a class of dogsthatincludes the following breeds American pit bull terrier,pitbulldog breeds, pictures of pitbulls, bark, AmericanStaffordshireterrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, American bulldog1and anyother pure bred or mixed breed dog that is a combination ofthesedogs. Weight and shape can vary significantly amongst pitbulls,from 35 to 100 plus pounds.The blood sport of "bull baiting" began over 1,000 years agoinEngland. What is undisputed is that by 1500, bull baitinghadprogressed to Britain's national pastime. pitbull app, fang,bite,Bulldogs were reportedly first mentioned by name in 1631,referringto their function rather than a distinct dog breed. By1800, andthrough further selective breeding, the bulldog developedinto acompact muscular dog characterized by tremendous jawstrength.Pit Bull MythsPit bulls have locking jaws!” This is patently false.pitbullpuzzle, pitbull jigsaw, puzzle, There is nothing uniqueabout theanatomy of pit bull jaws. They do not lock.” The pitbull’sfighting style, like that of other terriers, usuallyinvolvesgrabbing and shaking. Perhaps because of their huntingandbull-baiting history, some pit bulls also have a tendency tograband hold on with determination. game, brain, jigsaw, This doesnotmean that they can’t or won’t let go of another dog once theybite.However, because they’re powerful dogs, pit bulls do havestrongjaw muscles. Like all dog parents, pit bull parents shouldknow howto break up a dog fight. Please see our article on Breakingup aDog Fight to learn more about this important topic.If a pit bull bites another dog, he’s going to startbitingpeople next. sliding, slide, Photo, Research confirmsthatdog-aggressive dogs are no more likely to direct aggressiontowardpeople than dogs who aren’t aggressive to other dogs. Infact, someof the best fighting dogs are the most trustworthy withpeople.When a pitbull attacks, the injury inflicted may becatastrophic.First responders, such as police officers andfirefighters,understand this as do members of the media, who arequick to reportthese attacks. Ongoing social tension also keepspit bulls in thenews. The pit bull problem is nearly 30-yearsold.8 In this time,most lawmakers have been "too afraid" to takebreed-specific actionto correct the problem. Due to this failure,horrific maulingscontinue to make headlines.pitbulls inflict more serious wounds than other breeds. Theytendto attack the deep muscles, to hold on, to shake, and tocauseripping of tissues. Pit bull attacks were compared tosharkattacks.========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Fireflies Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about Fireflies :Fireflies are actually beetles. Like all other beetles, theyhavehardened forewings called elytra, light, sway, marsh, whichmeet ina straight line down the back when at rest. In flight,fireflieshold the elytra out for balance, and rely on theirmembranous hindwings for movement. These traits place firefliessquarely in theorder Coleoptera.Have you ever touched a light bulb that's been on for a while?Ifyou did, you probably burned your finger! glow, firefliespuzzle,forest, An average electric light bulb gives off 90% of itsenergyas heat, and only 10% as light. If fireflies produced thatmuch heatwhen they lit up, they'd probably incinerate themselves.Firefliesproduce light through an efficient chemical reaction thatallowsthem to glow without wasting heat energy. All 100% of theenergygoes into making light.Fireflies don't put on those spectacular summer displays justtoentertain us. fireflies jigsaw, insect, magical, You'reactuallyeavesdropping on the firefly singles bar. Male firefliescruisingfor mates flash a species specific pattern to announcetheiravailability to receptive females. An interested female willreply,helping the male locate her where she's perched, often onlowvegetation.We don't often see fireflies before they reach adulthood,puzzle,game, brain, so you may not know that all stages of thefireflyglow. Bioluminescence begins with the egg, and is presentthroughoutthe entire life cycle. In fact, all firefly eggs,larvae, and pupaeknown to science are capable of producing light.Scientists believethat larvae use the light to warn predatorsaway, but we don't knowthis for certain. Some firefly eggs willemit a faint glow whendisturbed.Fireflies are known for their blinking light signals, but notallfireflies flash. jigsaw, sliding, slide, Some adult fireflies,mostnotably those that inhabit the western areas of NorthAmerica,Photo, Wallpaper, don't use light signals to communicate.Manypeople falsely believe that fireflies don't exist west oftheRockies, since flashing populations are rarely seen there.Firefly larvae are carnivorous predators, and their favoritefoodis escargot. Most firefly species inhabit moist,terrestrialenvironments, where they feed on snails or worms in thesoil. But afew Asian species use gills to breathe underwater, wherethey feedon aquatic snails. Some species are arboreal, with larvaethat hunttree snails.