WaveA PTE.LTD. التطبيقات

Escape: Little Hero 1.4
---Prologue------------------------------My daddy is a detective.He fights bad guys every day.I snuck into the "police station", daddy's working place.I followed daddy as he left the "police station."He went to a warehouse at a deserted harbor.I was inside a cage.I have to get out of here!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: An Inconcealable Trick 1.2
- prologue –I'm a no-name magician.At my wife's suggestion, I've applied to become an assistant to thefamous magician King Hayami.When I went right to his house, I was forced into a strangeroom.If I can safely escape the room, he said he'll let me be hisassistant.For my wife's sake, I must succeed...Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: Castle of Illusion 1.3
- prologue –I stumbled upon a castle after getting lost in the mountains.I met a strange man there whose stare made me faint.When I came to, I found myself in a bed. The door was locked.There's something scary about the air inside the room.I have to escape before anything terrible happens.Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: The Stray School 1.3
- prologue –This is the school I go to.As I’m getting prepared to go home, the teacher in charge of myclass points out to me that I haven’t yet handed in the paper duetoday.It slipped my mind… I’m sure I brought it with me, but it isn’t inmy bag and it isn’t in my desk either…Wait… I know!! I must’ve left it in one of the other rooms whenchanging classrooms today!! First…I should go and have a look in the chemistry lab!Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 叶わぬ恋 1.3
---プロローグ---------------------お父さんが亡くなってから2年後、お母さんは大富豪の名家として有名な一ノ瀬家の長男と結婚した。今じゃ私は、名家の大切な娘として贅沢な暮らしをしている。そんなある日。大学からの帰り道、何故か幼馴染の陸翔(リクト)が道端で私を待ち伏せしていた。陸翔の苗字は一ノ瀬。つまり、陸翔とは友達という関係から、血の繋がっていない家族という関係になった訳だ。昔から陸翔とはとっても仲が良かったけど、今じゃ陸翔は……。「愛お嬢様。申し訳ありませんが、一ノ瀬の別宅にお越しいただけないでしょうか?」この調子である。どうやら一ノ瀬の家は代々女系に権威があるらしく、同じ家族であり兄妹であっても男は女を尊重する決まりがある。「いいわよ。行きましょう」本当はお父様にお呼び出しを受けていたんだけど、もちろん私は陸翔を優先した。そして一ノ瀬家の別宅の前に着いた瞬間、陸翔は白い布を私の顔に押し付けてきた。意識が朦朧となり、私はその場に崩れ落ちた……。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233---Prologue ---------------------After two years since Dad died, Mom was married to the eldest sonof the famous Ichinose house as a prominent family of themillionaire.'S now I have a luxurious life as a precious daughter of aprominent family.One day. Way home from the university, I had somehow childhoodfriend of RikuSho (restrictocin) is ambush me in the street.Last name of RikuSho is Ichinose.In other words, from the relationship of friends and RikuSho, it isa translation became a relationship that family that is notconnected with blood.I very relationship was good and RikuSho from the old days,RikuSho'm now ...."The love lady. Sorry, Could you come to the second house ofIchinose?"It is this tone.It seemed Apparently Ichinose house there is authority togenerations Jokei, man even siblings are the same family, it isdetermined to respect the woman.and "I'm good. Let's go."Though I had received your call to really your father, of course Igave priority to RikuSho.And the moment I arrived in front of Ichinose house second house,RikuSho have been pressed against the white cloth on my face.Consciousness becomes stunned, I collapsed on the spot ....---------------------------------------★ while Flick the screen to move around the room, let's fishytap.★ Do You solved the mystery, it can be safely escape!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices (operating environment):Xperia acro HD (IS12S)GALAXY S2 (SC-02C)GALAXY S3 (SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS (SC-04D)GALAXY Note2 (SC-02E)It will not operate security in addition to the above models.Troubleshooting download ■After app purchase in the Play store, if the download does notproceed, please check the "Troubleshooting download" that arepublished from Google.https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
