ZhivaGames التطبيقات

Тест - Вы деловой человек? 1.06
Деловой человек в наше время простообязанвладеть многими качествами. А какими качествами деловогочеловекаобладаете Вы? Возможно, Вы как раз наиболее близки к этомуидеалу?Или все это не про Вас? И Вы живете по принципу – «что успею,тои сделаю, а что не успею – отложу на завтра»Business man in ourtimesimply must possess many qualities. And what qualities youpossessa business person? Maybe you just are closest to this ideal?Or it's not about you? And you live by the principle - "thathavetime, then do it, but that will not have time - to postponefortomorrow"
Zombie Kill Shooter 3D 1.6
Zombie Kill Shooter 3D - FPS, not giving youdonot get bored for a minute and lets you arrange the endlesszombieslaughter. On the map there is no point where you would beable tofeel safe. At your disposal a large arsenal ofweapons.
Zombie Kill Shooter 3D 1.6
Zombie Kill Shooter 3D - FPS shooter thatdoesnot let you get bored for a second and not be able to arrangeanendless slaughter zombies. On the map with the mountainousterrainthere is no point where you would be able to feel safe, youhave toconstantly fend off attacking zombies.At your disposal a large arsenal of weapons - knife,pistol,shotgun, AK47, grenades and even a bazooka.Selection mode graphics.Elegant music.Excellent special effects.Play Zombie Kill Shooter 3D and put a good score and feedbackwillbe very grateful and will try to do new andinterestinggames.
The Wealth Test 1.04
Most people want to live well, to haveenoughmoney, and even better - to be rich. There is, however, anuance:many people desire have a large amount of money and topossesswealth. Well, will somebody refuse to have a good life? Andwealth,for some reason, isn't given to everybody. Maybe theydon'tactually want to possess "big money"? Just the opposite!Poorpeople would love to become rich, but years go by and thereisstill no wealth.Maybe they want it in a wrong way or do something wrong? Maybetheyrather repel it than attract? It's far more likely. Take thistestto clarify this question for yourself and find out, what chanceyouhave to become a rich person.
Test Wealth USA 1.06
Most people want to live well, to haveenoughmoney, and even better - to be rich. There is, however, anuance:many people desire have a large amount of money and topossesswealth. Well, will somebody refuse to have a good life? Andwealth,for some reason, isn't given to everybody. Maybe theydon'tactually want to possess "big money"? Just the opposite!Poorpeople would love to become rich, but years go by and thereisstill no wealth.Maybe they want it in a wrong way or do something wrong? Maybetheyrather repel it than attract? It's far more likely. Take thistestto clarify this question for yourself and find out, what chanceyouhave to become a rich person.
The Wealth Test 1.16
Most people want to live well, to haveenoughmoney, and even better - to be rich. There is, however, anuance:many people desire have a large amount of money and topossesswealth. Well, will somebody refuse to have a good life? Andwealth,for some reason, isn't given to everybody. Maybe theydon'tactually want to possess "big money"? Just the opposite!Poorpeople would love to become rich, but years go by and thereisstill no wealth.Maybe they want it in a wrong way or do something wrong? Maybetheyrather repel it than attract? It's far more likely. Take thistestto clarify this question for yourself and find out, what chanceyouhave to become a rich person.
Test sobre la riqueza USA 1.06
La mayoría de las personas quiere vivirbien,contar con dicero suficiente, y todavía mejor, ser rico. Hay,escierto, un matiz: hay muchos que sinceramente quieren, enrealidad,tener más dinero y poseer grandes riquezas. Y es quequiénrenunciaría a una buena vida? Pero por alguna razón, lasriquezasno llegan a las manos de todos aquellos que las desean.Quizás esporque no desean tener mucho dinero con tanta intensidad?¡Justotodo lo contrario! A los pobres les gustaría mucho ser ricos,perolos años pasan y ni han sido ricos, ni lo son.Puede que de alguna forma no deseen riquezas de forma correcta,oque no hagan algo bien. Puede que las repelan más queatraerlas.Esto es lo más probable. Para esclarecer esta cuestión ysaber quéposibilidades tiene usted de hacerse rico, haga estetest.Most people want tolivewell, have dicero enough, and even better to be rich. Thereare, itis true, a hint: there are many who sincerely want toactually havemore money and possess great wealth. And is that whowould give upa good life? But for some reason, riches do not reachthe hands ofall those who want them. Maybe it's because they do notwant tohave much money so badly? Just the opposite! The poor wouldverymuch like to be rich, but the years pass and nor have theybeenrich, nor are.You may not wish somehow wealth correctly, or not dosomethingright. May repel rather than attract the. This is mostlikely. Toclarify this issue and know what chances do you get rich,make thistest.
Zombie Fire 1.3
Zombie Fire 3D – first personshooter(Fps).A secret, military, underground biological weapons lab wasdestroyedby a sudden earthquake. A mortal virus, which has beendevelopedover many years by the military to fight againsthumanoverpopulation, suddenly breaks loose and gets withgroundwaterinto a metro system. First, the virus affects rats, butsoon theinfected animals begin to attack people. Serious mutationsoccurwith humans' bodies and minds, people begin to attack eachother.The mankind has never faced such difficulties. The virusspreadsrapidly... Our fearless hero realizes, that he has no choicebut totake arms as he is the only person who can save mankind fromtotalinfection.All horrors of the infected world are reflected by great graphics.Ahuge selection of different weapons (knives, guns, pistols,handgrenades, assault rifles, grenade dischargers, etc.) cansatisfyeven the most experienced shooter. Easy control system,enchantingsounds and music, a large number of zombies will delveinto theworld of fear.You'll have the ability to select graphics.New levels will be constantly added.We appreciate constructive feedback and any ideas for newlevels,types of weapons, monsters and other observations, becausewe havecreated this game for you.Hurry! Download Action (Fps) for free! You won't have to payforsomething after installation!Kill zombies as violent as you can, move, don't staystock-still.Don't forget to look back and watch your step - zombiesoftenattack from behind and crawl on the ground. Blow up zombieswithgrenades and bazooka, smash and crush them. Only you cansavemankind from imminent death, because not many people tookweaponsand began to fight against the deadly infection. Prove thatyouhave enough courage, intelligence and speed. Train the speedofthought and reaction.If you like 3D shooters, this game is definitely for you!Tell your friends about the game and our team will improve itforyou!
Тест Интуиция и прозорливость 1.15
Знаете ли вы, что большая частьинформациипередается не посредством речи, а с по-мощью жестов имимики? Онипозволяют определить достоверность высказываний, ведьбываюточевидными противоречия, например, между словами ивыражениемлица.Конечно, с точностью истолковывать мимику и жесты умеюттолькопсихологи, но все же каждый из нас в определенной степенитожеобладает такими способностями. Узнайте, насколько хорошовыразбираетесь в этом.Did you know that mostofthe information is not transmitted through speech, but inpowerwith gestures and facial expressions? They allow us todeterminethe accuracy of the statements, because there areobviouscontradictions, for example, between the words and theexpressionon his face. Of course, with an accuracy to interpret facialexpressionsand gestures are only able to psychologists, yet each ofus, tosome extent, too, has such abilities. Find out how well youaregood at it.