ioki التطبيقات

MUFMI – Movilizamos tu región 3.63.0
Transforming Public Transport into Smart Mobility.
KVV.easy 3.63.0
MyShuttle - your clever pickup at the KVV tariff
ioki – Testpilot Frankfurt (Service ended) 1.5.8
We are sorry but the ioki service for employees of the DeutscheBahnhas been closed down and won't come back. Thanks a lot foryourusing ioki in the last 2 years and for the feedback we got. ❤️----Regardless whether you are in the city or in the country, withtheioki app you can quickly book your trip. Together withpartners,ioki takes you to work, to the train station, to theshopping centreor any other destination of your choice within itsservice areas.Watch out: ioki is currently in a closed beta testand is availableonly to selected people in Frankfurt and Wittlich.This is how itworks: - Select your start and destination. - Wewill immediatelyshow you which vehicle is able to pick up. - Youbook your ride. -You will be picked up at a nearby virtualstation. - You can followyour vehicle live on the map. - Duringthe ride, your vehiclecollects additional passengers with asimilar destination. - Afteryour arrival you can rate your ride.General information about ioki: FAQ: Detailsabout the service testin Frankfurt: note: In order touse our ioki app the Google Play Servicesapp( installed and activated.
S-Bahn Stuttgart On-Demand 3.17.0
S-Bahn On-Demand - Die perfekte Ergänzung des Ersatzverkehrs amWochenende im Zeitraum der Stammstreckensperrung Mit demOn-Demand-Service der S-Bahn Stuttgart wird die Mobilität nochsmarter: Per App kannst du dir deine Fahrt bequem und individuellbuchen, ganz ohne Fahrplan – gestalte deine individuelle Reiseketteund komme bequem, schnell und sicher an dein Ziel. Die S-Bahn istwährend der Stammstrecke in zwei Bediengebieten auf Abruf für dichunterwegs: - Wochenendshuttle zwischen S- Vaihingen und UniversitätSamstag 20 - 24 Uhr Sonntag 10 - 20 Uhr - Nachtschwärmer Shuttlezwischen der Innenstadt und S-Vaihingen Samstag 00 - 06 Uhr Sonntag00 - 06 Uhr In Zusammenarbeit mit dem VVS bietet die S-BahnStuttgart den On-Demand-Verkehr integriert in das VVS-Tarifsysteman. Tages-, Wochen-, Monatskarten und andere gültige Fahrkartenwerden durch Vorzeigen beim Fahrer anerkannt. Hast du kein gültigesVVS-Ticket, kannst du dieses vor Fahrtantritt zum Beispiel in derMobility Stuttgart App kaufen. Und so funktioniert's: GIB DEINESTART- UND ZIELADRESSE EIN Wir zeigen dir in der App sofort,welches Fahrzeug dich wann und wo abholen kann. Anschließend holenwir dich von einer nahelgelegen Haltestelle ab und bringen dich zueiner Haltestelle, die möglichst nah deinem Ziel liegt. BUCHE DEINEFAHRT Sobald wir ein passendes Shuttle für deine Anfrage gefundenhaben, kannst du deine Fahrt buchen. Wenn du bereits ein VVS Tickethast, kannst du das Shuttle kostenlos nutzen, alternativ benötigtstdu für die Fahrt ein VVS Ticket, das du z.B. in der MobilityStuttgart App erwerben kannst. NIMM ANDERE MIT Während der Fahrtsteigen gegebenenfalls weitere Mitfahrer ein, die ein ähnlichesZiel haben. Durch diese Fahrgemeinschaften können wir mehrereFahrtanfragen bündeln, unsere Fahrzeuge und somit die Straßen unddeshalb auch die Umwelt entlasten. BEWERTE DEINE FAHRT Am Zielangekommen, kannst du uns Feedback geben und deine Fahrt bewerten.Schließlich navigieren wir dich per App zu Fuß zu deinem finalenZielpunkt (sofern notwendig).
ArrivaClick - Watford 3.50.1
Travel on demand around Watford with our app in a smarter way. Booknow.
EVA-Shuttle 3.6.2
Welcome to the future of mobility! Electric. Connected.Automated.From now on, the autonomous EVA-Shuttles will take you toyourdestination in Karlsruhe’s districtWeiherfeld-Dammerstockbarrier-free. You can book your rideconveniently and individuallyvia app. The shuttles operate ondemand – meaning without a fixedtimetable and entirely according toyou wishes and needs. There area total of 30 virtual stops, whichthe shuttle covers from Mondayto Sunday. As part of our researchproject, a ride with theEVA-Shuttle is free of charge for you tillthe end of June. Theshuttle is operated by the VerkehrsbetriebeKarlsruhe. What’sspecial about it, is that the shuttle runsautonomously, without adriver. Experience the future of mobility,right on your doorstep –Meet the new EVA-Shuttle! To ride along,you have to book a seatvia app. And this is how it works: ENTERYOUR START AND DESTINATIONADDRESS We’ll immediately show you whereand when which vehicle canpick you and up to two other people up.BOOK YOUR RIDE Via app wenavigate you to a nearby stop where youwill be picked up. You canlive track exactly where your vehicle ison its way to you. RATEYOUR RIDE Once you arrive at yourdestination, the shuttle willtake you back to a virtual stop nearyour destination. From there,we’ll navigate you to your finaldestination via app. Finally, youcan give us feedback and rate theexperience via the app. Moreinformation about the project: TheEVA-Shuttle is funded by theGerman Federal Ministry of Transportand Digital Infrastructure(BMVI) as part of the research program“Automated and ConnectedDriving” with 2.52 million euros. Projectpartners are the FZIResearch Center for Information Technology,Robert Bosch GmbH,Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe GmbH, TÜV SÜD and theDeutsche Bahnsubsidiary ioki GmbH. Any questions?