脱出ゲーム:孤独な未知の星 1.1
---プロローグ--------------------地球型惑星の探査。それが僕たちの使命だった。だが、候補惑星が見つかった途端、事件は起こった。乗組員が、次々と不審な死に方をしたのだ。その夜、僕の部屋にやってくる足音が聞こえてきた。「僕の番なのか?」僕は、武器をつかみ外に出た。途端に、何者かにつかまれ、投げ飛ばされた。僕は必死で逃げ、脱出ポッドに飛び込んだ。僕は、脱出ポッドを操縦し、候補惑星に向かった。すると、今まで乗っていた船から攻撃されてしまった。脱出ポッドは、外殻の一部が破損し、惑星に向かって落ちて行った。僕は何とか、未知の惑星に不時着を成功させた。しかし、着陸の衝撃でドアが開き、荷物がいくつか飛んでしまった。拾いに行こうと脱出ポッドから出た時だ。「プシュッ」ドアが閉まってしまった。何とかドアを開け、救難信号を地球に送らないと助からない。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
脱出ゲーム: 真夜中の殺人事件 1.3
---プロローグ---------------------鑑識官である私の仕事はなんでもない風景に違和感を感じること。その違和感こそが、誰もが見落としやすい証拠を見つける早道だと信じて、普段の生活でもその観察眼を養ってきた。そんなある日、私は近所の倉庫に違和感を覚えた。誰もいないはずの倉庫なのに、電気が点いている。何かがここで行われているのでは?少し調べてみよう。そう思い、倉庫に入った途端私は閉じ込められてしまった。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
The Mystery of the Water Tanks 1.3
- prologue –I'm going to get married in half a year from now.My husband-to-be is the son of the owner of a pharmaceuticalcompany.Our marriage was arranged, so I have no idea what he lookslike.I was on my way to a restaurant to have dinner with him, but I wasforced into a car by 2 strange men...Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: The Insurance 1.3
- prologue –I visited my sister's room because she said she wanted to talk tome about something.She poured me some coffee, but when I drank it, I was suddenlyoverwhelmed by a sense of drowsiness.When I woke up, my sister was lying on the floor and there weresleeping drugs all over the place!And the door wouldn't open either! What's going on!?Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S2 WiMAX(ISW11SC)GALAXY S2 LTE (SC-03D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY Note II(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: The Moon Temple 1.2
- prologue –"K," the undercover cop, has infiltrated a drug cartel.He escaped because people were getting suspicious, so he hid in theMoon Temple, but he got trapped inside.He has to escape before they find him!Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: The Lonely Young Man 1.1
- prologue –I had grown sick of my daily life of boredom.One day, by sheer coincidence, I found out the whereabouts of thegirl I used to date in high school.One week later, I decided to go to her house because I wanted tosee her again, but…!?Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S2 WiMAX(ISW11SC)GALAXY S2 LTE (SC-03D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY Note II(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 禁断のドール 1.3
---プロローグ---------------------私は現在1人暮らし。深夜まで続く残業で、家へ帰っても疲れて寝るだけの日々。でも、私にも唯一の楽しみがあった。それは、オーダーメイドで頼んだドール。ボーナスを全額費やし、自分へのご褒美として買ったのだ。それは、ある日のこと。憧れの人形作家のホームページを覗き、幻想的で妖艶漂う人形に見入っていると、日付が変わったと同時に、突然、ページが更新された。「オーダーメイド承ります」思いがけない幸運に、私は無我夢中になって細部まで要望を書き込み、何の迷いもなく人形を注文した。それから2カ月。待ちに待ったメールが届いた。私は、家に届くまで待ち切れず、人形作家の屋敷まで取りに行くことにした。住所を頼りに何とかたどり着くと、そこに建っていたのは立派な洋館。インターフォンを鳴らし、中に入るが、人の気配はない。連絡した時刻より、ずいぶん早く着いちゃったな。どうしよう。そう思っていると、ふと、扉に人影が……。振り返った瞬間、ガチャンッ!!大きな物音とともに扉が閉じた。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape: The Mysterious Hotel 1.3
- prologue –I heard about a hotel where weird things happen on days with a 6 inthem.But I was pushed away by someone, locking me inside.Is something really going to happen here?Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 鳥篭に満ちたワナ 1.4
