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Indonesian calendar 2017 1.0
calendar 2017Become the reference for calculating what steps we should do soin2017 could be better than the previous year. And, mistakes inthepast year did not recur.The application also gives Zodiac Horoscope for guidingalongbefore we do the planning ahead in 2017.Application contains:Calendar Year 2017National Day Year 2017Zodiachoroscope 2017Forecast in the Year 2017Developer by: Azka14
diy clock ideas HD 1.0
CLOCK DESIGN IDEASSet of hand-crafted to form Jam is something very mengasikantous try to apply.just for our home or business could be you realize that nolesspromising. now many craftsmen who received huge profits fromthebusiness kerjainan one hand, if you are interested we provideacollection of examples of crafts in the form of hours, itneverhurts to tries.Developer by : Azka14
diy felt flowers tutorial 2017 1.0
HOW TO MAKE A COMPLETE APPLICATION OFHANDCRAFT FELT FLOWERS .. !!!Tutorial how to make felt flowers using a variety make felt flowers is easy you just need a strong desire.we provide various examples for you perkatikan at home.there were 60 instances of felt flowers that we provide toyouSuccess For You....!Thank youDeveloper By : "Azka14"
3d home designer ideas 1.0
Designing Your Dream Home for New HomeBuilder:You need to gather ideas from multiple sources, andprioritize whatyou like. Some top listing bedroom floor plan,floor plan bathroom,kitchen floor plans and course layout stylelayout.3D design ideas house plans - you can do this by examiningthistopic:Log Home Floor Plans,Model Home Floor Plan (which, by the way,utilize small spaces very efficient),Kitchen Floor Plan,Apartment Floor plan (another excellent plan space thatiseffective),and a variety of architectural floor plans.Some list the source of each of these plans, and then youselectsome of them. You will have some very understandable listtodiscuss with your spouse or significant other. Keep in mindthatyou can make the room size you want from this plan.You both then together with ten of your list and discuss whyyoureally like the plan you choose. Make it fun! If you want tomake aparty with friends and family, but you must remember tobeopen-minded and "listen" to each other because you both havetheirown pros and cons with each plan. Surprisingly enough, youwilleventually agree on ten of you. In fact, you will probably haveavery similar plan choose! I did this with my wife and found thatina few hours we agreed entirely on our dream home! This isthehardest part! (This method also works in determining the babynamesand lives of other critical issues of significantothers.)
Living Room Best Decoration 1.0
How do I decorate my living room?When we entered the guest room sometimes we get bored withthedecor or order it alone. it helps you see examples ofdifferentguest room decor that might be suitable for you apply inyour guestroom. When considering the ideas of different livingroom, you wantto make the guest room that make your family andguests feelcomfortable, but also functional for everyday. Whenthinking aboutcolor space, most people have a tendency to go Superneutral orbold colorful in the family room, but be careful if notexactlygoing to spoil the atmosphere of your guest room to be veryboring.If you want to use large items, such as sofas, chairs andbenches,and if you dare to decorative accessories that way, you caneasilychange the color of the new space. we provide pictures forexampleyour Guest Room Design hopefully the best possible fit foryourguest room.Living roomTV roomThe loungeroom decorLiving RoomFamily roomHopefully for you to apply in your home or a friend or aparent.Thank youDeveloper by : Azka14
Curtain Design HD 1.0
The living room is inseparable fromthebeautiful curtains not only to ward off dust and heat theincominglight but a decoration for your living room.Curtains for Living RoomThe living room should have a feel cheerful and friendly andairy,and should have enough light streamed through the window toNOT letit look dingy or dull even on a rainy day. This is for thesimplereason that you will spend some time in the living room, andyou donot want to be in a place that makes you feel low whenwatching asad movie, for example - you will be depressed by theultrafinished! Also the living room is where you will be welcomeguestsinto. Therefore, it must feel right. Spend a little extratime andthink about choosing curtains and blinds for your livingroom. Ifyou have a large French window in the living room (I envyyou themost!), It would be a good idea to use a layered curtains.You canhave a tri-layered curtains - the outermost layer (rightnext tothe window) can be from simple light-colored plain cloth,which isin the middle can be a lace curtain, and which can beprohibitivein bold. That way you are prepared for everyseason!Living Room Curtain DesignsThanksDeveloper by : Azka14