PubliCar 3.51.0
The on-demand service of PostBus
my SWCAR - flexible with on the way over 18,600 stops in Krefeld!
AST/ALT Holzminden
Flexible on the go: Book your AST or ALT Holzminden easily via app.
Anrufbus Unterland 3.51.0
My city. My connection.
PforzheimShuttle 3.51.0
Your wish is my command – the new PforzheimShuttle
ioki Wittlich 3.51.0
ioki makes mobility accessible for everyone – the new WittlichShuttle.
elbMOBIL 3.51.0
MOBILE in the Elbmarsch - without a timetable, completelyspontaneous. You call, we come!
PAD-Shuttle 3.12.0
With the PAD shuttle you can easily get to or from the Airport –individually and without strict timetables. With our demandresponsive transport platform mobility now becomes even smarter inEast Westphalia Lippe: Via our app you can book your trip to orfrom Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport conveniently and individually,without strict timetables and 24/7. The demand responsive transportservice is offered in cooperation with Busverkehr Ostwestfalen GmbH(BVO). The service is easily payable via our in-app online paymentmethod. And this is how it works: ENTER YOUR START AND DESTINATIONADDRESS We will immediately show you which vehicle can pick you up.You will either be driven from your exact starting address to theairport or we will take you from the airport to your exactdestination. BOOK AND PAY YOUR RIDE Once we have found a suitabledriver for your request, you can book your trip and pay directly inthe app with your stored credit card. In the app you can see livewhere your vehicle is on its way to you. SHARE YOUR RIDE Whiledriving, your vehicle may collect additional passengers who have asimilar destination. Through these carpools, we can bundle severaltravel requests, optimally utilize our vehicles and thus also theroads and relieve the environment. RATE YOUR RIDE Once you'vearrived, you can give us feedback and rate your ride. Finally,we'll navigate you to your final destination, if necessary.
HeinerLiner 3.51.0
Ride pooling from HEAG mobilo
Hop in. We'll drive you.
STADTBUSsi 3.51.0
STADTBUSsi… comes as ordered! Smart mobility via app, convenientand individual.
RVM On-Demand 3.51.0
Your new offer for even more flexible driving!
RMV On-Demand 3.51.0
RMV On-Demand-Shuttle
BBG onDemand
We connect the region!
NEA Mobil 3.50.1
This app offers you an easy and convenient option of travelling.
City-Shuttle Aschaffenburg 3.50.1
Comes on cue!
Moving freely in the city
On-Demand SO 3.51.0
On-Demand Soest district - your new offer for even more flexibledriving!
KEXI 3.50.1
KEXI - Your express bus in the district of Kelheim.
Rosi 3.50.1
Mobile at Lake Chiemsee with Rosi: Book your bus ride on demandconveniently via the app!
Prentice DRT
Book travel on DRT Services operated by Prentice of Haddington
kommit-Shuttle 3.51.0
Kommit-Shuttle - your new offer for even more flexible driving!
Bus alpin 3.50.1
The new online booking app
Easily book your on-demand bus in Estavayer
Schaddel Kassel 3.50.1
Schaddel is KVG's on-demand service. It supplements the bus andtram range.
Öffentliche City Shuttle
With electric drive from A to B: On tour through the city centerofBraunschweig.
kvgOF Hopper 3.46.1
The little bus that never sleeps
Hoki 3.50.1
With Hoki quickly through the Holzkirchner area.
VRN flexline 3.39.1
Your flexible On-Demand-Shuttle in Landau.
föllsch mobil 3.43.0
Book now via app: AST in Fulda and the LNG on-call buses inthedistrict
efi 3.46.1
With efi, you can get to your destination quickly at publictransport fares.
BEA 3.50.1
BEA shuttle buses drive in Valbert & Meinerzhagen. SimplyOrder, Get in, Arrive.
NEW Op Jück 3.46.1
The innovative on-demand service for Rheindahlen
rubi rebus 3.49.3
Drive as you wish
elma-mobil 3.53.0
elma, RVV mobility on demand in 6 communities in the districtofRegensburg.
FluxFux. 3.53.0
With the VER FluxFux On-Demand from A to B.
mobie 3.56.0
mobie complements public transport in Erftstadt and Pulheim andsoonbeyond.
Hofer LandBus 3.56.0
The Hofer Landbus app is the ideal access to our offer.
Arriva Click IT 3.57.2
Arriva Click IT is the Arriva Italia app dedicated toon-callservices.
Stagecoach Connect 3.57.2
Flexible travel with Stagecoach Connect
Friedrich HGW 3.58.0
WienMobil Hüpfer Donaustadt 3.58.0
Ride flexibly with the WienMobil Hüpfer in Donaustadt!
EMMI-MOBIL Bad Hindelang 3.58.0
EMMI-MOBIL is the innovative on-demand mobility offer inBadHindelang.
Chiamabus 3.58.0
on-call services, on-demand transport services, cotral bus calls