digitalSTROM التطبيقات

dS Dashboard 1.17
With the digitalSTROM Dashboard App you gain the comfort ofcontrolling your home easily from your Anrodid smartphone ortablet. Store your frequently used activities as favourites in yourDashboard App. digitalSTROM turns every home into a smart home.Turn off unnecessary lights using the ‘off-switcher’ button. Andalways have an eye on the power consumption of your home.Intelligent living is that easy: Relaxing on your couch and startwatching TV? Simply call the scene “Watch TV” preset on yourdashboard and set your lights and blinds to the optimal predefinedposition to have the best atmosphere. Do you want to turn off thelights in other rooms? Do this easily from one button on yourAndroid device. Ever left your home and felt like you forgot topush the “Leave Home” button? No problem with the Dashboard App,with its predefined functions “Come Home” and “Leave Home”. Byusing your personal ‘my.digitalSTROM’ user account, it’s very easyto control your home from everywhere. Dashboard App key features:Favourites Define as many activities as you like as favourites forfaster access on the Dashboard App. Define names for yourfavourites and add pictures or predefined graphics for bettervisual identification. Dim lights Call up a light scene, hold itand tilt your device slightly to the left or right to dim yourlights. Adjusting the brightness of your lights is also possibleusing the plus/minus button. The actions described can be used foradjusting your blinds, shutters and awnings as well. Switching offthe lights With the ‘off-switcher’ button you can easily turn offthe lights in your home: no matter if only in one single room, inall rooms or in all rooms except for one. Rooms that should not beswitched off, such as your outdoor lighting, can be added to anignore list. Energy consumption transparency The Dashboard Appshows you at a glance how much energy the devices in your homeactually consume. With a click on the total consumption you can seethe individual power consumption of each electric circuit. Leavingand Coming Home The Dashboard App allows you to easily call “LeaveHome” and “Come Home”. Leaving home will turn off all electricaldevices that don’t need to be on while you are away. You canprogram “Come Home” to turn selected devices on when you get home.System status When the system detects an alarm (e.g. panic, wind orhail) you instantly get a notification on your Dashboard App. Pushnotifications Once the app is connected to your my.digitalSTROMaccount, you may receive push messages sent by the system. Hailwarning service If the hail warning service is available for yourregion, you’ll be notified once the hail warning was raised by theweather service. Configuration Defining or editing your favouritesis possible at any time. You can take your own pictures to be usedas icons to remind you the functions behind every favourite. Pleasenote that the Dashboard App will need the digitalSTROM-ServerRelease 1.8.2 or later. In order to use the my.digitalSTROMconnection, the my.digitalSTROM app must be installed andconfigured on your server. digitalSTROM is the new standard for allelectronic installations in a building. Those high tech productsturn individual electrical devices into a team of helpers that willmake your life as comfortable as possible. digitalSTROM lets yourelectrical appliances talk to each other. Everything works from theexisting 230 volt mains electricity supply – you do not need toinstall anything extra. You are not yet a digitalSTROM-user? Findout more about our smart home system at www.digitalstrom.comCopyright: digitalSTROM AG
dS Smart Home
The new app for easy adjustment, operation, and monitoring of yourSmart Home.
dS Home Control 1.20
With the dS Home Control app you are able to easily monitorandcontrol your smart home by using your Android device. Whetheryouare at home or on the move: call up the settings for yourlightscenes, blinds or shutters easily with this digitalSTROM app.Thesmart home system of digitalSTROM gives you transparency aboutyourown energy consumption. This app visualizes the powerconsumptionof your electric circuits in your smart home. You aren’tadigitalSTROM user yet? By visiting our websitewww.digitalstrom.comyou can learn more about our smart home systemand products.digitalSTROM brings the digital lifestyle in everyhome. Intuitivein usage and easy to be installed, this smart homesystemcommunicates over existing power lines. By this, all yourelectricdevices are connected to each other. Overview of thedigitalSTROMapp functions: • The app allows to control all electricdevicesconnected to digitalSTROM – whilst your at home or on themove •Intelligent lighting control, allowing one to switch ordimindividual lights, all the lights in a room or in the housewiththe single click of a button • Enables the user to instantlychangethe mood of a room by selecting one of many pre-configuredpresets• Control your sun-blinds and shutters individually or perroom •Change between light- and shutter control with a simple swipeonyour phones display • Call up the panic function in your home.Thelights will turn on instantly and exit paths might open •Getinformation about the power consumption of electriccircuitsConnect the app with your personal my.digitalSTROM useraccount inorder to get access to your home from anywhere.Therefore, themy.digitalSTROM app must be installed and configuredon thedigitalSTROM-Server. We’re continuously providing newfeatures onthe digitalSTROM-Server. You can install the systemupdate directlyfrom your digitalSTROM-Configurator. ThedigitalSTROM-Serverversion 1.8 is available as of now.
dS Access 0.8.7
dS Access for dS-Eagle