Balloon Decoration Ideas 1.0
balloon is a very easy thing we encounteredatweddings, birthdays, anniversaries great day. namu to make itnotas easy as we have seen. in this app we provide examples and howtomake a balloon that is very beautiful.Balloon design will ensure your organization or yourspecialevent flourish. Aesthetic point of view, the time youbringtogether, regardless of the application and skills together,reachsuccess in design and decoration.Daisy Balloon How to: Daisies balloon consists of twocolorballoons.By way of example, one red balloon is placed around thecentralportion is made by placing four balloons. Balloons can beplaced inthe ground like a wall or the back of the glass using ducttape orhook.Chain Balloon Decorations How to: Chain There are many kindsofballoons. But as it is starting to create more simple, usingtwocolors or a single color.A illustration of two colorful balloons chain; Fourinflatedcondition attached to the cross. It clamped together. On aflatsurface (wall or glass does not matter) begin to embraceballoonchain. The reason must be on a flat surface of a solidsupport isneeded for preventing tangling the one you wrap a fewballoons.Balloon on a flat surface to cross your way straightpressure whensecured in the same way as the color on the otherballoons can wrapa rope. You should note the very thin inflatedballoon to explodeat the slightest impact. You get a visual aid forthe constructionof the subject by the Internet research relatedvideos.How Bubble Column: Column Balloons are made in the way wetellyou about the chain balloon. Column balloon chain balloonismounted on the hook except that the bottom wall. Place thedoorwhere the beam according to the size of the stage floor asthemounting process can complete the knitting process.Developer by : Azka14
Birthday Cake Design Ideas 1.0
my birthday is the day that awaitedeveryoneand usually we always provide a birthday cake to enliventhe event.birthday cake is something you can not miss when wecelebrate herbecause there are also beautiful candles that we canblow as heprayed. We provide this app for those who want to make abirthdaycake that is different from the previous.Design birthday cake for your special need. You can saveandshare all the pictures birthday cake design and create yourownbirthday cake for the birthday cake awesome awesome require.Thisapplication displays a nice gallery and attractive designbirthdaycake, cake for your birthday, pastry shop, theme, art,colors, andmore. You can get a hundred ideas a birthday cake designof thisapplication.This application contains a wide variety of birthday cakedesignsthat can be used as inspiration to create your own cake,such as:chocolate birthday cake, cupcakes, birthday cake picture,amazing,awesome and lots more. Here are some ideas birthdaycakesrecommended:Amazing birthday cake designing this design gives yourdesigninspiration from animals and food for fairy tales andexercise,there are ideas easy birthday cake for each child.Awesome birthday cake design is the best way to make thebirthdayperson BEST BIRTHDAY EVER. The design will make your day bethemost memorable moment in your life.Simple design of a birthday cake for homemade cakes, cupcakes,cakesappeared and 3-D work that will not only bring back memoriesofchildhood, but it will not take much time to make good.Cool design of a birthday cake is always a sort of birthdaycakedesign is trending at the moment. It could be a holiday cakeorbased on the latest movies that are driving wild cake maker. Or,itcan only be good, an ancient castle or a Barbie doll cake thatmaybe the trend forever. Besides it can be yourfavoritecharacter.Design a birthday cake for a child can take the extra initiativetomake your child's birthday a little more special. It will workwithwhat your child likes, and suggested a cake based on thethemedepends on favorite cartoon characters, games, or whatevertheyare.Get your inspiration to create awesome birthday cake foryourbirthday awesomeDeveloper by : Azka14
Doodle Art Design HD 1.0
Doodle Art Design HD is an applicationthatgives us the image gallery Easy and Simple Doodle Art.Doodle ArtDoodles is an expression of the subconscious mind through the artofwriting and putting pen to paper. We usually do or thinkaboutsomething else when we doodle. On the phone, daydreaming inschool,we did not concentrate on what we draw. Consequently doodlesthatare free of the conscious mind.Easy Doodle ArtDoodles is a fantastic way to unleash your creativity. These daysasour children are not encouraged to draw or be artistic unless wearegood at it. Only those who are clearly talented encouraged todraw.You will often see people drawing geometric shapes whentheyscribbledeveloper by : azka14
