Tiny Country Games التطبيقات

Final Grade Calculator 1.0
Tiny Country Games
Ready for your final exams? Find out what youneed so you can plan out your studying!This app uses a simple formula to find out what score you needto get on your final exam in order to get the grade that you want.This is using the system where teachers grade different thingsbased on their weight.The formula is simple:ScoreNeeded = (GradeWanted - CurrentGrade + (TestWorth *CurrentGrade )) / TestWorth
Terry's Coin Collector
Tiny Country Games
Terry runs a small chest guessing gamewherethe player can win big money in Panaria. So many people havecomeand played the game, that now, Terry has no more money togive!Help Terry collect the money he needs.-Terry's Chest Guessing Game is a minigame in the RPG"TheCrystals" made by Tiny Country Games, check it out here:http://tinycountrygames.com/TheCrystals-This game is powered by libGDX
OLGA 4.0
Tiny Country Games
Olga eats CrayonsOlga loves youOgla has wooden feetOlga's teeth are chopsticks
Star Guardian 1.0
Tiny Country Games
Defend your planet from enemies.
TCG Sound Board 1.0
Tiny Country Games
The TCG Sound Board includes many fun soundstoplay at anytime! Including sounds from 2008.pumkin.com
Super Star Defender 1.2
Tiny Country Games
You Thought the Fight was Over. You were Wrong.
Health Point Tracker 1.1
Tiny Country Games
Track your health for any table top game This app is a toolforanyone who plays any type of health based table top game suchasDnD, many trading card games, and basically any other need.SaveSeveral Campaigns You may have several campaigns saved toyourdevice so that you can keep all of your HP organized in oneplace.Name Your Campaigns Set your campaign name so you candistinguishit from your other campaigns. Add or Subtract Health Addorsubtract values from your current health so you know whereyoustand in whatever game you are playing. Update CampaignInformationYou may also change the title and base health for anycampaign youcreate, as well as the ability to delete campaigns.