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aText: SMS Messaging from PC 1.0.11
SMS Gateway: sends SMS text messages fromcomputer via mobile phone.aText supports sending and receiving SMS text messages from PC viamobile phone, using either desktop application or Pythonscript.Application aText is designated to provide services for clientsoftware (program texting) running on user's PC, that enable theuser to send and receive mobile text messages directly on thecomputer.Installation and consistent configuration of related PC software(program texting) are required in order to use application aTextfor sending or receiving text messages. User's mobile phone must beconnected to the same WiFi local network as user's PC with programtexting installed and run.A free TRIAL version of application aText displays ads and islimited to send and receive up certain number (see app's "aboutaText" info) of text messages per day.The PREMIUM version has exactly the same functionality as a freeversion, but without any limitations, and does not showads.Important notice: Before you buy the premium version ofapplication aText, please install and configure free trial versionof the application, and carefully test your configuration -especially communication with a program texting and ability of theprogram to send and receive text messages. Possible problems withyour configuration may arise from the firewall settings on yourcomputer, as well as from settings and limitations of your localnetwork. Please, DO NOT buy the premium version of applicationaText if your setup does not work for the trial.Text messages are actually sent and received by aText mobileapplication running on user's mobile phone and therefore allrelated fees are charged by a telecommunications operator, whichprovides services to the user. Neither program texting nor mobileapplication aText interfere with billing or rating of text messagesby your telco operator. In other words, sending or receiving a textmessage using program texting and via mobile application aText,should cost the same as sending or receiving a similar text messagedirectly on user's mobile phone.Privacy. Sent and received text messages are transmitted onlybetween program texting and mobile application aText, thus onlybetween user's PC and phone within the same local WiFi network.Text messages sent and received by the user's phone are processedby a user's telco operator in the same way as text messages sentand received directly from your mobile. Neither program texting normobile application aText send any user data outside of the localWi-Fi network (with exception of the data collected by advertisingservices, when using mobile application aText in the free trial,advertising-enabled mode).The application must be configured during the first run (menuSettings). These parameters must be set to the same values as setfor the program texting: mobile phone number and password. The lastcore parameter is default country phone number prefix, that will beused for texting (e.g. +1 for USA).Note: Although network communication between program textingand mobile application aText is encrypted (SSL), NONE of theseprograms is intended to be used for applications requiring a highlevel of security, therefore please do NOT use this software forsuch kind of applications (e.g. for banking, etc.). Sent textmessages are not encrypted, i.e. text messages are sent from amobile application aText in the same way as directly from themobile phone.By installing/updating this app, you agree that your use of it isgoverned by these terms: texting may be downloaded from here: