Telerik التطبيقات

NativeScript Developer App
NativeScript Developer App is a testingutility for designers and developers who are using Progress TelerikPlatform and Progress Telerik AppBuilder to develop native mobileapps with NativeScript.After installing the developer app, you will be able to useAppBuilder LiveSync™ to instantly view and test code changes onyour device.
Cordova Developer App 3.7.2
Cordova Developer App by Progress is a testingutility for web designers and developers who are using TelerikPlatform and Telerik AppBuilder to develop hybrid mobileapps.After installing the developer app you will be able to useAppBuilder LiveSync™ to instantly view and testHTML5/CSS/JavaScript changes on your device.
Telerik Examples 2016.3.1222
"UI for Android" is a set of nativeUIcontrolsthat assist in building Android applicationsfaster.For more information, pleasevisit: & Features includedListView- Group, Sort, Filter- Load on demand- Pull to refresh- Selection- Deck of Cards layout- Slide layout- Swipe to execute- Item reordering- Linear, Grid and StaggeredGrid layout strategies- The Telerik ListView is based on the Android RecyclerViewsoUIvitualization is provided out-of-the-boxChartView- Series- Line- Spline- Area- SplineArea- Bar- RangeBar- Pie- Donut- Financial (OHLC, Candlestick)- Scatter- Bubble- Axes- Categorical- DateTimeCategorical- DateTimeContinuous- Linear- Logarithmic- Plotting multiple axes on a single chart- Behaviors- Pan & Zoom- Trackball- Tooltip- Selection- Miscellaneous features- Palettes - set of predefined styles for each chart type- Annotations - visual elements for highlighting areas ontheplot.Can be used as comments or as markers for specific valuesontheplot.- Labels - both for series and axes- LegendDataForm- Default and Custom editors- Validation- Read-Only mode- Different commit modesCalendarView- Can display events from the device's calendar- Week, Month & Year view- Single, Multiple & Range selection- Customizable cells- Different events display modesSideDrawer (NavigationDrawer)- Predefined open/close animations- Can be opened from all edges of the screen- Customizable fade layer- Customizable drawer sizeGauge- The Gauge control stretches the data visualizationcapabilitiesofyour app, allowing you to present numeric values overacircularscale. The Gauge is a great way to illustrate themagnitudeof avalue in a given range of upper and lower bounds. Thisvaluecouldbe speed, distance, temperature or progress ofaprocess. AutoCompleteTextView- With AutoCompleteTextView implemented in your appyourend-userscan type faster. The control gives them suggestions,basedon thecharacters they’ve already typed. This is usefulinvarioussituations such as choosing from a list of airports oralist ofknown recipients.  It features:- Different completion modes: Append, Suggest orSuggestAppend- Different filter modes: StartsWith, Contains- Multiple selection of items with Tokens- Null-text- Text highlightData Source- A non-UI adapter that offers an easy way to sort, groupandfilterin-memory data. Used internally by the ListView.- The DataSource is most useful when used as a "data hub"wheredatais obtained, reshaped and sent to a view tobedisplayed.AppFeedback- A component that exposes an easy way to gather feedbackfromyourapplication users. The AppFeedback control is integratedwiththeTelerik Platform and provides a convenient way to managetheuserfeedback.ScrollView- A control based on the native Android ScrollViewthatprovidessimultaneous horizontal and vertical scrolling.New examples are added regularly. The application's sourcecodeisavailableonGitHub:
Mobile Testing
Progress Test Studio is a testing utility for users who areautomating Android applications. Test Studio communicates with itsdesktop counterpart to execute automated UI tests.