wedding organizer ideas 1.0
Decoration Wedding Organizer is aspecialservice that we made that function personally help the brideandgroom and families in the planning and supervision oftheimplementation of a series of wedding ceremony in accordancewith apredetermined schedule.1. wedding organizer2. aisle3. The wedding decorations4. The modern wedding decor5. custom wedding decorationsMay be useful to plan your wedding and going accordingtoplannedSuggestions and criticism you were very helpful and we lookforwardto future improvementsRegards,Developer by : Azka14
Best Sofa Set Design Ideas 1.0
Sofa set Best .....Sofa Often we use when getting visitors to our homes. One ofthefactors of his guests at home or not we one of which istheparticipation of a great and comfortable sofa.If you need a design sofa reference, this application providesavariety of set design sofa. of the most common sets of sofadesignsused successfully for many years, is a combination of asofa, loveseat and / or one or two seats. Today, the new discoverycomes intothe picture: sectional sofa.Design sectional sofa became very popular in the furnituremarkettoday. Compared with traditional design sofa, sectional sofagivesthe possibility of a better position than traditional. Youcancustomize it by picking and choosing different seating forms.Youcan create your own silhouette by moving pieces around andre-designof your living room and do not get stuck with the tediousformsregular shaped sofa, which can only be installed in one room.Thediscovery sectional sofa is very useful for small apartmentorcondo, where a traditional sofa and sometimes will make itthroughthe entrance. In addition, the sectional sofa can give useto onecorner of the living room, which is usually left out or notfullyutilized. Last, but not least, it is much easier to meetyourbudget, you choose to go sectional.Sofa set in the living room is needed. This is the best way torelaxis to sit or cuddle up with family and friends and watch TVin thecomfortable living room. However, the room can not becomfortablewithout the presence of a living room leather sofa set.Get lots ofideas and new design of the living room set sofa of topqualityfurniture designer or brand. Choosing a new modern sofa foryourliving room design is an important step which adds morestyle,comfort and trendy colors for your beautiful home. Modernsofa,which comes in various colors, bringing the trend offurnituredesign living room classic and new modern houses to becreatingfunctional and attractive design and decor of the room,both forthe interior decor is fresh, comfortable or room designinteriorhome staging cozy in styleHopefully this app useful to you, we look forward toyourcomments and suggestions to make our apps better. thank youDeveloper by: Azka14
New Year's greetings 2017 1.0
Happy New Year 2017...!Set of greeting, Pantun, Calendar 2017With an elegant and light on the phone was our motto. sayingsandrhymes Happy New Year 2017 can you save to send to friends,loversor parents.
Hybrid Base Layouts coc 2017 1.0
Clash of Clans is an online multiplayergameswhere players build community, train troops, and attackotherplayers to earn gold and elixir, and Dark Elixir, which can beusedto build the defenses that protect players against otherplayers',and to train and raising an army. The game also featuresapseudo-single-player campaign where players will have to attackaseries of villages goblin fort.buildingGameplay in Clash of Clans. A player attacked the village ofotherplayers. The amount of resources available to catch located atthetop left. Troops available for deployment along the bottom ofthescreen.To obtain and store gold and elixir, the player must build agoldmining and gold deposit and the collector and storagepanaceapanacea, respectively. Elixir is used to train new troops,doingresearch in the laboratory to upgrade the troops, to re-loadtheX-Bow (available from City Hall 9) and to build and upgradecertainbuildings, mostly concerning the building used in attackingthebase other players. Gold is used to build defensive buildingsandto upgrade the town hall, which allows access to more buildingsanda higher level to existing buildings. At a higher level,darkelixir becomes available; kind of panacea used to train andimprovethe dark elixir troops and heroes, creating a dark spell,and fuelInferno Tower, a defensive building that is only availableat theTown Hall 10. To receive and save a dark elixir, the playermustbuild a dark elixir exercise and storage of dark elixir.we also provide Tips and Tricks how to attack by gettingthreestars and base defenses are strong when you are attacked byanenemy base will only get a maximum of two starsEnjoy....!
