Track-POD التطبيقات

Track-POD Proof of Delivery - ePOD for drivers 2.58.03g
Track-POD is advanced electronic Proof of Delivery app (ePOD)thatallows your field staff, drivers, carriers to receive routewithorders or jobs and lets you submit instant deliverynotificationseasily, report performance online. It makes real-timedeliverytracking and route planning effortless and effective.Systemconsists of two parts: delivery driver app and dashboard inthecloud. Please register business accountat then add accounts for your driversorcarriers as you need. Features of our Proof of Delivery app:-Works anywhere & anytime - in any industry, in anycountryaround the world -Works both online and offline (resubmitsuponre-connection) - Extremely easy to use and free for yourdriversand carriers - Display all routes for driver or carrieronsmartphone - List of sites and expected time slots of deliveries-List of orders/waybills/tasks - Delivery details (SKU,description,q-ty, unit measure, weight, packages and etc) - Neworders,waybills or jobs online - Mass POD - sign once, submit allselected- COD (Cash on Delivery) payment - Display notes fordriver-Vehicle check & Safety check features: *Manage vehicledetails*Defect reporting *Record multiple checks against vehicles-Possibility to call direct from app - Navigate todestinationdirect from app (support Google Maps, Sygic GPSNavigation, HereMaps, OSM maps, Yandex navigation with VoiceGuidance) - Multipledeliveries and collections (pick up) at thesame location/site -Support multiple depots or "depart from" points- Delivery statusnotification in real time automatically - Capturenon-deliveryreason - Capture eSignature (Captures Signature andName), photo -Support partial delivery - Capture rejected quantityand reason forevery rejected item - Putting driver's comment - ScanQR / barcodesto capture serial numbers for every delivery and everydeliveryitem - Instant updates on delivery issues with photos -Sync photosand documents with back office portal - Comprehensivedeliverytracking, capture geotags & timestamps to knowwhen/where ePODsare received - Send POD documents in real time -Two-waycommunication - lite chat - GPS tracking with trackrecording -Registering arrival and departure time -Registering/checkingodometer broken down by truck/trailer -Registering/checking fuel -Workflow for shipment/loading - Workflowfor returnable containersand other equipment - Summary report ofgoods for delivery andcollection Benefits for your business: -Increase productivity by30% with efficient scheduling -Administration costs reduction by50% - Sending information in realtime for faster invoicing -Paperless and reduced calls - Customerservice quality improvement- Full workflow management and controlin real time - Improvementof operations management - Fasterresponse time to incidents -Reduced customer support calls - Lessmistakes and no discrepancyacts - No upfront investment - Easy todeploy - BYOD Applicationareas: Logistics, Distribution, 3PL, CargoService, ServiceIndustry, Manufacturing, Construction, Trade andother industrieswhere many employees work on the field * Somefeatures notavailable in all countries. * Please register businessaccount at and add logins for your driversorcarriers.
Track-POD Route Manager (Beta) 0.6.3
Track-POD Route Manager is a new way to manage delivery routesonthe go. The Route Manager app compliments Track-POD webdashboardand helps dispatchers do a better job every day. - Trackdeliveryroutes in real-time on mobile. - Get in touch with anydriver usingin-app live chat. - Sort delivery routes by driver,status, anddate. - View all delivery order details, includingstatus and geodetails. - Group orders by status: Delivered, NotDelivered,Partially Delivered. - Monitor all delivery drivers onthe map. Ifyou work for a company that doesn’t use Track-POD butwould benefitfrom real-time delivery tracking and mobile routemanagement, visitour website andschedule a free demo.Track-POD is a contactless & paperlessdelivery managementsolution with an electronic Proof of Deliveryapp for the driver.We power delivery operations of all sizes andoffer advanced routeoptimization, live ETA, real-time tracking forcustomers anddispatchers, delivery notifications, order analytics,and much more- all at the price of a route planner. If you work fora companythat doesn’t use Track-POD but would benefit fromreal-timedelivery tracking and mobile route management, visit ourwebsite and start a free trial. More infoaboutTrack-POD Features: