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UFPE Notícias 1.4.1
As notícias sobre a UFPE, sua produçãocientífica, eventos, seminários e assuntos de interesse geral queserá alimentada com conteúdo gerado pela Assessoria de Comunicação(Ascom) e pela Procit.News of the UFPE, itsscientific production, events, seminars and general interest topicsthat will be fed with content generated by the CommunicationDepartment (Ascom) and Procit.
TRIX Demo 1.6.7
App demo da plataforma TRIX (The RealtimeInformation eXchange)Saiba mais:http://trix.rocksApp demo platform TRIX(The Realtime Information eXchange)Know more:http://trix.rocks
UPE em Foco 1.4.1
O UPE em Foco é o aplicativo oficial, paradispositivos móveis, da Universidade de Pernambuco, criado paradivulgação das suas noticiais, funcionando como meio de comunicaçãoentre a Universidade e as suas comunidades (discente, docente etécnico administrativo) e a sociedade.Notícias referentes à comunidade acadêmica, incluindo suas açõesde ensino, pesquisa, extensão e cultura, eventos, cursos e demaisassuntos de interesse serão publicados neste canal decomunicação.The UPE in Focus is theofficial application for mobile devices, the University ofPernambuco, created to disseminate their noticiais, functioning asmeans of communication between the University and its community(students, faculty and administrative personnel) and society.News related to the academic community, including itseducational activities, research, extension and culture, events,courses and other matters of interest will be published on thiscommunication channel.
C.E.S.A.R 1.5.9
CIn - UFPE 1.3.7
CSBC 2015 1.4.9
CSBC 2015: A internet de tudo, todaobservadaAplicativo OficialMais do que interagir entre as pessoas, hoje, a tecnologia nospermite uma comunicação direcionada, até mesmo, para objetoscapazes de interpretar e agir aos nossos comandos. A Internet dasCoisas, uma espécie de sociedade onipresente de elementosinterativos, através da criação de sistemas de inteligência esensoriamento, embutidos em outros dispositivos ou espalhadosindividualmente como sensores sem fio. Diante desse cenário, a XXXVedição do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC2015) traz como tema A Internet de Tudo, Toda Observada. O CSBC2015 acontece no Recife, Pernambuco, de 20 a 23 de julho. O Centrode Convenções do estado abrigará a infraestrutura do evento.O local escolhido para sediar o CSBC 2015 respira tecnologia. Oestado possui um importante ecossistema de empresas na área decomputação e um parque tecnológico conhecido e respeitado em todo oBrasil, sendo eleito por duas vezes o melhor parque digital dopaís. Além disso, também está instalado na região um dos maiorescentros acadêmicos de computação do país, o Centro de Informáticada Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (CIn) da Universidade Federalde Pernambuco (UFPE), com três cursos de graduação, além daPós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, escolhida entre as setemelhores do país. O Estado possui ainda diversos outros cursos decomputação em instituições de ensino públicas e privadas.A XXXV edição do CSBC é organizada pelo CIn/UFPE e tem comoobjetivo promover e incentivar a troca de experiências entre ascomunidades científica, acadêmica e profissionais da computação.Sua programação contempla exposições de trabalhos científicos,palestras, cursos e debates sobre assuntos ligados ao setor e ainfluência da tecnologia na sociedade.http://csbc2015.cin.ufpe.brDesenvolvido por XARXhttp://xarx.coCSBC 2015: The internetof all, all observedApplication OfficialMore than interact with people, today, technology allows us atargeted communication, even for objects able to interpret and actto our commands. The Internet of Things, a kind of ubiquitoussociety of interactive elements, by creating intelligence systemsand sensing, embedded in other devices or scattered individually aswireless sensors. In this scenario, the XXXV edition of theCongress of the Brazilian Computer Society (CSBC 2015) has as itstheme: The Internet of Everything, All Observed. The CSBC 2015happens in Recife, Pernambuco, 20 to 23 July. The State ConventionCenter will house the infrastructure of the event.The site chosen to host the 2015 CSBC breathes technology. Thestate has an important ecosystem companies in computing andtechnology