---プロローグ---------------------私は、警視庁組織犯罪対策第五課の豆田 麻紀(まめだ・まき)。主に組織による薬物犯罪の取締りを行なっている。××製造会社の親会社の会長である金谷 充。私は、金谷がこの麻薬組織の黒幕であると突き止めた。突然、その金谷から会いたい、と逆アプローチがあり、私は、後輩の松田くんと共に金谷の元に向かった。けれど、それは、私を黙らせる為の罠だった。ううん、それは分かってた。それよりも、驚いたのは――私の横には、無言で拳銃を突きつける松田くんがいる。彼が金谷と繋がっていただなんて!私が睨むと、松田くんはいつもと変わらない様子で「どうしたんです?」と微笑んだ。「さあ、着きました。貴女には、ずっとこの鳥かごに入っていてもらいますよ」ホテルの高層階にある部屋に入れられた。「貴女には、一生そこにいてもらいます。――私のものとしてね」ボソリと呟いて冷たく笑う金谷。私は、それを見て背筋が寒くなった。一生なんて冗談じゃない!何とかして、この部屋から逃げ出さないと!---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape : The Rescue Operation 1.3
---Prologue---------------------------"X" has visited a mansion to save a friend who had infiltratedit.However, a trap had already been set up, so he got lockedinside.He could hear a time bomb ticking in the room next door!He has to escape!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: Secret Garden 1.1
---Prologue------------------------------My wealthy aunt has passed away.As the inheritor of her fortune, I decided to visit her mansion,but I got trapped inside the garden!All the butler will tell me is "This was your aunt's wish." My auntalways used to play with me in this garden...What's she trying to do!?How am I supposed to escape!?------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 残された花嫁 1.3
---プロローグ---------------------わたしは今日、結婚する。ゲストハウスの新婦控え室に案内されたわたしは、ふと、漠然とした不安を感じた。ドアが閉まった瞬間、何か部屋の雰囲気が暗くなったような気がしたのだ。辺りは本当に静かだ。喧騒とは無縁なシーサイドのゲストハウスは、全ての騒音を吸い取ってしまったかのようだ。この部屋、こんなに静かだったっけ?あまりの静けさに不安を覚えたわたしは、立ち上がって外へ出ようとした。ドアが開かない。何故?まだ時間ではないということ?わたしは不安になってドアを叩いたが、全く反応がない。このドアはどうやったら開くのだろうか?---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233--- Prologue---------------------I today, to get married.Guided to the guest house of the bride waiting room I suddenly felta vague anxiety.the moment the door is closed, he felt like something of roomatmosphere becomes dark it was.Neighborhood is really quiet.Unrelated variety of seaside guest house and bustle seems if hadblotted all the noise.This room, did it were so quiet?I was anxious to much of tranquility was about to leave to theoutside and stood up.Door does not open. Why? And that it is not yet time?I hit the door and turned to anxiety, but there is no reaction atall.I wonder open Once this door How do I?---------------------------------------★ while Flick the screen to move around the room, let's fishytap.★ Do You solved the mystery, it can be safely escape!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices (operating environment):Xperia acro HD (IS12S)GALAXY S2 (SC-02C)GALAXY S3 (SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS (SC-04D)GALAXY Note2 (SC-02E)It will not operate security in addition to the above models.Troubleshooting download ■After app purchase in the Play store, if the download does notproceed, please check the "Troubleshooting download" that arepublished from Google.https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
脱出ゲーム : 裏切りの花束 1.4
---プロローグ---------------------あれは夏の暑い日の事だった。「結婚決まったんだって?お友達も嬉しそうね。」いつも挨拶をかわす程度の大家に、突然笑顔でそんな事を聞かれた。結婚どころか数週間前に彼氏と突然音信不通になってしまった。それに最近忙しくて友達にも会っていない。誰かと間違えているのかな……?何かがおかしいと気づき始めたのは、思えばあの日からだったかもしれない。数日後、帰宅するとテーブルの上に「僕が君を一生守る。」というメモが置いてあった。何これ……誰かに侵入されている!?怖くなり親友のミカに相談すると知り合いでストーカー事件を調べている刑事を紹介してくれた。彼はとても親切で相談するうちに私達は恋に落ち、結婚する事になった。明日はいよいよ結婚式!私は1人、彼の家で明日の準備をしていると、不審な物を見つけてしまった。そして私は結婚前夜にある真実を知ることになったのである……。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape : Scoop 1.5
---Prologue---------------------------We slip into the throng and click our shutters.We do whatever it takes to get the scoop.We make a living by tearing down the privacy of the stars,sometimes running into danger.That day I caught a major celebrity I'd been tailing for weeksred-handed in an affair and tried to head backto the office.------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape : Perilous Homecoming 1.5
