WorkerScan التطبيقات

WorkerScan Safety Inspection 1.0.19
WorkerScan is a web based service used to track various assetsand inspection requirements within your company. These assetsinclude Workers, Job Location, Trade, Training, and Equipment. Oneof the ways we help you track your assets is by using barcodes. Oursystem has the ability to assign barcodes for all of your tangibleequipment or utilize existing bar codes/serial numbers on theequipment. First Responder Emergency Scan One unique, life-savingfeature is the first responder emergence scan from the QR code thatwill be assigned to your worker’s hard hat. This code is generatedfor each worker and gives basic information about the worker andpossible life saving first responder health information. Anyonewith a smart phone or tablet can scan the code an present anycritical emergency information to first responders. If yousubscribe to and the person is assigned to youraccount, you can see all information about the worker, includingtraining, assigned equipment, union affiliation, etc. Worker In theWorkers profile page you can view worker-specific Training withcertificates and renewal dates, Notes, Job Site Location, EmergencyContact information, Union Affiliation, and Assigned Equipment withinspection dates listed. Equipment The equipment section is the most feature-rich section of the program.When creating equipment, you have several levels of categories tomake your equipment easier to navigate. gives youthe ability to attach and create safety inspection checklists andrun through them when renewing the inspection on a piece ofequipment. You can assign equipment to workers or to the job site,providing accountability. gives you complete controlover the status of the equipment whether you need to take it out ofservice for maintenance or decommission it because it has reachedthe end of life. Along with the information about your equipment,we also store a complete up-to-the-minute history of your equipmentso you can track it back as far as it has been in Training is an attribute that you can assign and track forworkers including when the renewal is due. allowsyou to store any training documents for your workers that areneeded to conduct or use during the training process (this can bePowerPoints, Tests, Spread Sheets, PDF, etc). Once a worker istrained, will store any certification documentsearned as proof of training and are visible under the worker’sprofile. Job Location The job location tab provides informationabout the job, including Foreman, Supervisor, and Safety Manager.It also is a place to securely store any documents so they can beretrieved and used anywhere. From this tab, you can see all of theequipment and workers. Here you can notify all job site workersabout any important event and have notify them byemail or text about the event with specifics like emergencies oroncoming weather. Forms The forms tab allows the do-it-yourselfform creator where you can digitalize existing paper forms andcreate new ones. Once your forms are created, you can complete theform online with any device and save them in the WorkerScan.comsystem. This gives you an easy place to view all of your forms forjob locations or workers sorted in our easy to navigate sortingtree Highlight Features • Assign Trades to Workers • Union workerintegration • Comprehensive Dashboard • Customizable InspectionsChecklist • Track any Equipment • Import module for easyintegration • Assign training to group with one click • Completedocumentation of equipment history • Data is archived forprotection • Unlimited Trade input • No special scanner to buy •Customizable forms for all occasions • Data storage for formcreation and documents