W Game التطبيقات

終極大亂鬥 1.0
W Game
競技場介紹每個遊戲都有自己的規則,競技場也不例外。在規則說明中可以瞭解到你當前排名能得到的獎勵、競技場戰鬥的規則、歷史最高排名獎勵規則和每日排名獎勵規則的明細。看到這麼豐富的獎勵,是不是摩拳擦掌的準備大幹一番呢?誒等等,還得準備一下你的團隊設置才能上陣!下面我們就來看看如何設置防守陣容和進攻陣容吧。防守陣容在競技場裡是分攻守雙方的,顧名思義是要挑選好自己最強力的防禦隊員組成一隊為常駐防禦隊伍,在其他玩家攻擊你的時候,這個隊伍就起到抵抗的作用。PS:在選擇防禦隊伍的時候,儘量選生存能力強的英雄,因為在戰鬥中有回合限制,只要你挨過這些回合不團滅,就算是你贏。選中你所需要用來做防禦的英雄,以後每次被其他玩家攻擊的時候他們就會自動防禦戰鬥。所以在你選擇英雄的時候必須要慎重,他們可是決定了你能拿什麼名次的保證!確定攻擊陣容在畫面的下方有一個挑戰按鈕,只要點進去就會進入選擇英雄進行戰鬥的畫面。點擊確定後,就會進入戰鬥畫面。在戰鬥中,左上角的時間是你剩餘的進攻回合數,要在特定的回合內結束戰鬥,右下角的自動戰鬥是鎖定的,在競技場中是不能手動控制戰鬥的,所以只能是看自身的英雄搭配實力和運氣了。官方粉絲群:https://goo.gl/QXp9ZUArena IntroductionEach game has its own rules, the arena is no exception. In the Ruledescription can learn the details of your current rankings can getrewards, arena combat rules, highest ranking award rules and dailyrankings reward rules.See such a rich reward, is not gearing up ready to go do something?Oh, and so on, have to get ready to set up your team into battle!Here we look at how to set up a defensive line-up and it offensivelineup.Defensive teamThe arena is divided in both offensive and defensive, and suggeststhat it is better to pick their most powerful defense teamconsisting of a team of permanent defense team, other playersattack you, this team can play a role in resistance.PS: in the choice of the defense team, try to choose Shengcunnenglistrong hero, because there are restrictions in the battle round, aslong as you survive these groups do not turn off, even if youwin.All you need to do to use the selected defensive hero, after eachtime they attack other players will automatically defensive combat.So when you choose a hero must be careful, but they decided to takewhat you can guarantee rankings!OK lineup attackIn the bottom of the screen there is a challenge button, you willenter into the point selection screen hero to fight. After clickingOK, it will enter the battle screen. In combat, the upper leftcorner is the number of possessions you time remaining to end thefighting within a specific round, fighting the lower right corneris automatically locked in the arena of battle can not becontrolled manually, we can only look own hero with the strengthand luck.       Official fan group: https: //goo.gl/QXp9ZU