---Prologue---------------------------One man is sent into enemy territory in search of a secretweapon.But when his identity is exposed he flees to the airport where heis suddenly surrounded.It's escape or death!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape : The Lost Village 1.4
---Prologue---------------------------While on a history trip, I stayed at an inn in a small village thatwas said to have a shady past. It was an old village, far removedfrom modern culture, and it produced an odd atmosphere. In themiddle of the night,the villagers suddenly jumped at me!Next thingI knew,I woke up in a small, dark box.I started struggling,and Inoticed the top board could be moved.I have to escape from thisdark and narrow place!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: Castaway 1.4
- prologue –The boat I was on exploded and sank, causing me to wash up on anuninhabited island.There's hardly any food either.I have to escape or I'm going to die here.I have to use my wits to escape!Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: The Lonely Shelter 1.0
- prologue –My dad died of a disease a couple of days ago.He was working on a shelter in the basement of our holiday house,but he never told me why.And today, I'm entering this shelter for the first time, to collecthis belongings...Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S2 WiMAX(ISW11SC)GALAXY S2 LTE (SC-03D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY Note II(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape :The Sealed Love Letter 1.4
---Prologue---------------------------There's a rumor going around the town I live in.Apparently, there's an abandoned house that sometimes opens up atnight.Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to set foot in the oldhouse, but since the door is really old, it won't openanymore...------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape : The House of Distress 1.6
---Prologue---------------------------I snuck into the garden of my girlfriend's house in order to elopewith her.However, I was noticed, and now I've been locked inside thegarden.I have to escape and meet up with her!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape:Mountain Hut of Madness 1.3
- prologue –I was attacked on the street and when I woke up I found myself in amountain hut.The door won't open.I can see a mountainous landscape through the window.I have to escape or there's no telling what'll happen.Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: Fragments of a Lie 1.3
---Prologue------------------------------Yuji is head over heels for his new girlfriend Marina.According to Marina's ex-boyfriend Shoya, however, there'sapparently another guy out there who Marina is very closewith…Yuji can't believe that Marina would ever cheat on him.Soon, Yuji falls prey to Shoya's wrath, and is locked insideMarina's room!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: An Old Promise 1.2
- prologue –A long, long time ago, I made a promise with the girl Iloved."If we still love each other, let's meet up again underneath thistree in 40 years."I got an anonymous letter.When I went to the designated location, the large cherry tree ofour promise was there...Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape : Stealth Diamond 1.5
---Prologue---------------------------You might know how many of the jewels glittering away in a jewelryshop could have been smuggled into the country.Heck, the diamonds shining on your or your fiancée's finger couldeasily be one of them.This time I was looking into a legendary jewel that had causedconflict in an African nation.------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: An End to the Tears 1.3
