easy application التطبيقات

My Wine Journal 1.93
- What was the name of that wine again?This app will help you remember.A few characters + a picture of the wines label = ready.Or even more simple, take a snapshot of the wines label.It will allow you to, with as little effort as possible, buildyour own collection of the wines you love.It’s up to you to decide how much effort you want to put in toyour collection. If you think it’s enough to save the name of thewine or just a picture of the wine label, then that’s all you needto do. Or if you want to take it a bit further and save all theinformation you can find about the wine, vintage, producer,roughness, amount in stock etc., then that’s possible too. You cangive up to 23 properties to a wine.Since it can be a bit tricky to type text in to a mobile phone,most input-fields contains input-help. It is often enough with justtwo letters to give you suggestions of for example wine names orgrapes.The feature you are likely to appreciate the most is the one whichenables you to photograph the wine label. A picture is the ultimatesupport for our memory.Through a "top 10" feature, you can build a list of yourfavorite wines. The list, you can easily emailto your friends from within the app.You can also give someone a tip of a wine that you like to afriend via an email from within the app.More features:- Choose to only see a certain type of wine, such as Red.- Sort the wines that appear on the date, name, rating orprice.- A general notebook and a notebook for all wines.- Backup/restore of data and images, so you can restore thedata/pictures if something has gone wrong.- Access to the names of several hundred wines made from a singlegrape (varietals) with a price indicator.- Create a wish list.- Total freedom to determine which of a wines more than 20properties to appear on the first page of the app.- Keep track of the number of wines in your collection, both bytype of wine, and wine alone.My Wine Journal, My Beer Journal and My Whisky Journal togetherform a trilogy of Appswith similar appearance and behavior.
My Beer Journal 1.3
Do you like Beer?Maybe this app is something for you.You probably been drinking many kinds of beer, and you willsurely try many more,but do you remember which you had drunk, if you liked them, thescent, the taste,what they cost, when you drank it, how did the label look like....Probably not, but this app will help you.It allows you to build up your own data collection of beers as youlike (or dislike).It’s up to you to decide how much effort you want to put in toyour collection.If you think it’s enough to save the name, or even easier, justtake a photo of the label,then that’s all you need to do.Or if you want to take it a bit further and save all theinformation you can find about the beer,brewery, type, rating, aftertaste..., then that’s possible too.Through a "top 10" feature, you can build a list of yourfavorite beers. The list, you can easily emailto your friends from within the app.It allows you to:- Take pictures of beer labels.- Rate and set properties on each beer.- Keep track of the number of beers in your beer cellar.- Write a text about each beer.- Sort the beer on the date, name, rating or price.- Create your own dictionary of different beers terms.- Etc. .....My Beer Journal, My Whisky Journal and My Wine Journal togetherform a trilogy of Appswith similar appearance and behavior.
RGB Demo Color schemes 1.4
easy application
Please read the help text since theGUI is somewhat complicated.The app handles an infinite numbercolor schemes, where each scheme,contain 80 colors (RGB values).You get access to a number ofpredefined color templates that alreadyare decorated with the most common colors.You will be able to create, copyand delete color schemes, to suityour own needs.Translate Pantone PMS numbersto RGB and hexadecimal numbersDo you want to use it withoutrestrictions, download thepay version - RGB Colour schemes.