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Dolphin Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about dolphin :Dolphin are fish like in form, with streamlined, hairlessbodies.whales, sea, Their powerful, horizontal flukes, or tailfins, drivethem through or out of the water, while their forefinsand dorsalfin are used for steering. Constantly shedding theirskins, dolphinsaccumulate no barnacles or other externalparasites. ocean, fin,jumping, A layer of blubber protects themfrom cold and seals smallwounds. Dolphins breathe air through asingle, dorsal blowhole.The dolphin's intelligence, playfulness, and friendliness,itsbuilt-in smile and merry-looking eyes have been a sourceofinterest and enchantment to human beings from earliest times itisa common figure in mythology and literature and has beenmuchdepicted in art, especially in the posture of its graceful,arched,30-ft (9-m) leap. underwater swimming dolphin, puzzle,game,Dolphins have long been famous for riding the bows of ships,and itis now known that they also ride the bows of large whales.Todaythey are valued and exploited as entertainers in more than 40watershows around the world and have thus become available forextensivestudy.Dolphins produce an enormous variety of sounds, up tofrequenciesten times those heard by human beings. brain, jigsaw,sliding, Thesounds are apparently produced by a complex ofanatomical structuresincluding the blowhole with its air sacs andvalves. Each dolphinhas a signature whistle with which itidentifies itself a calf soonlearns to recognize its mother'swhistleDolphins are capable of imitation and memorization;theydemonstrate foresight, learn from observation,communicateexperience, solve complex problems, perform elaboratetasks, andlearn multiple procedures simultaneously. Their so-calledtrainingis in fact a discipline structured around play, slide,Photo,Wallpaper, using their natural behavior as the basis forinvolvedmaneuvers they appear to perform primarily for their ownenjoyment.In situations of great stress in captivity they have beenknown tocommit suicide by starvation, battering against walls, ordrowning.There are many reports of dolphins rescuing peoplefromdrowning.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose6 sliding jigsaw puzzlecan be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Fairy Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about fairy:Fairies are tiny, humanoid, supernatural creatures withwings.elf, magical, myth, They are extremely long-lived beingsknown topossess magical powers such as the ability to fly and castspells.They are also cited for their mischievous nature.Fairies are pagan in origin and are found amoung all branchesofthe Celtic families. beauty, angel, fairy tales, Once knownaspagan gods and goddesses, the tradition to worship theselittlebeings spread to France, Germany, and the British Isles. TheWelshpeoples originally worked within a matriarchal society.Theyworshiped The Mother Goddess, and they called fairies TheMothers.Hence, Fairyland was always the Land of Women and fairiesare oftendepicted as such.Fairies are also often found in wooded groves.creature,folklore, dust, Whether in hills or woods, they all residein theland of Tir na nog which is the Land of Eternal Youth.Mortalscannot often see fairies because of the division of theworlds, butevery now and again they get a precious glimpse of them.This oftenwill happen at twilight when the veil of the worlds isbrieflyparted. Travelers must be wary, however. Entering Tir na nogcan bevery dangerous as few mortals have been known to escapealive.Fairy peoples are thought to have descended from the raceofElves. puzzle, game, brain, Elves are an ancient race ofmagical,slender creatures with pointed ears thought to be extinct.Unlikefairies, they lack the ability to fly, which may have madethefairies a more adaptable race. jigsaw, sliding, slide, Elveswereonce