TourRadar التطبيقات

TourRadar - Meet Travellers 1.3.9
A cross-platform app to meet and chat withothers travelling on your group tour before you go.With TourRadar’s Meet Travellers app, you can connect with othertravellers on your group tour before you even walk out of yourfront door.Here’s how it works:Step 1: Download the TourRadar - Meet Travellers app on yourAndroid deviceStep 2: Log in using your Facebook, Google+ or TourRadar profileinformationStep 3: Find your tour by entering your tour operator's name,the name of your tour and your departure dateStep 4: Start chatting and get excited together!Now anyone interested in one of the 20,000+ tours featured onthe TourRadar website can instantly connect with other travellers,making it easier than ever to choose the right group tour beforeyou book, and to get to know your trip buddies before you go.
been2 1.0.2
Find out how well travelled you are bydownloading the been2 app, marking the countries you have visitedso far, and sharing the result with your friends!
goXplore Reisen - Meet Others 1.2
goXplore Reisen leben von demgemeinsamenerleben fremder Kulturen und einer tollen Atmosphäre ineinerinternationalen Gruppe. Meet Others hilft dir dabei schonvordeiner Reise die anderen Abenteurer aus aller Weltkennenzulernenund dich mit ihnen auszutauschen.Wähle deinen Trip und dein Abreisedatum und schon kannstdudeinen Mitreisenden eine Nachricht hinterlassen. TeiledeineVorfreude, plane deine Erlebnisse und erlebe dasGruppengefühl.Die Welt entdecken, in kleinen Gruppen Gleichgesinnterreisen,Menschen aus allen Ländern begegnen, authentisch unterwegssein,mittendrin im Leben eines Landes, respektvoll undbehutsamerkunden, begleitet von einem Freund, der seine Heimatzeigt – dasist die Idee von goXplore.goXplore traveling lifeofthe common experience of other cultures and a great atmospherein aninternational group. Meet Others helps you before your tripmeetother adventurers from around the world and share them withyou.Choose your trip and your departure date and already youcanleave a message your fellow travelers. Share your excitement,planyour adventures and experience the group feeling.Explore the world, traveling in small groups oflike-mindedpeople from all countries meet, be authentic way, in themiddle ofa country life, respectful and gently explore, accompaniedby afriend who shows his home - that's the idea of ​​goXplore.
TourRadar: Organized Adventure 1.9.0
Explore more than 50,000 organized adventures in one app