Tata Steel in Europe التطبيقات

Celsius® hollow section design 1.0.2
Tata Steel in Europe
Quick sizing of hollow sections to EN 10210 and EN 1993
Tata Steel - Onboarding 1.2.6
Tata Steel in Europe
Discover Tata Steel: This app helps you in the preparation ofthestart of your career at Tata Steel in Ijmuiden. You can findoutwhat your first working day looks like, what you have tobringalong and what you have to do before the actual first day.Thechecklist helps you have an overview and prevents youfromforgetting something. You can even set an alarm fortheintroduction day or a reminder for other importantappointments.Good luck and a lot of pleasure in your work at TataSteel!
Tata Steel - Safety 3.0.10
Tata Steel in Europe
This app supports safe working at Tata Steel in IJmuiden
Tata Steel - Safety UK 1.0.0
Tata Steel in Europe
The Tata Steel UK Safety, Health and Environment app is foranyoneworking on or visiting a Tata Steel UK site. All users canaccessall the functionality described below, however certain newsitemsmay require a Tata Steel logon and several functions relyonallowing the app to use GPS. What can you do with this app? Theappoffers the following functions that contribute to safety onTataSteel sites and of our product during transportation: TataSteelmap - A map displaying Ambulance Meeting Points, Roll CallorMuster Points and the locations of defibrillators on TataSteelsites. It is important to know where to go in the event ofanincident for access to the emergency services or adefibrillator(GPS is required to indicate your location relative tothe Pin).Call the relevant site emergency number - If an accidentorincident takes place on a Tata Steel site, you shouldimmediatelycall the site emergency number. With this app, therelevant site’semergency number is selected by your location (GPSis required) andyou can call it directly from the app using the redbutton. Thenearest arrival location is also shown immediatelyallowing you toinform the control room when making the call. ReadHealth, Safetyand Environmental news - Links to news articles,updates andbulletins can be accessed from the app, although some ofthese mayrequire a Tata Steel Logon Access Health and Wellbeinginformationand support – Static links to key information andsupport relatingto Health and Wellbeing can be accessed directlyfrom the app, somelinks may require a Tata Steel Logon Access SiteSafety Informationand Directions – A map displays the UK andIreland Tata Steel siteswith links to detailed site directioninformation and whereavailable site safety information and sitemaps with key locationsindicated Access Load Restraint Guides –Direct access to thesafety information required for transportingour products safely.List covers all UK and Ireland Tata Steel sitesas well as keylogistics hubs and includes both the Load RestraintGuides (LRG) aswell as the Technical Advice Document (TAD) for eachbusinessoperating on the sites. Contact us – Button to sendsuggestions,queries and requests for support.
Ploegendienstkalender 1.0
Tata Steel in Europe
The TSN Work Shift Calendar service is a digital solution forTSNpersonnels.