emit التطبيقات

Nurture - Smart Reminders and Relationship Coach 1.3.3
Nurture checks WhatsApp, Messenger, etc and reminds you to keep intouch with friends and family. Chat with your coach to get supportand tips on your relations. 1. Automatically checks and reminds ifyou haven’t reached out to someone through WhatsApp, Messenger,SMS, etc in a while. Consistency matters in relations! 2.Relationship coach to speak about everyday problems you’re havingwith your partners, friends, and family - who hears you out andoffers continuous support to solve conflicts and even get tips onimproving your relationships. 3. Scheduled messages –set “happybirthdays”, “how was your meeting?”, “hey, are we still on fortomorrow?”, etc in advance – directly onto other messaging apps.Keep your network impressed with thoughtful follow-ups. 4. Viewyour contacts grow as beautiful trees the more you interact withthem. Record notes to remind yourself about the things your networkcares about. Upcoming features: - Tags for contacts such as“family”, “work”, “college”, etc - Timeline to view interactionhistory with your contacts - Integration with platforms such asInstagram, Snapchat, Gmail, etc. Our mission is to make Nurture anintimate space for your most important relations so you feel moredeeply connected with them. Along with helping you keep consistentin staying in touch thoughtfully, we are also passionate aboutproviding you with actionable tips and coaching on becoming abetter communicator to your partners, friends, family andprofessional network. Nurture offers the functions of personalCRMs, without the need to manually log “last contacted”. Users havefound Nurture helpful to remind them to keep in touch withimportant people in their lives when business or laziness mayunintentionally cause them to put it off for later. We will neversell your data, and it will always belong to you. We have afreemium model, which is our only source of revenue since dataprivacy is our most important concern when it comes to yourrelations. Please email us at team@ownemit.com for any support orfeature requests! We’d love to hear your feedback. *Relationshipcoaching *Scheduled messages *Relationship manager *Contactsmanager *Personal CRM *Communication tool
KPIs 1.3.2
Employee wellbeing and engagment coach
emit watch 1.11
Android app to control emit – add and edit faces, as well as synccalendars.