Examples NativeScript 1.6.2
The app is in **BETA** version, please begentle!If you are interested to see the source code of the app, pleasevisit in GitHub - app shows scenarios developers can achieve usingNativeScript. Browse the examples to get first-hand experience withthe framework. A Source code preview is available for everyexample.Telerik UI for NativeScript key features:Chart- 10 Chart Types: Column, Bar, Pie, Doughnut, Line, Spline, LineArea, Spline Area, Scatter and Stacked Charts, Candlestick andOHLC, Financial Indicators.- Chart Axes Type Support: Numeric, Categorical and Date/Time axes,allowing you to plot any type of data.- Easy Data Population: Chose among three easy ways to populate theiOS Chart with data, depending on your coding style.- Fully Customizable: Accommodates as many app scenarios aspossible; the controls give you great customizationflexibility.- Animations and Interactivity: The controls ship with a collectionof pre-built Core Animations and UIKit Dynamics basedanimations.ListView- Load on demand- Pull to refresh- Selection- Deck of Cards layout- Swipe to execute- Item reordering- Linear, Grid and StaggeredGrid layout strategies- The Telerik ListView is based on the Android RecyclerView so UIvitualization is provided out-of-the-boxSideDrawer (NavigationDrawer)- Predefined open/close animations- Can be opened from all edges of the screen- Customizable fade layer- Customizable drawer size
LunchBoat 1.2.0
Hunger is on the horizon. Gather your crew andset sail to your favorite eatery with LunchBoat, the best socialmeal planning app on the high seas.LunchBoat provides a fun, easy way to coordinate lunch planswith friends. Commission a boat, set your desired food source asthe Port, pick your departure time, and set sail. Or, if you'remore of a follower, join the crew of a friend's boat. Create afleet to keep you and your friends' whereabouts secret from others(you sneaky pirates, you).Features:- Fun nautical theme- The larger the crew, the bigger the boat- Set your profile photo from your camera or photo album- Add your favorite locations to the Ports list- Configurable push notifications keep you up-to-date on yourboat's status- Register your account to use the app across multiple devices (iOSand Android)This app was built using the Telerik AppBuilder, Kendo UIMobile, and Telerik Backend Services products. Please send us yourfeedback! You can follow the LunchBoat team on Twitter(@LunchBoat).Avast!The LunchBoat Team
Sitefinity Box 1.0.3
Sitefinity Box connects you to a liveinstanceof Sitefinity CMS by Telerik, allowing you to edit, author,anddelete content in multiple Sitefinity 6.0 modules. Use this apptoauthenticate using your Sitefinity, credentials and you'llreceivea native content authoring experience directly on yourAndroidphone.
Platform Companion App 1.1.4
Telerik Platform Companion App by Progress isa testing utility for hybrid and NativeScript developers who areusing Telerik Platform and Telerik AppBuilder to develop mobileapps. It provides finer control over the AppBuilder companion appand the NativeScript companion app.Main features:* You can log into your account and review your current apps inprogress.* You can load any of your apps in its respectiveframework-specific developer app from the menu of availableapps.* You can load any app in its respective framework-specificdeveloper app by scanning a valid QR code.* You can view the logs for each of the apps you have run in aframework-specific developer app.* You can test your apps in a release or a debug buildconfiguration.* You can configure various settings for the framework-specificdeveloper apps.* You can check the framework versions of the currently installedframework-specific developer apps.* You can check the plugins and modules that you can test in thecurrently installed framework-specific developer apps.
Progress Virtual Assistant
By using conversational user interface, theProgress Virtual Assistant is aiming to improve the way we findinformation at Progress and deal with organizational andadministrative tasks at work. Just type what you want to do and theVirtual Assistant will understand.
Telerik UI for Xamarin Samples 2.33
Telerik UI for Xamarin is a library UI controls for building mobileapplications
Telerik ERP 2.3
Telerik ERP is a sample application developed by Telerikanddesigned to demonstrate best practices in Xamarin development,aswell as showcase the power of Telerik UI for Xamarincontrolssuite. The application is a real-life, complex enterpriseresourcemanagement application that enables users to quickly andeasilyaccess and manage information regarding relations withcustomersand vendors, business transactions, and the latest updatesandfollow-ups on products and orders. The Telerik ERPapplicationutilizes the following technologies: • Microsoft AzureServices •MVVM Framework – MVVMCross • Telerik UI for Xamarincontrols suiteIf you are a developer who is interested in theapplication andwant to tinker with its source code, visit usas To learn moreaboutTelerik UI for Xamarin, head outto: You can find theEndUser License Agreementhere:
Telerik To-Do 2.6
Telerik To-Do - Task Management Xamarin Sample App
Telerik Tagit 2.7
Telerik TagIt – AI-powered Xamarin.Forms Demo App
Telerik CRM 2.7.1
A demo illustrating Telerik UI for Xamarin, Azure and Bot Framework
Telerik .NET MAUI Controls 1.3.349
Telerik UI for .NET MAUI is a library for building cross-platformapplications.
Telerik .NET MAUI CryptoTrack 1.0.3
Real time crypto tracker app built with the Telerik UI for .NETMAUIcontrols