UX Foundry التطبيقات

Bolt & Nut 1.9.9
UX Foundry
Welcome to Bolt & Nut. We currently have over 5 000 line itemsand are Pietermaritzburg’s largest and most comprehensive stockistsof fasteners. We are suppliers to the Construction, Engineering,Motor, Electrical and Farming industries as well as to smallenterprises, Home DIY enthusiasts and hobbyists. Because we’ve beenin the industry for over 25 years we have very good relations witha considerable number of suppliers and our staff have the technicalexpertise to correctly advise our clients on their requirements.With this app you can chat with us, order, view samples, get infoand recieve help on any issues you're having. We sell the followingitems: Bolts: High Tensile, Mild Steel, Brass, Stainless, MetricFine, Imperial, Plough, Nib, Coach, Cup Squares, Hook, Eye, GateHangers, Fence Straining, “U”, Gutter, Center, Cap Screws, GrubScrews, Threaded Rods Washers: Imperial, Metric, Bright Steel,Black Cut, Spring, Fender, Wavy, Star/Tooth, Cup, Taper, Cone,Fibre, Copper, Aluminum, Hardened, Roofing, Disk Type, etc Anchors,All types of masonry & industrial anchors including: RawlBolts, Nail Plugs, Chemical Anchors, Drop-Ins’, Wedge Anchors,Plasterboard Fixings, Plugs etc Chemicals: Hand Cleaners,Silicones, Thread Lockers, Retainers, Sealants, Adhesives, Epoxies,Super Glue, Gasket Sealants & Makers, Cutting Fluid &Paste, Copper Compound, DWF, Q20, Radiator Flush and the full rangeof PS23 products Nuts: High Tensile, Mild Steel, Brass, Stainless,Metric Fine, Imperial, Cleveloc, Nyloc, Wing, Dome, “T”, Speed,Castle, Long, Durloc, Flange, Push-On Fix etc Tools: We stock awide range of various hand tools, Spanners, Socket Sets etc. Wesell Gedore, King Tony, Fragram, Raco, Somta,Micro Tec, StahlWillie, Stanley, as well as various other brands. Screws: Wood,Self Tapping, Chipboard, Machine, Coach, Furniture, Topspeeds,Roofing, Selfdrilling, Drywall etc Abrasives & Cutting Tools:Cutting / Grinding / Sanding Disks, Drill Bits, Holesaws, Taps,Dies, Files, Water Paper, Emery Rolls, Mounted Points, PolishingTools, Burrs etc Miscellaneous: Pop Rivets, Grease Nipples, SplitPins, Wheel & Manifold Studs, Hose Clamps, Assortments, Nails,Self Cutting Inserts, Welding Rods, Chain, Cable Ties.
LEAD.it 1.8.6
UX Foundry
What is Lead.it?Lead.it is a real time medium to connect, develop and engage yourpeople.The Lead.it app:The Lead.it app facilitates people development through trending andtailored content. The ability to get real time feedback providesaccountability and analytics that ultimately drives commercialperformanceThe Lead.it tag line:Leading our people for high performance.
UpForIt 1.8.4
UX Foundry
UpForIt started in 2015 with one goalandmission: To Get Healthier with Friends! In today's busy age,it'seasier said than done. That's why we built a platformthathighlights 3 insights to help us focus on our goal:Motivation,Friends and Challenges.
In2Assets 1.8.6
UX Foundry
Want to buy, sell, auction, or bid onproperty?Chat to us and we'll chat right back - on all propertyrelated news,hints and tips. We deal with commercial, industrial,andresidential!
GOTRVL 1.4.3
UX Foundry
GOTRVL is an instant messaging app thatallowsyou to chat to us and see places, deals, flights, bookhotels, rentcars, and chat about any other travel-relatedtopics
Mobile Serve 2.1.052
UX Foundry
Communicate with Mobile Serve for productsandservices related to pool companies and various other productsandservices.
Place Chat 1.9.97
UX Foundry
Chat to your favourite South African PlacesWe know you hate being on hold, hate searching forcontactdetails and hate filling out forms. That's why we builtPlaceChat.Connect with places like you connect with your friends –thenatural way – with chat.
On Tap 2.2.5
UX Foundry
Use the On Tap app to instant message yourlocal On Tap store and sales consultant. Just a few taps and you'llbe up and running!
PowaChat 1.4.3
UX Foundry
Have any problems or questions? Just chat touswith an intuitive and powerful interface. We'll reply withintheapp.