Fruits Decoration Ideas 2017 1.0
How to Make Crafts forms FruitsSmall children particularly liked the funny shapes likeanimals,fruits, plants, stars and so colorful. If you have youngchildrenyou can give a little to form its own decoration fruitingredientsinto a unique shape that definitely favored child. Forexample, theform of a watermelon into a shark, like apples, mangoesand otherfruits that could kereasikan form into various shapesaccording toyour creativity. Here's look at making crafts in theform offruits.To make it very easy you just prepare a fruit thatwilldikerasikan in the form you want and knife to shape it. If youarealready proficient in making various kinds of unique shape, youcanmake it a very promising business that can certainly add toyourincome. you can promote your skills from your closest friendsoronline media.Hopefully our app helpful, give us feedback and suggestionstomake our applications to be perfect, your comments andsuggestionsso we needed for the common good.Thank you,Developer by: Azka14
How To Draw Animals 1.0
Welcome to "Azka14" developer. drawingissomething exciting and meyenangkan not only makes us smarterbutalso can be a livelihood exciting. drawing animals is one oftheinitial steps for your child who wants his children to be cleverinthe art of drawing is not only drawing but with a draw wearetraining their brains to play its logic andimagination.Enjoy..!!
Mini Bar Design 2017 1.0
Mini Bar is inseparable from thecomplementarydesign a beautiful house, its presence can enliven theatmospherebecomes more Special. This application contains:Mini Bar Designbar tableDesign Mini BarHopefully this aplikai useful to you, Thanks
How To Draw Superhero Chibi 1.0
Use the picture and step-by-stepdrawinginstructions to learn how to draw, new drawing tutorial isuploadedevery week, so stay tooned!Superman ChibiIronman Chibietc
How to Draw Naruto 1.0
"How to Draw Anime Naruto" is a collectionoftutorials that will teach you everything from perspective basicstoshading chrome. Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not!Fromsimple line drawings to modern art and easy animations, we'vegotyou covered.Do it now..!NarutoSasukeSakuraLeeMadaraZabuzaetcCongratulations to create release your imagination here toprovethat we are also able to do sothank you,
Learn To Draw Naruto 1.0
Collection Learn To Draw Naruto Step byStepmake you easyDrawing :ZabuzaGaaraKabutoSakuraKorraSasukeNarutoLeeKakashietcJust download aplication you can drawing all character,haveenjoy...!
How To Draw One Piece 1.0
application contains a collection of howtodraw One Piece step by stepContains :Boa HancockChopper Horn PointChopper Monster PointCrocodileDonquixote Doflamingodracule mihawkEdward Newgate aka WhitebeardEustass Kidmonkey D luffyetcHope it helps you get better at making the picture superhero inthisnew version.Thanks.developer by : Azka14
Fashion Flat Sketch 2017 1.0
Fashion Illustration is the communicationoffashion that originates with illustration, drawing and painting.Itis usually commissioned for reproduction in fashion magazinesasone part of an editorial feature or for the purpose ofadvertisingand promoting fashion makers, fashion boutiques anddepartmentstores.
How To Draw Boboiboy 1.0
How To Draw BoboiboyOur applications provide an easy way to ease how to drawcartoonslike this BoBoiBoy. we provide a step by step easy tofollow whichwill train the art you or your child.Please download this Free app, Good luck ..!Drawing :BoboiboyAdu duBagi GiBoboiboy BlazeBoboiboy CycloneFangCaptain Kaizoetc,
DIY Lamp Ideas Unique 1.0
The living room and bedroom is a room thatisalmost always present in every home.A living room / bed and comfortable not only seen from hisdesignspace or furniture-furniture that was there. A living room/comfortable bed also has good lighting and enough,not too bright to blinding or too dark. To that end, in additiontocreate a window for air circulation and lighting, putting alampwill also be a mandatory thing to do to earn a living room /bedwas comfortable. Nowadays, there are many models of lamps,whetherchandelier or decorative lamps with a variety of models,designsand beautiful colors.the use of light for the living room / bedroom will have amajorrole in shaping the model of your room.In addition, make your room more beautiful, light generated fromthelamp can also have dramatic effects on the living room /bedroomyou. With so many models of lighting design for the livingroom /bedroom,You may be very confused when it comes to choosing which lampisapproximately suitable for living room / bedroom you. Well ifyouare wondering, the following we will share design models lampforthe living room / bedroom you!Living room lightsLamp BedroomDIY lightsIDE lightsLighting designset of lightscraft LightsLampDesign LightinglightingAmazing lightingIDE LightingDIY LightingMay be useful for you in beautifying Living Room oryoursleep.Thank you,developer by: Azka14
