Wiretouch Ltd التطبيقات

Qflow - Ticket Scan & Check In
Wiretouch Ltd
Manage entry for your events with QflowA robust, secure and efficient check-in app for barcode scanningand guest list management. Use your Android devices in-app camerato scan ticketed guests. Includes touch search and admissiontechnology for non-ticketed guest lists.SOME FEATURESTICKET SCANNING- Scan all popular barcode types - QR codes, Code 128, PDF417 andmore!- Fast event download and check-in speeds, no matter how large theevent!- Ability to scan both 1D and 2D barcodes.- Search by barcode - or if the ticket is damaged search bycustomer details.- Detect duplicate (fake) tickets - Includes an audible failuresound and visual alert with displayed check-in timestamp oforiginal ticket.- Group purchase ticket scanning - Scan a single 'group purchase'barcode and quickly tap in any additional group guests using thePlus 1's feature.- Live syncing across multiple entry points - Real time syncingensures all your smart devices stay in sync (a local WiFi or dataconnection required)- Offline mode - Continue scanning and saving your attendee dataeven if you lose or have no internet connection.- Black Listing - Ability to block a guest's admittance. Oncescanned, a blocked guest will be displayed in red, accompanied by apop-up text alert.- Real time Statistics - One touch attendee statistics for totalin-venue and filtered by guest type / attendee group. Includescharts, in-venue / outstanding totals and percentages.GUEST LIST MANAGEMENT- Partial name search - quickly list results based on each letteryou enter.- Search by initials - simply tap in a guests initials for a shortlist of guest name results.- Search by last name first - search and list results based onsurname first.- Search by email - find a guest by entering their email.- Search by Additional information - short list guest results bysearching their additional information.- Adding guests on the fly - Add guests from anywhere via yoursmartphone, tablet or computer.- Plus 1's - check-in a guest's plus 1's without them beingpresent.- Smart tagging and list filtering - Flexible guest tagging andfiltering allows you to handle any type of guest check-in criteria.Such as events, sessions, accreditation and attendeegrouping.- Watch List - Ability to block guest entry. Once scanned, ablocked guest will be displayed in red accompanied by a pop up textalert.BESPOKE APP SETTINGS - Set up check-in the way you like it via acomprehensive list of settings including:- Search by last name / first name- Search by email and additional information- and many more...ATTENDEE REPORTING - Produce in-depth attendee statistics andqueue flow charts at the touch of a button.Note: To use this app you will need to be registered atwww.qflow.co.ukPowered by Qflow www.qflow.co.uk
Event Check-in - Qflow.io
Wiretouch Ltd
Qflow - The leading UK event guest check in solutions company.Trusted by 1000's of global events and ticketing companies. 100%FREE TEST DRIVE! **No credit card required | No billing cycleapplied | No opt-ins needed** It only takes a minute to test drivethe Qflow event check-in app. PLEASE READ: It only takes a minuteto test drive the Qflow event check-in app, new users need to: -First register for a 100% FREE account at http://qflow.io -Download the Qflow check-in and allow us to securely create you ademo account including a demo event. Create and send barcodede-invites, manage your guest list entry & securely scan allyour mobile and hard copy tickets. Qflow works for all events -From intimate PR events to major festivals, sports events andconferences. SMART PHONE / TABLETS - Use your Android devicesin-app camera to scan ticketed guests. HANDHELD LASER TICKETSCANNERS - Available on request. https://www.hirescanners.com/Don’t take our word for it. Check out why so many people chooseQflow for their event guest check-in -https://www.getqflow.com/success-stories ADVANCED FEATURES >We’ve got your event check-in covered! From quick search check-into complex large scale event solutions. - CREATE & SEND BRANDEDQR CODE E-INVITES INCL. RSVP - ADVANCED GUEST SEARCH FOR PHONE& TABLET - SCAN ALL BARCODED TICKETS - UNLIMITED DEVICE LOGINS- DUPLICATE TICKET DETECTION - WORKS OFFLINE - CHECK-IN TEAMS INCL.ACCESS RIGHTS - IN DEPTH REAL TIME STATISTICS - GROUP TICKETSCANNING - RFID REGISTRATION / CHECK-IN - BADGE DESIGN & PRINTSERVICE - IN-VENUE SESSION & ZONE CHECK-IN - ADVANCED API 's -SELF CHECK-IN SOLUTIONS & CUSTOM PROJECTS -https://solutions.getqflow.com/ - MOBILE LASER SCANNERS HIREAVAILABLE - https://www.hirescanners.com/ For more in-depth productinformation - http://qflow.io
UOMA Event Check-in
Wiretouch Ltd
