Taydama Jackson التطبيقات

TEFL Lessons-Royalty Free! 1.9
Taydama Jackson
The American language is the Confidence Trickand is a weapon when used effectively. Needles to say that manyEnglish speaking people perform the confidence trick on otherEnglish speaking people with out knowledge of their actions.Confidence Trick Solutions teaches English as a foreign language.Our teachers are Certified TEFL teachers. We don't assume that youunderstand how to speak the English language even if you were bornand raised in the United States!We don't focus on perfection in grammar or numerical equations.We teach our students how to read and count by teaching them how tomake ethical decisions. We teach our students how to perform theconfidence trick from scratch! We believe that those who knowbetter do better, which means that individuals who understand howthe confidence trick is preformed will become more aware of whenthey are performing it and will make the ethical decision notto.We teach our students alternative methods in which theconfidence trick can be used ethically and educate them on theimportance of only using the confidence trick with caution.