Byta efternamn 1.3
Appen kan kan generera miljontals förslag påSvenska efternamn.Du ges flera möjligheter att påverka hur förslagen skall seut,exempelvis att namnförslagen skall börja eller sluta på ett visstsätt.Via "Inspirations" knappen kan du också bli inspirerad avAmerikanska och Norska efternamn.Via en "10 i topp" funktion kan du bygga upp en lista meddinafavoritnamn. Listan kan du lätt mejla till dina vänner inifrånappen.Här följer en beskrivning av appens olika möjligheter.- Du kan få över 3,4 miljoner namnförslag - ett åt gången.- Om du redan bestämt dig för att namnet skall börja med på ettvisst sätt,t.ex. Falk, då kan appen ge förslag till den avslutande delen avnamnet,- Samma sak om du vill att namnet skall avslutas på ett visstsättt.ex. krona. Appen ger då förslag till början av namnet.- Vill du att mellandelen av namnet skall innehålla någotspeciellt,så kan du även ange det.- Du kan alltid redigera appens förslag och får på så vismöjlighet att jobba vidare med namnförslagen.- Du kan naturligtvis spara undan alla namnförslag som dugillar.- Via "Inspirations" knappen kan du också bli inspirerad avcirka 1000 Amerikanska och 1000 Norska efternamn.The app can generatemillions suggestions Swedish surname.You are given several opportunities to influence how the proposalswill be assessed;for example, to name the proposals should begin or end in a certainway.Via the "Inspirations" button can also be inspired byUS and Norwegian surname.Through a "top 10" feature, you can build a list of yourfavorite name. The list, you can easily email to your friends fromwithin the app.Here is a description of the app's various possibilities.- You can get over 3.4 million proposed name - one at atime.- If you have already decided that the name should begin with acertain way,  for example Falk, as the app can make suggestions forthe final part of the name,- Same thing if you want your name to be terminated in a certainway  for example Crown. The app then provides suggestions tothe beginning of the name.- Do you want the middle part of the name must contain somethingspecial,  you can also specify it.- You can always edit your app's suggestions and will thus  the opportunity to work further with namesuggestions.- You can save away all name suggestions that you like.- Via the "Inspirations" button can also be inspired by  about 1,000 US and 1,000 Norwegian surname.
Scandinavian Baby Names 1.1
Scandinavia stands for the countriesSweden,Norway and Denmark.This app gives you thousands of baby names for girls and boysfromthese countries to choose from.You build up a list with the names you find attractive, andlateryou can organize the list so the most interesting namescomesfirst.You can also send the names you finds attractive to your friendsviaemail.You also get a notebook where you could write down yourthoughtsabout babies and names.
Min Vin Journal 1.97
- Vad hette det där goda vinet nu igen?Den här appen hjälper dig att komma ihåg.Några tecken av vinets namn räcker för det mesta.Eller ännu enklare, ta ett "SnapShot" av vinets etikett.Eller använd funktionen Import till att väldigt snabbtbygga upp grunden till en vinsamling - med hjälp av en textfil.Hur mycket arbete du sedan vill lägga ner bestämmer dusjälv.Tycker du att det räcker med att spara vinets namn eller baraenbild på vinflaskans etikett, då nöjer du dig med det. Vill dusparaall möjlig information om vinet, t.ex. årgång, producent,strävhet,antal i lager ..... då kan du göra det. Upp till 23olikaegenskaper kan du ge ett vin.Då det är knepigt att skriva in text på en mobiltelefon, såfinnsdet imatningshjälp till de flesta inmatningsfälten. Oftaräcker detmed två bokstäver, sedan får du matchande förslag påt.ex vinnamneller druvor.Det du kommer att uppskatta mest, är troligtvis att du kan taenbild på vinflaskans etikett. Använder du appens SnapShottjänst,räcker det med att ta en bild för att vinet skall finnas medi dinsamling.Via en "10 i topp" funktion kan du bygga upp en lista meddinafavoritviner. Listan kan du lätt mejlatill dina vänner inifrån appen.Mer funktioner:- Se hela vinsamlingen i en EXCEL liknande vy.- Håll reda på antalet flaskor i vinsamlingen. Både per typ avvinoch per enskilt vin.- Välja att endast se en viss typ av vin, t.ex. rött.- Sortera de viner som visas på datum, namn, betyg och pris.- Backup/återställ av data och bilder, dvs du kanåterskapadata/bilder om något har gått fel.- En generell anteckningsbok och en anteckningsbok förallaviner.- Total frihet att bestämma vilka av ett vins 23 egenskapersomskall visas på appens första sida.Min Vin Journal, Min Whisky Journal och Min Öl Journalbildartillsammans en trilogi av apparmed liknande utseende och beteende.- What was that goodwineagain?This app helps you to remember.Some signs of the wine's name is enough for most.Or even simpler, take a "Snapshot" of the wine label.Or use the Import function to very quicklybuilding foundation for a wine collection - by means of atextfile.How much work you then want to put it down to you. Do youthinkit is enough to save the wine's name or just a pictureofvinflaskans label, then are you satisfied with it. Want to saveallpossible information about the wine, for example,vintage,producer, roughness, number of layers ..... then you can doit. Upto 23 different characteristics, you can give a wine.Then it's tricky to enter text on a cell phone, sothereimatningshjälp to most input fields. Often it is sufficientwithtwo letters, then you get matching suggestions such as winenamesor grapes.What you will appreciate most is probably that you can takeapicture of vinflaskans label. Do you use the app SnapShotservice,it is enough to take a picture for the wine to be includedin yourcollection.Through a "top 10" feature, you can build a list of yourfavoritewines. The list, you can easily emailto your friends from within the app.More features:- See the entire wine selection in an Excel-like view.- Keep track of the number of bottles of wine selection. Bothbytype of wine and a single wine.- Choosing to only see a certain type of wine, such as RED.- Sort the wines appear on the date, name, rating and price.- Backup / restore of data and images, that you can recover data/images if something has gone wrong.- A general notebook and a notebook for all wines.- Total freedom to determine which of a wine 23 properties tobedisplayed on the app's front page.My Wine Journal, My Whisky Magazine and My Beer Journaltogetherform a trilogy of appswith similar appearance and behavior.