Eatfresh 1.9.8
UX Foundry
Eatfresh's design concept is derived fromcaféculture where a restaurant provides a social outlet for itspatronswith authentic coffee and fine contemporary food. For us,the keyindicator is that employees remain seated in ourrestaurantscomfortable, enjoying the decor and music and conversingwith theircolleagues.
Capital City Housing 2.2.3
UX Foundry
Use this app to communicate with the Capital City Housing. CapitalCity Housing is a Non Profit Company that was formed in 1999. As ahousing institution, it is defined as a legal entity establishedwith the primary objective of developing and/or managing housingstock that has been funded through grant programmes.
MTN Business 1.3.8
UX Foundry
Use MTN business to communicate with IMwithinyour company. Send a variety of standard and custom cards,createsurveys, and use the dashboard to manage, analyse and reporton howyour business operates and communicates.
Safe City 1.9.94
UX Foundry
Stakeholders can communicate with Safe City via instant messaging.The Safe City Msunduzi (Pty) Ltd is dedicated to making the City ofPietermaritzburg a better place in which we can all live, work andplay. The partnership includes key players such as: - MsunduziMunicipality - South African Police Services - National ProsecutingAuthority - Community Policing Forums - Business Fighting Crime
Retail Review 2.2.6
UX Foundry
Retail Review App is all about connecting, sharing and earningrewards. Do you want to be rewarded for sharing your experienceswhen shopping at different stores, as well as your thoughts andopinions on things in general? Earn points you can convert to cashby sharing your opinions. Retail Review App offers you theopportunity to join a community of people that share their opinionsin exchange for free stuff (not affiliated with Apple Inc.). Let’sface it, who wouldn’t want free stuff? You as a consumer haveopinions that matter; opinions that are valuable to researchers,like ourselves. For doing little more than having your say on yourshopping experiences, you will earn rewards. Be paid to have yourvoice heard! Do this in your own time using the app on your phone.Quick, easy and hassle free! The more you do, the more you earn.It’s all in your hands. Happy sharing and earning!
Momentum International Realty 2.2.3
UX Foundry
Chat to International Momentum Realty.MomentumInternational Realty is a technology-powered real estatecompany.The company offers agents a 100 percent virtual setup,where agentsare empowered with all the technology, licensing andoperationaltools they need, without having to be associated with aphysicaloffice.
Premier Private Resorts 2.2.5
UX Foundry
An interactive app for PPR members. Talk to our friendlyagents,check your balance and much, much more!
Flexi-Club 2.2.9
UX Foundry
An interactive app for Flexi-Club members
Dairy Diaries 2.2.6
UX Foundry
Dairy Diaries is a fun new way for you to earn money forsharingyour views! On Dairy Diaries, we ask people to completeshortsurveys about dairy products or submit pictures oftheirsurroundings when they're out and about. Taking part issimple, andis all done through this easy-to-use app... and you canearn up to$35.00SGD for the tasks you complete. The best part isthat you cando it whenever you like, at the time or place of yourchoosing!What's not to like? All you have to do is download thisapp, andtake a short survey to tell us about you. Then you canstartcompleting the tasks! We'll also send you a notification whenwehave a new task available, so you don't miss out on a chancetoearn. Your opinions count, and there are no right or wronganswers.Just tell us what you think and participate in theactivities onthe app and by the end of the study, you’ll haveearned $35.00SGD.We'd love to see you on the Dairy Diaries! :)
4Traders 2.2.9
UX Foundry
The 4Traders mobile application connects premium residentialestateswith approved contractors. Estates can communicate directlywithcontractors, whilst contractors can access estate informationandmanage team members per estate.
Enhanced Home 2.2.5
UX Foundry
Enhanced Home is an App that is all about connecting, sharingandearning rewards. It focusses on sustainable energy and how thiscanbe incorporated and utilised in the home. You as a consumerhaveopinions that matter; opinions that are valuable toresearchers,like ourselves. Sharing your thoughts and be rewardedfor it, andlearn some interesting information that will benefityour householdalong the way! Have your say & earn rewards. Dothis in yourown time using the app on your phone. Quick, easy andhassle free!
Ballid 2.1.08
UX Foundry
Ballid Security's chat app for Security and safety IM. Chat tous,we are here to help.
FishNet 2.2.6
UX Foundry
This app allows employees of Fishwicks Printers to communicatewitheach other regards production issues and deliveries.