very closely associated with the land, Photo, Wallpaper,andwith nature and fairies took over many of their roles inthistradition. Fairies are now air, water, fire and tree spirits.Theseare also the four points that make up a pagan pentagram andthefifth point is spirit, which the fairies incarnaterepresent.Another curious bit of evidence regarding fairies lies intheheart of Dunvegan Castle, ancestral home of the MacLeods clan,onthe Isle of Skye. This regards the "Fairy Flag of Dunvegan"whichis known to have supernatural properties. There are severalstoriesthat are told regarding the history of this flag. In thebest knownversion of the story, three times could its possessorswave it to'call for help' in distress and the Fairy folk would cometo aid.It is said the fairies themselves made the first call whentheyintroduced the Flag as they wrapped the infant MacLeod in itwhenhe was at the point of death. The infant recovered.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Cat Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about cat :Did you know that just 60 years ago, few cats livedentirelyindoors at all? In fact, for more than 10,000 years, catshavelived outdoor lives, sharing the environment with birdsandwildlife. kitty, kitten, Understanding cats’ place in historyandhuman evolution reveals how very recently domestic catscameindoors and how millions of this species feral cat continue tolivehealthy lives outdoors today, as all domestic cats arebiologicallyadapted to do.Cat began their unique relationship with humans 10,000 to12,000years ago in the Fertile Crescent, cute, fur, lick, thegeographicregion where some of the earliest developments inhumancivilization occurred. One such development was agriculture.Aspeople abandoned their nomadic lifestyle and settled permanentlytofarm the land, stored grain attracted rodents. Taking advantageofthis new, abundant food source, Middle Eastern wildcats, orfelixsilvestris lybica, preyed on the rodents and decided tostickaround these early towns, scavenging the garbage that allhumansocieties inevitably produce just as feral cats do today.Over thousands of years, puppy, funny, puzzle, a new speciesofcat eventually evolved that naturally made its home aroundpeoplefelis catus. Today, pet, stray, and feral cats belong tothisspecies that we call the domestic the thousands of years that cats have lived alongsidepeople,game, brain, jigsaw, indoor only cat have only become commonin thelast 50 or 60 years a negligible amount of time on anevolutionaryscale.Throughout human history, cat have always lived andthrivedoutside. sliding, slide, Photo, It is only recently that wehavebegun to introduce reproduction control like spaying andneuteringto bring them indoors. And also, bring the outdoors tothem: usingcanned food and litter boxes to satisfy biological needsdevelopedover thousands of years of living outdoors.Although human civilization and domestic cat co evolved sidebyside, Wallpaper, the feral cat population was not createdbyhumans. Cats have lived outdoors for a long time they are notnewto the environment and they didn’t simply originate from lostpetsor negligent pet owners. Instead, they have a place in thenaturallandscape.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Teddy Bear Sliding Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about teddy bear :How did toy bears come to be named after PresidentTheodoreRoosevelt?It all started with a hunting trip President Roosevelt took in1902in Mississippi at the invitation of Mississippi Governor,teddybear, bear, toy, Andrew H. Longino. After three days ofhunting,other members of the party had spotted bears, butnotRoosevelt.Now what? The President's bear hunt would be a failure! Thenextday, doll, dancing, gift, the hunt guides tracked down an oldblackbear that the dogs had trailed quite a distance and attacked.Theguides tied the bear to a willow tree and called for thePresident.Here was a bear for him to shoot!But Roosevelt took one look at the old bear and refused toshootit. cute, horse chair, fireplace, He felt doing so wouldbeunsportsmanlike. However, since it was injured andsuffering,Roosevelt ordered that the bear be put down to end itspain. Wordof this hit newspapers across the country, and politicalcartoonistClifford Berryman picked up on the story, drawing acartoon showinghow President Roosevelt refused to shoot the bearwhile hunting inMississippi.The original cartoon, which ran in the