Manage event check-in for MelbourneUniversityAustralia.A robust, secure and efficient check-in app for event ticketbarcodescanning. Use your Android devices in-app camera to scanticketedguests. Includes touch search and admission technologyfornon-ticketed guest lists.SOME FEATURESTICKET SCANNING- Scan all popular barcode types - QR codes, PDF417 and more!- Fast event download and check-in speeds, no matter how largetheevent!- Ability to scan both 1D and 2D barcodes.- Search by barcode - or if the ticket is damaged search bycustomerdetails.- Detect duplicate (fake) tickets - Includes an audiblefailuresound and visual alert with displayed check-in timestampoforiginal ticket.- Group purchase ticket scanning - Scan a single grouppurchaseticket barcode and quickly tap in any additional groupguests usingthe Plus 1's feature.- Live syncing across multiple entry points - Real timesyncingensures all your smart devices stay in sync (a local WiFi or3G /4G connection required)- Offline mode - Continue scanning and saving your attendeedataeven if you lose or have no internet connection.- Black Listing - Ability to block a guest's admittance.Oncescanned, a blocked guest will be displayed in red, accompaniedby apop-up text alert.- Real time Statistics - One touch attendee statistics fortotalin-venue and filtered by guest type / attendee group.Includescharts, in-venue / outstanding totals andpercentages.- Tallies - Create tally lists such as 'Walkup sales'and'Concessions' to get true in-venue totals.- Team notifications - Notify all of your team members orindividualteam members with instant messaging.- Restrictions - Restrict what you team members can do, suchasadding guests / viewing statistics.GUEST LIST MANAGEMENT- Partial name search - quickly list results based on eachletteryou enter.- Search by initials - simply tap in a guests initials for ashortlist of guest name results.- Search by last name first - search and list results basedonsurname first.- Search by email - find a guest by entering their email.- Search by Additional information - short list guest resultsbysearching their additional information.- Adding guests on the fly - Add guests from anywhere viayoursmartphone, tablet or computer.- Plus 1's - check-in a guest's plus 1's without thembeingpresent.- Smart tagging and list filtering - Flexible guest taggingandfiltering allows you to handle any type of guest check-incriteria.Such as events, sessions, accreditation andattendeegrouping.- Watch List - Ability to block guest entry. Once scanned, ablockedguest will be displayed in red accompanied by a pop uptextalert.- Pull to refreshBESPOKE APP SETTINGS - Set up check-in the way you like it viaacomprehensive list of settings including:- Search by last name / first name- Search by additional information + email- many more ways to customize your experienceATTENDEE REPORTING - Produce in-depth attendee statisticsandqueue flow charts at the touch of a button.Note: This app is for events managed by MelbourneUniversityAustralia only. http://www.unimelb.edu.au/
Stub Avenue Check-in
Wiretouch Ltd
Manage entry for your events with Stub Avenue Check-in. A robust,secure and efficient check-in app for event ticket barcodescanning. Use your Android devices in-app camera to scan ticketedguests. Includes touch search and admission technology fornon-ticketed guest lists. SOME FEATURES TICKET SCANNING - Scan allpopular barcode types - QR codes, PDF417 and more! - Fast eventdownload and check-in speeds, no matter how large the event! -Ability to scan both 1D and 2D barcodes. - Search by barcode - orif the ticket is damaged search by customer details. - Detectduplicate (fake) tickets - Includes an audible failure sound andvisual alert with displayed check-in timestamp of original ticket.- Group purchase ticket scanning - Scan a single group purchaseticket barcode and quickly tap in any additional group guests usingthe Plus 1's feature. - Live syncing across multiple entry points -Real time syncing ensures all your smart devices stay in sync (alocal WiFi or 3G / 4G connection required) - Offline mode -Continue scanning and saving your attendee data even if you lose orhave no internet connection. - Black Listing - Ability to block aguest's admittance. Once scanned, a blocked guest will be displayedin red, accompanied by a pop-up text alert. - Real time Statistics- One touch attendee statistics for total in-venue and filtered byguest type / attendee group. Includes charts, in-venue /outstanding totals and percentages. - Tallies - Create tally listssuch as 'Walkup sales' and 'Concessions' to get true in-venuetotals. - Team notifications - Notify all of your team members orindividual team members with instant messaging. - Restrictions -Restrict what you team members can do, such as adding guests /viewing statistics. GUEST LIST MANAGEMENT - Partial name search -quickly list results based on each letter you enter. - Search byinitials - simply tap in a guests initials for a short list ofguest name results. - Search by last name first - search and listresults based on surname first. - Search by email - find a guest byentering their email. - Search by Additional