park known and respected throughout Brazil and waselected twice the best digital park in the country. Moreover, it isalso installed in the region one of the largest academic centers inthe country computing, the Federal University of PernambucoInformatics Center (CIn) of the Federal University of Pernambuco(UFPE), with three undergraduate courses, as well as Graduate inComputer Science, chosen among the seven best in the nation. Thestate also has many other computer courses at public and privateeducational institutions.The XXXV edition of the CSBC is organized by CIN / UFPE and aimsto promote and encourage the exchange of experiences between thescientific, academic and computer professionals. Its programmingincludes exhibitions of scientific papers, lectures, courses anddiscussions on issues related to the industry and the influence oftechnology on society.http://csbc2015.cin.ufpe.brDeveloped by XARXhttp://xarx.co
CIEL.network 1.4.9
CIEL.network, the Networked Center forInnovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership is an initiative ofCESAR.edu.br, CIN.ufpe.br, CESAR.org.br, IKEWAI.com,DEINFO.ufrpe.br, LIKA.ufpe.br, MUCHMORE.digital, FG.edu.br,ISITICS.senai.br, ARIES.org.br, and PORTODIGITAL.org to gather, inand centered from RECIFE, BRAZIL, a host of experts and learners inall things related to local systems of innovation based upon theDIGITAL platforms, from machine architecture to genetic editing,from smart cities to robotics, from new forms of entrepreneurshipto large scale digital transformation in organizations andsociety.CIEL.network’s main aim is to serve as a platform for[investigation, planning, prototyping and building] the future and,as part of our range of objectives, we plan to provide frameworksto address both the opportunities for developing new technologiesand their uses but also to discuss its impacts, both positive andnegative, on people, institutions, organizations and society.CIEL.network will gather diverse constituencies, host events, doresearch, create policy frameworks and develop demonstrationprojects, connecting and creating a networked environment forengineers, researchers, entrepreneurs, activists, policy creators,journalists, geeks, media, and public intellectuals to debate andengage one another on the key issues in our agenda. We imagine thatone of the likely effects of our actions will be to educate peopleand society in things we think, discuss and do.CIEL.network, theNetworked Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership isan initiative of CESAR.edu.br, CIN.ufpe.br, CESAR.org.br,IKEWAI.com, DEINFO.ufrpe.br, LIKA.ufpe.br, MUCHMORE.digital,FG.edu.br, ISITICS.senai.br, ARIES.org.br, and PORTODIGITAL.org togather, in and centered from RECIFE, BRAZIL, the host of expertsand learners in all things related to the local systems ofinnovation based upon the DIGITAL platforms, from machinearchitecture to genetic editing, from smart cities to robotics,from new forms of entrepreneurship to large scale digitaltransformation in organizations and society.CIEL.network's main aim is to serve as a platform for[investigation, planning, prototyping and building] the future andthe part of our range of objectives, we plan to Provide frameworksto address BOTH the opportunities for Developing new technologiesand Their uses but Also to discuss its impacts, positive andnegative BOTH, on people, Institutions, organizations andsociety.CIEL.network will gather diverse constituencies, host events, theresearch, create policy frameworks Develop and demonstrationprojects, connecting and creating a networked environment forengineers, Researchers, entrepreneurs, activists, policy creators,journalists, geeks, media and public intellectuals to debate andengage one another on the key issues in our agenda. We imagine queone of the Likely effects of our actions will be to educate peopleand society in things we think, and the discussion.
Revista Previ 1.2.3
A missão da Revista Previ é prestar contas aosparticipantes, divulgar realizações da Diretoria, proporcionarvisibilidade a serviços e produtos, considerando o interesse dopúblico leitor.The mission of PreviMagazine is accountable to the participants, disseminateachievements of the Board, provide visibility to services andproducts, considering the interest of the reading public.