- prologue –I was born into the famous Kirishima family.But it turned out I was not a suitable heir to the family.At their wit's end, the family decided to adopt a boy namedMasaharu.As a result, I was locked up in a shack out back because theydidn't need me anymore.But finally the day has come for me to put an end to my life ofimprisonment.Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 悪夢の楽園 1.3
---プロローグ---------------------その日は抜群に天気がよく、日差しは猛烈にきつかった。ぼくは今、休暇のバカンスを楽しみに都会を離れ、日本を離れ、南国の楽園に来ている。普段は社内にこもり、デスクワークばかりで太陽をろくろく浴びることもない生活が多く、久々の開放感あるこの旅行を楽しみにしてきた。長期滞在のつもりで家財つきの部屋を借りた。さて、とりあえず市内観光と思い、ドアノブに手をかけたが開かない。運命は、ここまできて「閉じこもれ」というのか。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape: Strange House 1.2
- prologue -The hero has infiltrated the house of the most eccentric man in thecity.As the rumors implied, the rooms were filled with oddobjects.Creepy antiques, eerie paintings...This wasn't a place to linger around for too long.The hero turned on his heels and reached out for the door.But the door had already been locked from the outside...Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape : Imprisonment 1.4
---Prologue---------------------------My girlfriend suddenly disappeared the day before ourwedding.I hurried to her place, but in her room I was suddenly attacked andlocked up by a man.What the heck is going on!?And where is my girlfriend?------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : シセン 1.4
---プロローグ---------------------店の同僚であった茂木からオーナーからの伝言で『知りたがってたレシピを教えてやる』と連絡があったそうだ。それを聞いて俺は近日オープンする予定の店へ出かけた。店の中に入って待っていると、ドアの方から「ガシャン」と音が聞こえた。ドアのシャッターが降りてしまっている。ドア越しに自分を呼ぶ茂木の声が聞こえた。「バカだなお前。ノコノコ出てきやがって。麻子は2号店の冷蔵室に閉じ込めてやった。」「何だって!?」「お前らが俺の人生をぶち壊したんだ……これくらい、当然の報いだろう?」嘲笑する茂木の声がだんだん遠ざかって行く。大変だ!麻子が死んでしまう!---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape: Crazy Stone 1.4
---Prologue------------------------------I steal from people for a living. That’s right. I’m a thief.I normally focus on famous paintings.This time is a bit different, however.A man I had never met before contacted me saying that he wanted tooffer me a job.------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
The Escape Game from Hell 1.3
- prologue –Akira lost his faith in mankind and started dabbling incrime.While walking down a street one night, he was knocked out cold frombehind and abducted to a dilapidated house.When he woke up, a girl from his class was also there, her bodytied with rope.A cold voice came from the speaker on the ceiling of thehouse:"Get ready for an Escape Game of life and death."Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape : Hustler in the dark 1.6
---Prologue---------------------------I'm the most famous hustler in the underworld.Extorting people who line their pockets with dirty money is mybusiness.One day, I was invited to a luxurious hotel by the CEO of a certainpharmaceutical company.------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: Star Sapphire 1.3
- prologue –Tiramisu found out that a precious family treasure, which was takenfrom an old friend by a swindler, was spotted at a jewelryshop.But before she was able to steal it, the autolock door closed,locking her in!Retrieve the treasure and escape!Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese===================Confirmed models===================Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 闇の帰り路 1.2
---プロローグ--------------------父と母が離別した後、私は父方の祖父の元で育てられた。祖父は貿易会社の会長をしている。ある日の下校時間。黒塗りの車が私を迎えにきた。「お嬢様、お迎えに参りました」私は促されるまま、その車に乗り込んだ。喉が渇いていた私は置いてあったミネラルウォーターを飲み干す。「あれ……なんだか、眠い……」私の意識は、闇の中へと落ちていった……。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape: RECREATION 1.3
---Prologue------------------------------"Sigh... This is no good..."I've been a writer for 12 years now... And for the first time in mylife, I've got writer's block.The floor around me is covered with crumpled paper.My wife suggested I seclude myself in our cottage in themountains.As soon as I arrived, I immediately headed to my study.------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Memories of a Snowy Night 1.2