Bathroom Design Ideas Unique 1.0
Bathroom Designs Ideas APP with bestimages,this application offers the most beautiful and amazingBathroompictures,there is hundreds of pictures classified inseveralcategories such asModernContemporaryTraditionalTransitionalTropicalMidcenturyif you have an idea about your house or interior, thisapplicationcan guide you.the app has a high-quality photos, You can save and shareallBathroom decoration images.Application Features:- Application is Fast- many pictures of Bathroom decorating ideas- You can share all images to others.- Easy to use- Performance is Very Good- Friendly User interfaceTerima kasih,Developer by : Azka14
Indonesian batik 1.0
Batik is a fabric whoseconstructionillustrated specifically by writing or menerakan nightsat thecloth, then processing is processed in a certain waythatuniqueness. Batik Indonesia, as the overallengineering,technology, and the development of related culturalmotifs and, byUNESCO has been designated as Cultural HeritageHumanity's Oral andnon-material (Masterpieces of the Oral andIntangible Heritage ofHumanity) since October 2, 2009.The word comes from Javanese batik, which is "tik" meaning point/matic (verb, make a point), which later evolved into theterm"batik"Miscellaneous Batik:batik Balibatik Banyumasbatik Betawibatik Besurekbatik Madurabatik Malangbatik PekalonganBatik Tegal (moor)batik Solobatik Yogyakartabatik Tasikbatik AcehTraditional Batik characteristics:Decorative motif snake, barong, geometric, pagoda.Coraknya has a symbolic meaning.Colors tend to be dark (white - black - dark brown).Motifs typical of the area of ​​origin.Modern Batik characteristics:Ornament-free animals, plants, flower arrangements etc.The style does not have a specific symbolic meaning.The use of free color such as blue, red, purple etc.Motive does not have the characteristic of the areaof​​origin.Thank you
Swimming Pool Decoration 2017 1.0
Swimming PoolSwimming pool, swimming bath, wading pool, or a paddling pool isastructure designed to hold water to activate the activityofswimming or other sports. The pool can be built into the ground(inground pools) or built on land (as the constructionoffree-standing or as part of a building or other largerstructures),and also standard features oceanliners boats andyachts. In groundpools are most often constructed from materialssuch as concrete,natural stone, metal, plastic or fiberglass, andcan be customsizes and shapes or built to standard sizes, thelargest is anOlympic-size swimming pool.Here we give an overview pool which might be suitable for indoororoutdoor home or hotel, Hopefully Helpful. thank youRegards,Developer by: Azka14
Hybrid Base Maps coc 2017 HD 1.0
Base Maps Of The Best Coc 2017 with viewHD,Landscape mode Full Image
Garden Design HD 1.0
Garden designThis application shows you the galleries of beautiful andimpressivegarden design ideas and decorations. If you have on ideaabout yourgarden, this application can help you. This app.contains thevarious types of garden designs & decorating suchas :- simple, small, modern,- balcony, terrace gardens- backyard, front yard, rock- fairy, patio garden designs ideas- waterfall, ponds- flowers, mediterranean, pathway- JapaneseYou can get a hundred ideas of garden design and decoratingfromthis application.Application Features:- A hundred pictures of garden design ideas- You can save all pictures to sdcard.- You can share all images to others.- You can set all pictures as wallpaper.- Easy to use: press menu to save, share, and setaswallpaper.Developer by : Azka14
Learn How To Draw Ben 10 1.0
Learn How To Draw Ben 10How to draw Ben 10 Cartoons. Ben Ten Comic Drawing Lessons andstepby step drawing tutorials for drawing Ben Ten Cartoons. Learnhowto draw and sketch Ben 10 and create great cartoons,illustrationsand drawings with these free drawing lessons. Do youwant to learnhow to draw Ben Tennyson from Ben 10 on the CartoonNetwork? Below,follow the easy steps in order to draw your own Ben10character.In this tutorial you will learn how to draw Ben 10 in a fewsimplesteps. The easy to read steps come with awesomefluentinstructions. So go ahead and select your favorite alien,becauseafter your done drawing Ben 10 you will have the capabilityto turninto your alien of choice.Drawing :BEN 10ALIEN WILDMUTTBALLWEEVILALIEN FORCEBLOXXFOUR ARMS ALIENGRAVATTACKGREY MATTERHEATBLASTSHOCKSQUATCHetc,So download and drawing character Ben 10 now step bystep,thanks