Diário de Caruaru 1.4.9
Localizada no Vale do Ipojuca, ao longo dosanos Caruaru recebeu várias denominações, sendo conhecida tambémcomo a ‘Princesa do Agreste’, ‘Capital do Agreste’ e a ‘Capital doForró’. O município é mais populoso do interior de Pernambuco, comuma população residente de 289.086 habitantes, conforme dados doIBGE, relativos ao ano de 2009, que vivem numa área territorial de921 Km², tendo como padroeira Nossa Senhora das Dores. AtualmenteCaruaru destaca-se como o mais importante pólo econômico,médico-hospitalar, acadêmico, cultural e turístico do Agreste,sendo também famosa por sua tradicional feira livre, enaltecida nosversos do compositor Onildo Almeida e na voz do eterno Rei doBaião, Luiz Gonzaga. A cidade abriga um dos mais importantesentrepostos comerciais do Nordeste e tem no Alto do Moura o MaiorCentro de Artes Figurativas da América Latina, título esteconcedido pela Unesco, como reconhecimento de uma história iniciadana década de 40 do século passado, através do seu mais ilustrefilho, Vitalino Pereira dos Santos, o Mestre Vitalino, ceramistaque fez história através da criação de bonecos de barro, arteperpetuada entre seus familiares e vários discípulos, representadosnas gerações de artesãos, ainda hoje residentes na famosavila.Located in the Valley ofIpojuca, over the years Caruaru had several names and is also knownas the 'Princess of Agreste', 'Capital of the Wasteland' and'Capital of Forró'. The city is most populous in the interior ofPernambuco, with a resident population of 289,086 inhabitants,according to IBGE data for the year 2009, living in a land area of​​921 square kilometers, with the patron saint Our Lady of Sorrows.Currently Caruaru stands out as the most important economic center,medical, hospital, academic, cultural and tourist do Agreste and isalso famous for its traditional street market, exalted in theverses of the composer Onildo Almeida and voice of the eternal Kingof Baiao, Luiz Gonzaga. The city hosts one of the most importanttrading posts in the Northeast and has in Alto do Moura GreaterFigurative Arts Center in Latin America, a title granted by Unescoin recognition of a story that began in the 40s of the lastcentury, through its most illustrious son, Vitalino Pereira dosSantos, the Mestre Vitalino, ceramist who made history by creatingclay dolls, art perpetuated among his family and several disciples,represented in the generations of artisans, still living in thevillage famous.
TRIX Test 1.6.7
App de testes da plataforma TRIX (The RealtimeInformation eXchange)Saiba mais:http://xarx.coApp testing the TRIXplatform (The Realtime Information eXchange)Know more:http://xarx.co
Motori.Market 1.3.4
Who is motori.market?A stealth startup in the business of changing the human mobilityvalue chain, starting with car dealers, their market, the way youinteract with them and how that will modify, for much better ourexperience in selling, buying, maintaining and using a car.Who ismotori.market?The stealth startup in the business of changing the human mobilityvalue chain, starting with car dealers, Their market, the way youinteract with Them and how que will modify, is much better ourexperience in selling, buying, Maintaining and using a car.
Porto Digital 1.6.7
Porto DigitalDigital Port
MuchMore 1.3.6
The joint venture brings the largest Braziliangroup of communication services closer to innovation-based digitalbusinessMuchMore comes to life with a mission to generate new revenuesources through online strategies for its clients.The ABC Group, Brazil's largest group of communication services,and SODET, a digital innovation company located at Porto Digital,Recife, announce the creation of MuchMore, a joint venture betweenthe two companies.The new JV will offer services in consulting, strategy, creationand operation of new digital businesses for brands and largecompanies. Muchmore’s main service will be to create new revenuesources for companies that are already at an advanced stage ofmaturity in the digital universe.The Joint Venture offers proprietary methodology, efficient useof network platforms and more than 20 years of experience by itsprofessionals in the creation and evolution of digitalbusiness.With the experience and vision of creators of large media andtechnology companies in Brazil, the new enterprise will be led byBob Wollheim, digital head of the ABC Group - who keeps hisexecutive functions in this company and becomes partner of thejoint venture - and Teco Sodré, Sodet’s CEO. Silvio Meira, one ofthe founders of C.E.S.A.R. and Porto Digital, in Recife, joins theMuchMore team alongside Ariela Primo and Bruno Encarnação.The new initiative in the ABC Group portfolio will have teams,offices and operations in San Francisco, Recife and São Paulo. BobWollheim will divide his time between San Francisco and São Paulo,linking the Silicon Valley technology companies to MuchMore and itsclients.The vision and expertise of MuchMore’s team will be at theservice of clients with needs such as creativity, digitalinnovation and entrepreneurship, start-up programs, joint ventures,networked business models, digital interaction with clients and newbusinesses in the mobile and Internet of Things environment.MuchMore hits the market aleady with two business partners -Renato Mendes, former NetShoes and Abril Publishing and In Hsieh,former Xiaomi, Baby.com.br and Submarino - who will lead, alongsideBob Wollheim and Teco Sodré, the digital business constructionprojects for ABC Group's clients and for the market.The new experiences and skills acquired by ABC Group throughMuchMore will be converted into digital transformationopportunities to generate new revenues for the group's customerbase.With MuchMore, the ABC Group comes into closer contact with thestart-up and digital entrepreneurship scenario in Brazil, which