My Whisky Journal 1.3
You probably been drinking many kinds ofWhisky,and you will surely try many more,but do you remember those you have been drinking,if you liked them, the scent, the taste,what they cost, when you drank it, how did the label look like ....If not - then this app can help you.With it you can build your own whiskey collectionof images and data over the whiskeys that you like.It’s up to you to decide how much effort you want to put in toyour collection.If you think it’s enough to save the name, or even easier, justtake a photo of the label, then that’s all you need to do.Or if you want to take it a bit further and save all theinformation you can find about the whisky,distillery, type, rating, aftertaste..., then that’s possibletoo.Over 15 different characteristics is it possible to give awhiskey.There are input help for most input fields. The app knows thename of a large number of whiskeysso often use only two letters to get you matched name proposals.The app knows a large numberof words used to describe the aroma, flavor, color, taste ... sooften you will not have to write,it is enough to select and press.Through a "top 10" feature, you can build a list of yourfavorite whiskey.The list, you can easily email to your friends from within theapp.More features:- Sort your whiskys on the date, name, rating or price.- A top ten list of whisky favorites that you can email to yourfriends from within the app.- Backup / restore of data and images allowing you can restore thedata / pictures if something goes wrong.- Take an image (which takes little space) on the bottle label fromwithin the app.- Show only whiskys of a certain type.- On the app's front page shows a selection of whiskyscharacteristics. You have total freedom to determine whichproperties to display.- With the liquor cabinet, you keep track of the whiskeys that youown at the moment.- In addition to built-in help text, so the app has its own webpage which you can access via the app.- Information about alcohol content of a large number ofwhiskys.- Information about whiskey names from different countries.- Information about whiskey names by type, ie malt, bourbon,etc.My Whisky Journal, My Beer Journal and My Wine Journal togetherform a trilogy of Appswith similar appearance and behavior.
RGB Color schemes 1.4
It is a tool to manage colors.The app handles an infinite numbercolor schemes, where each scheme,contain 80 colors (RGB values).You get access to a number ofpredefined color templates that alreadyare decorated with the most common colors.You will be able to create, copyand delete color schemes, to suityour own needs.Translate Pantone PMS numbersto RGB and hexadecimal numbers.Not sure, try the demo versionRGB Demo Color schemes.
Skandinaviska Barn Namn 1.1
Välj mellan tusentals Svenska, Norska ochDanska namn för flickor och pojkar.Du bygger upp en lista med de namn som du finner attraktiva. Listankan du sedan ordna så de mest intressanta namnen hamnar först. Dufår också en anteckningsbok där du kan skriva ner dina tankar ombarn och namn, eller varför inte föra dagbok över tiden fram tilldopet.Du kan även skicka dina favoritnamn till dina vänner via emailinifrån appen.Choose from thousands ofSwedish, Norwegian and Danish names for girls and boys.You build up a list of the names that you find attractive. The listcan then arrange the most interesting names end up first. You alsoget a notebook where you can write down your thoughts aboutchildren and the names, or why not keep a diary of the time untilthe baptism.You can also send your favorite name to your friends via email fromwithin the app.