Valomnia التطبيقات

Order Taking App for Sales Rep 1.17.0
Valomina, products catalog, order taking app& CRM is a Cloud app that allows your sales reps to presenttheir catalogs, take orders, check inventory in real-time, generatequick reports, cross sell ad upsell & have access to customers'records & order history. All this on-the-go or during tradeshows. Give a better brand image to your company !It offers several features that will take your Sales to the nextlevel:Save time• Reduce your direct & indirect costs (avoid massive use ofpaperwork, …)• No need to bring all your catalog with you to eachappointment.• Edit an order & have it signed directly on tablet.Give a better brand image to your company• Works Offline & OnlineCustomizable catalog• Possibility to browse by product categories & by productreference• Better presentation of products categorized by brand & or bycategory.• Know the most viewed products & your customers favoriteproducts• Build a dynamic & modern corporate image.• Upload and present Products Videos.Taking order & management• Real-time inventory• History of order taking• Special offers• Export & share order• Print order & quotesEasy to use• Quick catalog setup (possibility to import CSV files)• Quick customers list setup (possibility to import CSVfiles)• Valomnia, products catalog, order taking app & CRM requiresno technical expertise.• Access to sales information wherever you are.• Valomnia is available in English, French and Arabic.Reports & analytics• Account dashboard with charts & statistics• Order statistics & history• Products statistics & reports• Easy export to Excel file• Agents statistics• Automatic Reports generator• Reports based on customer’s feedbackRapid return on investment• Any sales transaction will be completed with signatures ontablet• Valomnia helps your sales reps acknowledge their position interms of their objectives and therefore identify the actual numberof visits and turnover achieved.Cost reduction• Reduce paperwork on order taking & catalog printingEfficient Sales meetings• Valomnia, catalog order taking app & CRM let you improvesales in mobility (preparing visits, Geo location, customerhistory, statistics)• Have all your data at hand to prepare your appointment.Merchandising• With Valomnia, your sales reps or merchandisers can report keymarketing information through configurable questionnaires and theycan perform audits on products planograms and POS advertising(e.g : with pictures attached to the surveys).Valomnia, products catalog, order taking app & CRM integrateswith majors ERPs and CRM on the market through either a simple CSVimport & export process or adapted connectorsautomaticallyValomnia, products catalog, order taking app & CRM isdefinitely the best Solution for your Sales Rep !For more details, you can visit our website
Munathara 1.3.1
Munathara is an open Arab debateinitiativebased in Tunis.Our vision is to create an independent, innovative, fairandrepresentative debating forum in which anyone can take partandvoice their opinions, regardless of social status,gender,education, or even location.At this important juncture in the history of our region,andafter the events witnessed by the Arab world since 2010, wethinkdebating should no longer be a privilege. It is everyone’sright tobe heard and engage in constructive debate to findsolutions tosome of our most pressing challenges. Every lost voicemeans lostpotential for the advancement of our region. Everyvoicematters.Your voice matters.Munathara organizes both online debates and live panel debatesinvarious Arab cities. Anyone can take part in our forum bysubmittinga related opinion video of up to 99 seconds on ourcurrent debatetopics. “Opinion leaders” are chosen by you, not foryou: Yourrating will determine which videos move up in theranking. And, aspart of our regular Musabaqat (debatecompetitions), we invite twotop-ranking debaters, new opinionleaders selected by you, to takepart in our live paneldebates.
Tecnocasa Tunisie 1.2.0
Premier groupe d'agences immobilières enEuropeet en Tunisie, Tecnocasa vous conseille et vous accompagnedans lavente, l'achat ou la location de biens résidentiels oupourentreprises et commerces.Avec l'application de Tecnocasa Tunisie, trouver le bien devosrêves n'a jamais été aussi simple !En quelques clics, ou que vous soyez et à n'importe quelmoment:- Détectez les agences Tecnocasa et les biens immobiliersàproximité de chez vous grâce à l'option de géolocalisation.- Recherchez des biens selon vos propres critères(budget,typologie, zone, ….).- Ajoutez vos biens préférés aux favoris pour les consulterplustard et partagez les avec vos proches.- Contactez en ligne une agence Tecnocasa pour demanderdesinformations, une visite d'un bien ou pour faireévaluergratuitement votre bien.- Visez un panneau Tecnocasa pour accéder à safichedétaillée.Téléchargez sans plus tarder l'application gratuite deTecnocasaTunisie et n'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vosfeedbacksdirectement depuis l'application ou group of realestateagents in Europe and Tunisia, Tecnocasa advise and accompanyyou inthe sale, purchase or rental of residential property orbusinessesand shops.With the application of Tecnocasa Tunisia, find the propertyofyour dreams has never been so easy!A few clicks and you are and at any time:- Detect Tecnocasa agencies and real estate close to homethanksto the geolocation option.- Search property according to your own criteria (budget,type,zone, ....).- Add your favorite properties to favorites for futurereferenceand share them with friends.- Contact Online Tecnocasa agency to request information, avisitof a property or to assess your property for free.- Aim for a Tecnocasa panel to access its details.Download without further delay the free application ofTecnocasaTunisia and feel free to give us your feedback directlyfrom theapplication or
Valomnia -Sales & Distribution 1.24.4
Valomnia is a Mobile Cloud Software made for Suppliers&Manufacturers to help them grow their Sales in Retail Storesandoptimize their Distribution Process Valomnia is a solution madetoimprove operational efficiency in Direct Store Delivery(DSD),Sales, Ordering Processes, providing simple, ergonomic andbusinessoriented apps for its users. Save time • Reduce your direct&indirect costs (avoid massive use of paperwork, …) • No needtobring all your catalog with you to each appointment. • Editanorder & have it signed directly on tablet. Give a betterbrandimage to your company • Works Offline & OnlineCustomizablecatalog • Possibility to browse by product categories& byproduct reference • Better presentation of productscategorized bybrand & or by category. • Know the most viewedproducts &your customers favorite products • Build a dynamic& moderncorporate image. • Upload and present Products Videos.Taking order& order management • Real-time inventory • Historyof ordertaking • Special offers • Export & share order • Printorder& quotes Easy to use • Quick catalog setup (possibilitytoimport CSV files) • Quick customers list setup (possibilitytoimport CSV files) • Valomnia Sales, products catalog, ordertakingapp & CRM requires no technical expertise. • Access tosalesinformation wherever you are. • Valomnia Sales is availableinEnglish and French. Reports & analytics • Accountdashboardwith charts & statistics • Order statistics &history •Products statistics & reports • Easy export to Excelfile •Agents statistics • Automatic Reports generator • Reportsbased oncustomer’s feedback Rapid return on investment • Anysalestransaction will be completed with signatures on tablet •ValomniaSales helps your sales reps acknowledge their position interms oftheir objectives and therefore identify the actual numberof visitsand turnover achieved. Cost reduction • Reduce paperworkon ordertaking & catalog printing Efficient Sales meetings •Improvesales in mobility (preparing visits, Geo location,customerhistory, statistics) • Have all your data at hand toprepare yourappointment. Merchandising • With Valomnia, your salesreps, Vansellers or merchandisers can report key marketinginformationthrough configurable questionnaires and perform auditson productsplanograms and POS advertising For more details, you canvisit ourwebsite