hasbeen promoted in Porto Digital for 15 years already with greatsuccess, having attracted more than 250 companies to the urbantechnology cluster in Recife’s old port, as part of therevitalization process of the central area of the city.Guga Valente, ABC Group’s CEO, says: "The world of technologybusinesses is now completely connected to the world ofcommunication. With MuchMore, ABC flies higher and expands itsability to deliver technological solutions at various levels,including outside of advertising.""Being close to Silvio Meira and Teco Sodré is to unite ourcreative power to the power of technology in a company that looksto the future knowing that the future is here!" Said Nizan Guanaes,ABC partner and founder.According to Silvio Meira, "The platforms upon which allbusinesses sustain themselves will change radically in the next twodecades... just as much or more than they changed in the last two.Almost certainly faster. MuchMore will create sustainable ways tosupport such digital, fast, innovative, sustainable changes."Bob Wollheim says that "Muchmore is the evolution of ABC’sdigital project, which now covers the digital universe in amorestrategic and relevant way for its clients" and Teco notes that"The opportunity to have Sodet in the ABC group is a chance toenhance digital business for some of the most important companiesin Brazil."The joint venture bringsthe largest Brazilian group of communication services closer tobusiness digital innovation-basedMuchmore comes to life with a mission to generate new revenuesources through online strategies for its clients.The ABC Group, Brazil's largest group of communication services,and SODET, the digital innovation company located at Port Digital,Recife, announce the creation of muchmore, the joint venturebetween the two companies.The new JV will offer services in consulting, strategy, creationand operation of new digital businesses for brands and largecompanies. Muchmore's main service will be to create new revenuesources for companies que are already at an advanced stage ofmaturity in the digital universe.The Joint Venture offers proprietary methodology, efficient useof network platforms and more than 20 years of experience by itsprofessionals in the creation and evolution of digitalbusiness.With the experience and vision of creators of large medium andtechnology companies in Brazil, the new enterprise will be led byBob Wollheim, digital head of the ABC Group - who keeps hisexecutive functions in this company and passe partner of the jointventure - and Teco Sodré, Sodet's CEO. Silvio Meira, one of thefounders of C.E.S.A.R. and Porto Digital, in Recife, joins the teamalongside muchmore Ariela Primo and Bruno Incarnation.The new initiative in the ABC Group portfolio will have teams,offices and operations in San Francisco, Recife and São Paulo. BobWollheim will divide his time between San Francisco and São Paulo,linking the Silicon Valley technology companies to muchmore and itsclients.The vision and expertise of muchmore's team will be at theservice of clients with needs such as creativity, digitalinnovation and entrepreneurship, start-up programs, joint ventures,networked business models, digital interaction with clients and newbusinesses in the mobile and Internet of Things environment.Muchmore hits the market aleady with two business partners -Renato Mendes, former NetShoes and April and Publishing In Hsieh,former Xiaomi, Baby.com.br and Submarine - who will lead, alongsideBob Wollheim and Teco Sodré, the digital business for constructionprojects ABC Group's clients and for the market.The new experiences and skills acquired by ABC Group throughmuchmore will be converted into digital transformationopportunities to generate new revenues for the group's customerbase.With muchmore, the ABC Group comes into closer contact with thestart-up and digital entrepreneurship scenario in Brazil, Which HasBeen promoted in Digital Port for 15 years already with greatsuccess, having Attracted more than 250 companies to the urbantechnology cluster in Recife's old port, the part of therevitalization process of the central area of ​​the city.Guga Valente, ABC Group's CEO, says: ". The world of technologybusinesses is now completely connected to the world ofcommunication With muchmore, ABC flies higher and expands itsability to deliver technological solutions at various levels,including outside of advertising.""Being close to Silvio Meira and Teco Sodré is to unite ourcreative power to the power of technology in a company that looksto the future que Knowing the future is here!" Said nizan guanaes,ABC partner and founder.According to Silvio Meira, "The platforms upon Which allbusinesses sustain Themselves will change radically in the next twodecades ... just as much or more than They changed in the last two.Almost Certainly faster. Muchmore will create sustainable ways tosupport such digital, fast, innovative, sustainable changes. "Bob Wollheim says that "Muchmore is the evolution of ABC'sdigital project, Which now covers digital universe in a themorestrategic and relevant way for its clients" and Teco notes that"The opportunity to have Sodet in the ABC group is a chance toEnhance digital business for some of the most important companiesin Brazil. "
ARIES 1.4.9
O aplicativo da ARIES servirá paraacompanhamento dos projetos desenvolvidos pela Agência Recife paraInovação e Estratégia (ARIES). Funcionará como portal de notíciasrelativas aos projetos desenvolvidos e aos temas desses projetos, epromoverá debates e discussões sobre esses temas.The application of ARIESwill serve to monitor the projects developed by the Agency forInnovation and Strategy Recife (ARIES). It works as a news portalfor the projects developed and the themes of these projects, andpromote debate and discussion on these issues.