- prologue –When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a deep hole that had beendug in the snow.In front of me, I saw the secret hideout me and my friends used toplay in 20 years ago.It was made by reforming a shack, but it should have been destroyedages ago.As if possessed, I entered the secret hideout that should not havebeen there anymore.Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
The Inhabitant Lost in the Sea 1.2
- prologue –A villa with a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea.It's cheap, but nobody seems to want it.Maybe it has some kind of shady background story.The hero of this story went to see the villa in person because hewas considering buying it, but he got locked up inside!Can he escape this villa in this completely unknown environment!?Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 真夏のコテージ 1.2
---プロローグ---------------------「夏の休暇を楽しもう」そう言って呼び出されたのは、友人の別荘。暇を持て余していた俺は、ほいほいと二つ返事でやってきた。だけど、当の本人がいつまで待っても来ない。電話を掛けようと思ったら、室内は圏外。固定電話も引いてない。仕方ない、外に出て電波の入るところを探そう。そう思ってドアに手をかけた。……だけど……。「開かない??」何の変哲もない木で出来たドア。そのドアが今、なぜか少しも開かないのだ。誰かのいたずらかとドアを叩いても叫んでも、誰も来ないし、人の気配すら感じない。普段は使われていない海辺の別荘。友人が運ぶことになっていた食料や水は、その友人が来ていないので、もちろん部屋にはない。そんな場所でどうやって過ごせばいいんだ!?これは、早く脱出しないと、こちらの体力が尽きてしまう!i---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233--- Prologue---------------------"Let's enjoy the summer vacation."I was called to say so, friend of villa.I had been embarrassed the spare time, have been doing in the HuiHui To immediate reply.I though, you do not come even wait person in question isforever.If you thought that tries to call, the room is out of range.Fixed phones are not pulling.and how not, to try to find a place to enter the radio waves to getout.Multiplied by the hand to the door I thought so. ……However…….The "?? not open"Door made of nondescript tree.The door is now, but not a bit too open for some reason.Screaming even hit the mischief or the door of someone also, nobodydo not come, I do not feel even a person of signs.Seaside villa that is not is usually used.food and water that was supposed to be a friend carry, becausetheir friends did not come, it is not of course the room.It's okay if spend how in such a place! ?This is, if you do not escape quickly, here physical strength runsout! i---------------------------------------★ while Flick the screen to move around the room, let's fishytap.★ Do You solved the mystery, it can be safely escape!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices (operating environment):Xperia acro HD (IS12S)GALAXY S2 (SC-02C)GALAXY S3 (SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS (SC-04D)GALAXY Note2 (SC-02E)It will not operate security in addition to the above models.Troubleshooting download ■After app purchase in the Play store, if the download does notproceed, please check the "Troubleshooting download" that arepublished from Google.https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape: The Cave of Regret 1.2
- prologue –After my best friend Kazuki was accused of murder, he disappearedwithout a trace.I heard a rumor that he was hiding in a cave somewhere.I went to the cave to see if the rumors were true, and indeed I didfind Kazuki... Dead.Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 邪魔する棋士 1.2
