amb software التطبيقات

Wędkarz 2.1.1
amb software
Applications for fishing, and the guards SSR PZW activists andsympathizers of nature.
Polskie Cmentarze 1.0
amb software
Zespół amb software Sp. z o.o. zachęcadozapoznania się z aplikacją Polskie-Cmentarze,promującąogólnopolski portal, a takżeSystemAdministracji Grobami SAGRO.Głównym elementem aplikacji jest Wyszukiwarka Grobów,dziękiktórej szybko i bezproblemowo zlokalizujemy groby osóbpochowanychna Cmentarzu Komunalnym w Zielonej Górze. Po odszukaniukonkretnegogrobu, uzyskamy dane osoby zmarłej, lokalizację grobu naterenienekropolii, a także mapę cmentarza z zaznaczeniemkonkretnejkwatery.Dodatkowo, dzięki aplikacji "Polskie Cmentarze" możemyodnaleźćwiele cennych informacji, np.:- aktualny rozkład jazdy komunikacji miejskiej, aby móczaplanowaćdojazd do cmentarza/cmentarzy,- opis wielu ciekawych miejsc pamięci,- prezentację ogólnopolskiego portalu opis Systemu Administracji Grobami SAGRO.Prezentowana aplikacja łączy się z bazą danych osóbpochowanychna Cmentarzu Komunalnym w Zielonej Górze. Jednak,każdaWyszukiwarka Grobów może być dostosowywana doindywidualnychpotrzeb Klienta, a tym samym łączyć się z bazędanych, właściwą dladanego cmentarza w Polsce.The team amb softwareSp.with o.o. encouraged to read the applicationPolish-Cemeteries,promoting a nationwide, and SystemAdministration Sagro Graves.The main element of the application is to search Tombs,whichallows quickly and easily locate the graves of people buriedin themunicipal cemetery in Zielona Gora. When you locate aparticulargrave, get the data of the deceased, the location of thegrave inthe cemetery, and a map of the cemetery indicatingspecificaccommodation.Additionally, due to the application "Polish Cemeteries" Wecanfind a lot of valuable information, such as:- The current schedule of public transport in order to planthejourney to the cemetery / cemeteries- A description of the many interesting places of memory,- The presentation of the national portal Description of the System Administration Sagro Graves.Presented application connects to a database of people buriedinthe municipal cemetery in Zielona Gora. However, each searchengineGraves can be adapted to individual needs, and thus connectto thedatabase specific to the cemetery in Poland.
Linkodo 1.1.3
amb software
Linkodo - The Ultimate Business Networking App for meetingnewpeople. Linkodo is a unique networking experience connectingjobs& business. Associate with other business professionals inyourarea using your phone and arrange a first meeting. Linkodomakesmeeting new business relations easy, fun and safe. Findchemistryand catalyze new business contacts, relationships andfriendshipsat your current location. Unlike other connecting apps,Linkodospairing process is actually quite simple: you chooseyourcompetences and interests you’re looking for, then yousearchpeople nearby and get as result contacts listed with themostmatches first. Now it’s on you – you can choose to startaconversation directly, or save a contact under my contacts tabforlater conversations. No more randomly generated lists,formulaicrecommendations, or fake profiles. Linkodo lets you decidewhoyou're interested in meeting at your location, we helpyouestablish a connection, and then you make business happen.Linkodois the only social network you need. Whether it's at theairport,in a hotel lobby, at an internal company event, or at atrade fair,Linkodo immediately connects you with everyone at yourcurrentlocation. Stay connected with your contacts on the go,wherever youare. Linkodo is also a great networking and recruitingapp forcommercial use. Together with our Beacon solutions it is aperfecttool for inhouse events, recruiting events or areas withlimitedgroup access. 1. Install the Linkodo app. 2. Login with yourXINGor LinkedIn account or create a Linkodo account. 3. Modifyyourprofile as per your current needs. 4. Adjust filters to findtheperfect job/contact/candidate around you! 5. Get in contactwithpersons instantly! Hear back quickly. Features: • Createyourprofile by logging in from your XING or LinkedIn profile. •Seewho's nearby. You never know who you'll meet next! • Findpeople,interesting companies, job offers. • Express yourselfthrough yourprofile. • Use filters to search specific roles. •Navigate tointerested contacts with build in Maps application. •Set alocation radius around you. • Get spontaneous interviewsfasterthan any other app! • Apply instantly by starting a chat. •Chat1-on-1 as discretely as you want. Keep your conversations safeandsecure. Note: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. For more information, visitusat Follow us on Social Media for news and updates!*Like us on Facebook Download the Linkodo app now! Please sendanyquestions or comments to
ECO Portfel 1.2.16
amb software
ECO Wallet - be pro-ecological, accumulate points and exchange themfor prizes!