Washington PostonNovember 16, 1902, shows Roosevelt standing in front.chimney,Roosevelt, puzzle, The guide and bear are in thebackground, andthey’re about the same size. Later, similar cartoonsappeared, butthe bear was smaller and shaking with fear. game,brain, jigsaw,This bear cub then appeared in other cartoonsClifford Berrymandrew throughout Roosevelt’s career. That connectedbears withPresident Roosevelt.The Teddy Bear tie came when a Brooklyn, NY candy shopowner,Morris Michtom, saw Clifford Berryman’s original cartoonofRoosevelt and the bear and had an idea. He put in his shopwindowtwo stuffed toy bears his wife had made. Michtom askedpermissionfrom President Roosevelt to call these toy bears "Teddy'sbears".The rapid popularity of these bears led Michtom tomass-producethem, sliding, slide, photo, eventually forming theIdeal Noveltyand Toy Company.At about the same time, a Germany company, Steiff,Wallpaper,started making stuffed bears. Margaret Steiff earned herliving bysewing, first by making stuffed elephants, then otheranimals. In1903, an American saw a stuffed bear she had made andordered manyof them. These bears, which also came to be calledTeddy Bears,made the international connection.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network
Yorkshire Terrier Slide Puzzle 0.2
This app is a sliding puzzle jigsaw appforbrain and puzzle are some fact about Yorkshire Terrier :The appealing, stylish looking and long-coated withbluish-graycolor of hair, Yorkshire terrier are popular for theirunique andattractive appeal. yorkshire, dog, animal, Most commonlyfoundbetween the weight scale of 6 to 20 pounds, this breed of dogshasbeen actively popular since its first appearance in 1861, duringadog-bench show in England. pet, This small breed of dogs wasusedfor the purpose of catching rats in the clothing mills ofEngland.terrier, cute, yorkie, Their long hair and color scheme ofwhite,grey and black is used to identify them from other breeds.Thisbreed was named Yorkshire terrier later in the year 1870.Thismakes this breed as appealing as the dog’s appearance itselfis.With time, there has been regular development in the styleandrepresentation of these dogs. Now, they have become commonchoiceof all the style oriented pet lovers.The history of Yorkies begins with the idea ofcross-breedingvarious popular breeds of dogs and eventually gettingthese uniqueand cute looking dogs as the final result. dogwall,toy, mini,Being a result of various cross breeding experiments,this speciesof dogs has always been extra sensitive towards routinepet healthand cleanliness care. breeder, pet, puzzle, Sincebeginning,special type of security measures have been taken by thepet-ownersto offer the Yorkie with complete and dedicated care.Keeping itsface hair well-trimmed, length of its hair coat balancedandensuring its ears, eyes and teeth are clean, are some oftheimportant step taken in the process of pampering and caring foraYorkie. breeder, puzzle, Hence, the Yorkie is one of themostpampered breeds of pets till now.The history of these dogs also states the special measurestakento offer dedicated care to these pets. game, brain, jigsaw,Thishas helped the present Yorkie owners to know the right pathtooffer care and daily hygiene benefits to their pets. Hence,readingand exploring through the history of Yorkshire terrier hasbecomeimportant as well as beneficial for them. sliding, slide,Photo, Ithelps them to understand the basic characteristics ofthese petsand help them to have fair idea about right methods toprevent theYorkie from any health related issues in future. As perthe generalpersonality attributes, Yorkshire terrier is consideredto beactive, Wallpaper, attention-seeker and caring dog breed.Hencebased on all these history based knowledge it becomes easytodefine a Yorkie and understand its personality.=========FEATURES :==========3 difficulty to choose slide jigsaw6 sliding jigsaw puzzlesliding puzzle can be set as wallpaperCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ad in your device :Startapp, Mobilcore, Appflood, and Appnext interstitial andstartappbannerThis is the way to earn income from this free puzzle app,pleasekindly do understand.Sometime interstitial advert are slow to load thus mightappearoutside of app, please kindly not to report this===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. uninstall the app will surely dismiss all ads======NOTE :======- All permission are required by ad network