---プロローグ---------------------目を覚ますと俺が所属している将棋部の部室にいた。どうやら部活中に眠ってしまったらしい。部屋の中には誰もいない。机の上には将棋盤とコマが出しっぱなしになっている。俺に片付けてから帰れということだろうか?面倒くさい。このまま帰ってしまおう。ドアに手をかけるが、開かない。なぜか、ロックされている。とにかく早くここから脱出して家に帰ろう。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233--- Prologue---------------------I it was in the club room of shogi parts that belong to wakeup.It seems had apparently asleep in the club.Nobody in the room.Shogi board and coma is in leave out on top of the desk.I wonder that go back to from the clean up to me?Bothersome. This remains Let back.I put a hand on the door, but not open. Why, it is locked.You will go home with anyway early escape from here.---------------------------------------★ while Flick the screen to move around the room, let's fishytap.★ Do You solved the mystery, it can be safely escape!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices (operating environment):Xperia acro HD (IS12S)GALAXY S2 (SC-02C)GALAXY S3 (SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS (SC-04D)GALAXY Note2 (SC-02E)It will not operate security in addition to the above models.Troubleshooting download ■After app purchase in the Play store, if the download does notproceed, please check the "Troubleshooting download" that arepublished from Google.https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233
Escape: The Jeweled Crown 1.1
---Prologue------------------------------Tiramisu has snuck into the mansion of an evil secondhand dealer toretrieve the "Tiara of Sadness" that was stolen from avillage.But she fall down a hole in the garden and got trapped in thebasement.She has to do something before anyone finds her!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム : 奇妙な招待状 1.2
---プロローグ---------------------私は懸賞に応募することを趣味としている。雑誌、インターネット……目にする懸賞に片っ端から応募している。もはや日課と言っていいだろう。そんなある日、温泉旅行の懸賞に当選したと言う葉書が届いた。ここ1年くらいハズレばかりだが久々の当選だ。もはや何に応募したのかも忘れているが、行ってみたい温泉だったので出かけることにした。着いたそこは古風な和風旅館。若い女中に部屋まで案内された。そして、立ち去り際、女中は奇妙なことを言った。「あなたなら出来るかと……」何のことか分からなかったが、否応無く“滞在”させられることになった。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233ima
Escape: The Tear of Blood 1.1
---Prologue------------------------------Tiramisu has snuck into a laboratory in an attempt to retrieve the"Tear of Blood," which was stolen from her favorite church.When she closed a door because she was almost caught by a guard,she got trapped inside.Retrieve the ruby and escape!------------------------------------------Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanesecompatible devices:Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
Escape: Haunted House 1.2
- prologue –There's a real ghost in the haunted house in the amusement parknearby.I just had to check it out so I decided to go to the hauntedhouse.I wonder if the rumors are really true...?Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening thedoor. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and usethose items in solving puzzles.The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and youcan also flick when you need to move about the room.Language:English,Chinese,Korean,Japanese[compatible devices]Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for whichproper functioning has not been confirmed.
脱出ゲーム: 狼の隠した切り札 1.2
---プロローグ---------------------鴻上鷹雄。彼は鋭い文章に定評のあるルポライターだ。権力にも決して屈することなく真実をどこまでも追究する姿勢は“狼”とまで呼ばれるほどであった。その彼こそ、俺にルポのイロハを教えてくれた師匠である。師匠と比べれば、俺などまだ生まれたての子犬というものだ。その師匠が突然、飛び降り自殺をした。タフな師匠が自殺だなんて……いや、そんなはずはない。俺は事件現場である師匠の仕事場へとやって来た。この事件の真実を見つけるために。---------------------------------------★画面をフリックしながら部屋の中を移動し、怪しいところタップしよう。★あなたは謎を解き明かし、無事に脱出することができるか!?Language: Japanesecompatible devices(動作環境) :Xperia acro HD(IS12S)GALAXY S2(SC-02C)GALAXY S3(SC-06D)GALAXY NEXUS(SC-04D)GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)上記機種以外では動作保障いたしません。■ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティングPlayストアでアプリ購入後、ダウンロードが進まない場合、Googleから公開されている「ダウンロードに関するトラブルシューティング」をご確認ください。https://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=ja&answer=1067233ima