information - shortlist guest results by searching their additional information. -Adding guests on the fly - Add guests from anywhere via yoursmartphone, tablet or computer. - Plus 1's - check-in a guest'splus 1's without them being present. - Smart tagging and listfiltering - Flexible guest tagging and filtering allows you tohandle any type of guest check-in criteria. Such as events,sessions, accreditation and attendee grouping. - Watch List -Ability to block guest entry. Once scanned, a blocked guest will bedisplayed in red accompanied by a pop up text alert. - Pull torefresh BESPOKE APP SETTINGS - Set up check-in the way you like itvia a comprehensive list of settings including: - Search by lastname / first name - Search by additional information + email - manymore ways to customize your experience ATTENDEE REPORTING - Producein-depth attendee statistics and queue flow charts at the touch ofa button. Note: To use this app you will need to be a registeredticket seller with at http://stubavenue.com
Customer Registration & Check In - QReg.io
Wiretouch Ltd
QReg.io - Fast & secure customer registration &check-inQReg is a product from leading UK check-in technologycompanyWiretouch Ltd. Trusted by 1000's of global hospitalitybusinesses.A simple and secure way to register and check-in yourcustomer.Helping you understand your customers. Sign up only takes1 minute!Test drive for free with up to 20 customers Full accessaccount /No card details required / No opt-ins Zero touchinteraction - Fast“no-touch” customer registration and Fast EntryID scanning. Nopre-entry customer requirements - Customers don'tneed a phone withan internet connection to register. No repeatregistration forreturning customers - You can automatically sendcustomers an SMSfast entry ID which can be scanned during returnvisits. Worksanywhere in the world! QReg app works offline! - Noneed for you toimprove your Wifi bandwidth or range to cope withany web basedregistration processes. Daily visitor list managementis made easy- Your daily visitor lists are automatically populatedand savedsecurely as customers enter your business, including allimportantcheck-in time stamps. PLEASE READ: It only takes a minuteto testdrive the QReg customer registration & check-in app, newusersneed to: Download the QReg app and allow us to securely createyoua live account including a demo list. Test drive all thefeaturesunrestricted: Create a customer registration list. Sendreturningcustomer Fast Entry ID (SMS and/or email). Scan a customerFastEntry ID scan pass. Securely store, access and export yourdailycustomer lists. PLEASE NOTE - Sign into your web dashboard at-https://dashboard.qreg.io to create fresh customerregistrationlists. QReg works for all walk-in venues such as pubs,bars, coffeeshops and restaurants. Secure data storage We are aMicrosoftcertified company with enterprise level cloud encryptionandsecurity. 100% GDPR compliant, putting you out of data breachrisk.Customer data will never be shared with anyone or any 3rdparties.
Mita Event Check-in Scanner
Wiretouch Ltd
Manage entry for your events with Mita event check-inscanner.PLEASE NOTE: To use this app you will need to be aregisteredclient of Mobile Marketing Branding Solutions. Pleasecontactdirectly for more information -mobilemarketingbranding@gmail.com Arobust, secure and efficientcheck-in app for barcode scanning andguest list management. Useyour device's in-app camera to scanticketed guests. Includes touchsearch and admission technology fornon-ticketed guest lists. Manageyour guest list entry and securelyscan all your mobile and hardcopy tickets. Mita event check-inscanner works for all events -From intimate PR events to majorfestivals, sports events andconferences. ADVANCED FEATURES - We’vegot your event check-incovered! From quick search check-in tocomplex large scale eventsolutions. • SCAN ALL BARCODED TICKETS •UNLIMITED DEVICE LOGINSWITH LIVE SYNCING • DUPLICATE TICKETDETECTION • WORKS OFFLINE •CHECK-IN TEAMS INCLUDING ACCESS RIGHTS• IN DEPTH REAL TIMESTATISTICS • GROUP TICKET SCANNING - SCAN ASINGLE GROUP TICKET ANDQUICKLY TAP ADDITIONAL GROUP GUESTS USINGTHE 'PLUS 1' FEATURE •FAST DOWNLOAD AND CHECK-IN SPEEDS • MULTIPLESEARCH OPTIONS -BARCODE, INITIALS, NAME, EMAIL OR GUESTSINFORMATION • BLACK LISTING- BLOCK A GUEST'S ADMITTANCE PRIOR TOARRIVAL • REAL TIME STATISTICS• TALLIES - CREATE TALLY LISTS SUCHAS 'WALK-UP SALES' AND'CONCESSIONS' TO GET TRUE IN-VENUE TOTALS •ADD GUESTS - YOU CAN ADDGUEST NAMES AND CREATE GUEST LISTSDIRECTLY FROM THE APP •NOTIFICATIONS - KEEP YOUR SCANNING TEAMUPDATED WITH INDIVIDUAL ORGROUP INSTANT MESSAGES • RESTRICTIONS -YOU SELECT WHAT ACCESS EACHTEAM MEMBER HAS • SMART TAGGING ANDLIST FILTERING - THIS ALLOWS YOUTO HANDLE ANY TYPE OF GUESTCHECK-IN CRITERIA, SUCH AS EVENT ACCESSAND SESSIONS
WeGotTickets Access Control
Wiretouch Ltd
A robust, & efficient check-in app for barcode scanningandguest management.