Le Fil 1.4.9
A Le Fil é uma consultoria com 8 anos nomercado, especializada em internet e mídias sociais que buscaoferecer estratégias digitais com objetivo de alavancar os negóciosdas empresas.A empresa realiza diagnósticos sobre a reputação da sua marca e deseus concorrentes e busca apontar tendências de mercado e dehábitos de consumo a partir de análises de informações da internete redes sociais. A Le Fil possui ainda soluções para a construçãoda imagem da marca no universo digital a partir da produção deconteúdo para as redes sociais da empresa.Todo o nosso trabalho é baseado em diagnóstico, planejamento,estudos periódicos e na construção de indicadores que visamotimizar o negócio do cliente e buscar novas tendências para ocliente e mercado.The Le Fil is aconsultant with 8 years in the market, specializing in Internet andsocial media that seeks to provide digital strategies in order toleverage the business of the companies.The company performs diagnostics on the reputation of your brandand your competitors and seeks to identify market trends andconsumer habits from information analyzes of the Internet andsocial networks. The Le Fil also has solutions for building brandimage in the digital environment from the production of content forsocial networks of the company.All our work is based on diagnosis, planning, periodic studies andconstruction of indicators aimed at optimizing the client'sbusiness and seek new trends for the customer and market.
Croni.ca 1.4.9
PorAqui 2.10.01
PorAqui is a social network of hyperlocal stories and news
JSP 2.0.16
1st mobile platform news content focused on opinion of clusters
SportNews 1.6.7
Acompanhe notícias exclusivas do Sport Club doRecife pelo seu smartphone.O SportNews permite conexão e interatividade permanente entre oclube e a nação rubro-negra.É o Sport online e em tempo real. Tudo que acontece no dia dia detodas as modalidades do Leão você fica sabendo por aqui.Ainda não é sócio?http://sportdeverdade.com.brDesenvolvido por XARXhttp://xarx.coFollow exclusive newsfrom Sport Club do Recife for your smartphone.The Sportnews allows permanent connection and interactivity betweenthe club and the red and black nation.Sport is online and in real time. Everything that happens on day ofall types Lion you learn here.Not a member?http://sportdeverdade.com.brDeveloped by XARXhttp://xarx.co
REC BOM 1.4.9
Nos próximos 6 meses estaremos caminhandoporbairros, ruas e morros, onde você mora. Conversando sobre ascoisasdo nosso dia a dia e conhecendo mais e mais a nossacidade.Conhecer não somente o que nos deixa tristes, mas também oque nostraz alegrias.Assim como, conhecer as coisas que nos fazem perder o brilhodoolhar e as coisas que fazem nossos olhos brilharem mais e mais.Eassim podermos, juntos, identificar o que está ruim e precisasermodificado e o que está bom e precisa ser reforçado,aperfeiçoadoou mesmo servir de exemplo para outros bairros.Não temos dúvidas que serão caminhadas fascinantes, demuitasalegrias e acima de tudo de muitas descobertas. E você énossoconvidado especial. Venha conosco descobrir e construir umRecifemelhor, diferente do que temos hoje.Over the next sixmonthswe will be walking through neighborhoods, streets and hills,whereyou live. Talking about things of our day to day and gettingtoknow more and more to our city. Know not only what makes ussad,but also what brings us joy. As well as know the things that make us lose the glosslookand the things that make our eyes shine more and more. And sowecan, together, identify what is bad and needs to be modifiedandwhat is good and needs to be strengthened, improved, or evenserveas an example for other neighborhoods. We have no doubt that will be fascinating walks, many joysandforemost of many discoveries. And it is our special guest. Comewithus to discover and build a better Recife, different from whatwehave today.
OAB-PE Mais 2.1.01
official OAB-PE App
Futuring Today 2.0.17
Stories to transform the future.