gammonfreak التطبيقات

Cube Action Training for Backgammon 1.5
This is a training application for backgammon, focused on cubeaction. Cube action problems are shown for every phase of the game.You can check the answer by simply tapping the display. If youmaster these problems, you'll be free from huge blunders. Pleasealso see Last Roll for Backgammon, which is focused on the lastroll position. Pip Counter for Backgammon, which is focused on pip coutingskill. is also new application for training response move withdoubles.
Pip Counter for Backgammon 2.2
Thank you for visiting this site. Pip Counter for Backgammon is atraining tool for backgammon. Race positions are randomlygenerated, and you can time the duration for pip count. Just tapthe screen and an original position generation algorithm createsevery kind of running game situations, covering from short race tolong race. Tap the screen again, and the pip count for each playeris displayed with the time you consumed in counting the pips, witha cube actions answer. The answer of cube action is generated basedon Keith count, which is highly accurate way to handle cube actionin race positions. You can also change the direction of the playersor show the guidance number to support your pip counting fromcustomization menu. Train your pip count skill and make yourbackgammon ability to higher level!! Please also see CubeTrainerfor backgammon, which is focused on cube action. Last Roll for Backgammon, which is focused on the last rollposition.
PipCounterFree for Backgammon 1.0
This is a training application forbackgammon.Random position is generated by the application, and you can timethe duration for pip count.Train your pip count skill and make your backgammon ability tohigher level!!Please also see CubeTrainer for backgammon, which is focused oncube action. Last Roll for Backgammon, which is focused on the last rollposition. is also new application for training response move withdoubles.
Double Response for Backgammon 1.0
One out of six response moves start with doubles. Response doublesare good chance to create favorite positions at very early stage inbackgammon games. This application helps you to learn theseresponse doubles by showing you one of representative responsemoves just by touching on the screen. The applications showsvarious opening positions one after another. Let's get familiarwith these positions, and grab the first chance by taking maximumadvantage of response doubles !
Last Roll for Backgammon 2.0
This is a training application for backgammon. One of themostimportant numbers to remember in backgammon is the lastrollposition. The shortest way to be a strong player is tomemorizethem, so that you need not count in time-pressured matches.Thisapplication shows the positions of just 2 checkers or 1, inasequential way or in a random way, as you tap the screen.Enjoyremembering the last roll numbers and refine your skill inthefinal scene of the game!! Please also see Pip CounterforBackgammon, which is focused on pip coutingskill. for backgammon, which is focused on cubeaction. also new application for training response movewithdoubles.
Backgammon Learning 1.8