item24 التطبيقات

item Glossary for engineering 2.0.1
Being able to use the right technicalterminology in a foreign language is becoming increasinglyimportant for mechanical engineering students and fully qualifiedmechanical engineers.The item Glossary aims to help users do just that.This useful reference work combines a technical dictionary with anillustrated glossary and example sentences to offer an innovativeapproach to ensuring technical terminology is understood and usedappropriately.item GlossaryThe item Glossary currently contains entries in English andGerman.There are plans to extend the range of languages to include Spanishand Chinese.- Dictionary comprising approx. 60,000 entries- Glossary of approx. 1,500 entries incl. synonyms- 11000 example sentences- The entries explain terms in brief using related technicalterminology. Every glossary entry has been translated by technicaltranslators who work in the field of mechanical engineering.- Users learn the correct translation and usage for a whole rangeof technical terms.- The entries in the dictionary and glossary are based onspecialist course literature and reference works used by qualifiedengineers.- Approx. 20,000 example sentences for terms from the glossary anddictionary- The example sentences come from technical translations.- Approx. 500 labelled drawings accompany the glossary entriesThe item Glossary is a work in progress.More content will be added step by step until it reaches theplanned size.- The current version incorporates the following topic areas:Ergonomics, mechanics, conveying technology, design engineering,production processes, mechatronics, control technology, metrologyand electrical engineering.- The following topic areas are currently being prepared: Machinedynamics, production, material strength, mathematics and materialscience.item GmbHitem Industrietechnik GmbH is the leading developer and supplier ofbuilding kit systems for industrial applications. As an innovativecompany, we want to support a system of education and knowledgetransfer that prepares people for the future. We hope thistechnical glossary will be a helpful resource throughout yourstudies and career.item – Your ideas are worth it.
item Katalog-App 6.14.7
Die item Katalog App von item Industrietechnik GmbH istdieinteraktive Katalogbibliothek inklusive des neuenitemGesamtkatalogs MB 9 zur optimalen Nutzung auf Ihrem SmartphoneundTablet. Dank klarer Gliederung, prägnanter Beschreibungenundzahlreicher Anwendungsbeispiele im MB 9 gestaltet sichdieProduktsuche in einem Sortiment mit über 3.000 ProduktenalsKinderspiel. Technische Eigenschaften, Daten und Faktengebenoptimale Hilfestellung zur einfachen Projektrealisierung indenBereichen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau sowieMaterialbereitstellungund ergonomische Arbeitsplatzsysteme.Zusätzlich zum MB 9ermöglicht die App auch Zugriff auf weitereSpezial- undNeuheitenkataloge der item Industrietechnik GmbH. Bittewenden Siesich mit Fragen und Anregungen an FallsSie Fragenzur App oder zum Download haben, uns Anregungen mitteilenmöchtenoder Probleme mit der App haben, dann schreiben Sie uns. Wirfreuenuns auf Ihre Nachricht und werden Ihnen gerne antworten.
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miplus is the community for item pluspartner.