How To Draw Ben 10 1.0
How To Draw Ben 10You can drawing all character BEN 10 step by step, downloadthisaplication and enjoy...Drawing :BEN 10ALIEN FORCEALIENS WILDMUTTBALLWEEVILBLOXXFOUR ARMS ALIENGRAVATTACKHEATBLASTUPGRADEXLR8etc
Kitchen Cabinet Design 1.0
This application contains a collection :Kitchen Cabinet DesignDesign KitchenDesignApplications we serve with a view to facilitate detailed HDimagesfor which want to implement it as a project or installationin yourhome
How To Make Paper Flowers 1.0
HOW TO MAKE PAPER FLOWERSEvery time I drive up to my house I sigh just a little. Myneighborshave gorgeous flowers out in their yards – pots andplants andbushes – while I have seven hundred bikes, trikes, andscootersscattered across my yard. I’m not so good with flowers –youactually have to pay attention to them occasionally and givethemwater and all. I think I’ve killed every houseplant I’ve everowned.So I’ve been loving all the paper flowers I’ve seen croppingupacross the internet – I can’t believe how gorgeous andrealisticmany of them look. Plus I gotta say I really like the ideaofbeautiful blooms that will stay pretty for months with noextraeffort required.Paper Flowers are simple, quick, and inexpensive. They areathoughtful hand made gift that is easy to customize,looksbeautiful, and can last a long time. Paper Flowers likepaperroses, paper jasmines, accordion, rosettes, duplex paperflower,paper crepe daffodils etc. Learn how to make paper flowerswith thestep by step in this how to make paper flowers guide app.Thetutorial itself shows how to make one flower, but if you wishtoturn it into a bouquet, simply add some stems and leaves, andmakea few. Then group them together. You can even make bouquetsofflowers with this paper flowers for various occasions likemother'sday, birthday, anniversaries etc. These instructionsareaccompanied with photos that demonstrates each step such asDIYPaper Gardenia, Tissue Paper Flower, Origami Roses, MetallicPaperFlowers, DIY Paper Flower Ball, Wedding Bouquet. You can whipup adozen flowers in about an hour. Wonderful gift favoriteonValentine's Day or just a souvenir.Enjoy...!
Handycraft Design unique 1.0
APPLICATIONS THAT YOU FIND HEREIf you are looking for a craft that is easy, here isharryapplications you install on your smartphone.It gives you lots of handmade crafts creative and easy for youoryour childrenneeded.If you can make it, then you get additional revenue for theskillsthat you not ever hesitate to try from now you do or not at all.hereweprovide examples of handicrafts most complete and up to 2017:1. crafts of bottles2. handicrafts from drums3. handicrafts from used plastic4. handicrafts from used cans5. handicrafts from ice cream sticksthere are many handicraft goods thrift around your home that canbeutilizedto produce a work that is stunning and has the value of highprices,of course, do not have tospending all the money we do not even need to spend any moneyatall.This application we provide for free for you, and you justdownloaditEnjoy, we accept criticism and suggestions from you onourprogressDeveloper by : Azka14
Bunk Bed Ideas 2017 1.0
A bunk bed is a type of bed in which onebedframe is stacked on top of another. No box spring is requiredasthe mattress lies on a flat surface, the bunkie (or bunky)board,and may be surrounded by rails. The nature of bunk bedsallows twoor more people to sleep in the same room while maximizingavailablefloor space for activities. This leads to them being usedin placeswith limited floor space, such as on ships and in armygarrisons orin places where floorspace needs to be maximized, suchasdormitories, summer camp cabins, hostels, children's rooms,prisoncells, or university residence halls.Bunk beds are normally supported by four poles or pillars, oneateach corner of the bed. A ladder is used to get to the upperbed,which is normally surrounded by a railing to prevent thesleeperfrom falling out. Some models also have a privacy curtainfor thelower bunk. Because of the need for a ladder and the heightof thebed, the top bunk of a bunk bed is not recommended forchildrenunder six years of age.For those who love art and want to apply a high level of a bunkbedin your home or even want to make the field of livelihood, donotworry we provide an example of its diverse range of Bunk Bedsarecomfortable and unique in the world .This application contains a collection :Bunk BedsBedBedroometc,Enjoy....!!